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Carnifex's Story Hour (Updated January 20th, "The Union")

The Sunderer

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This is all very interesting :)

I hear you on the difficulty of catching up with an old game... I am having exactly the same problem with my Sundered Sky Storyhour.

I like the mixture of steampunk and firearms, again given that Sundered Sky is a pirate setting, I asm attempting the same thing...

Good stuff, I look forward to the next installment.


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First Post
Thanks :)

I've put in a smattering of technology around the place - firearms are hardly common, however, in the nation of Adbar, a highly religious nation devoted to the sun-god Solanthar, often pistols are used by officers and Inquisitors as a symbol of rank, while the elite Dawn Guard actually use muskets. Of course, there's the whole aspect of magical firearms opened up there, such as the thaumineered pistol with the sound-dampening field.

Then there's the Black Knights of Zhatan, a favourite of mine... think steam-powered armour and a rather nasty magical/technology mix that allows them to gout super-heated steam from their dragon-helms :)

The Sunderer

First Post
I really like that sound dampened Pistol, and seeing as the rogue in my party has chosen the pistol as his ranged weapon I might just "procure" it...

His sneak attacks are literally stunning at the moment :)


First Post
Right then, the first of what will hopefully be weekly updates! Since it's been under a week since I posted up the original story thus far, this update will probably be a little shorter than usual.

Anyway, on with the story...

Still lying bandaged in a tent in a Corinthian military camp, with Lord Pendarme listening to him, Burl has just recounted what happened to him in the village - and it's pretty immediately obvious that Morgrim doesn't believe he's telling the truth. In a rather unpleasant manner, he tells Burl this, even going so far as to accuse him of being in league with the robed mages leading the orcs; he then informs the protesting Burl that they'll head back to Iril, the port-capital of Corinthia, where he'll have people check whether the wizard really is telling the truth or not - and makes it fairly clear he believes that Burl will fail that test. Then he leaves the injured man, sending the cleric along to heal him because he needs to be fit enough to travel.

The cleric, a big man in gleaming plate armour wearing a holy symbol of Solanthar the sun-god, storms in, intimidating the nurse (who tries her best to convince him to heal Burl) by ranting away. He's clearly upset at the thought of having to heal a necromancer, since the sun-gods followers hate undead with a passion, but eventually climbs down from his high horse enough to agree that if Burl can give him one good reason, he'll heal him.

Burl starts off by mentioning he worships Charon.

Bad idea.

The priest goes absolutely ballistic in sheer amazement at the prospect of someone asking him to heal a follower of the death god, and storms out angrily. The nurse sits down resignedly.

"Oh bugger," she sighs. "You screwed that one up, didn't you? You do realise that Charon and Solanthar hardly get along don't you?"

Pendarme returns, exasperated but also somewhat amused at what has happened - he informs Burl that whether or not he's been healed, they're heading south - him, Pendarme, Karai, and a small contingent of troops. When Burl tries to stand up and leave, Pendarme throws a bag of his clothes at him (knocking him back onto the bed), telling him to get dressed and get ready to leave quickly; and not to trry and escape, seeing as how he's in the middle of a military camp.

They set off south-east towards Iril. Pendarme leads the column of soldiers (all wearing the pendarme livery of a black lion on red), while a little behind him, Burl can see an elven woman riding side-saddle, whom he assumes is Karai; with a dark blue dress and thick fur cloak, she seems richly attired, but more striking is her lustrous gray hair and also gray skin.

When they strike camp that night, Burl hemmed in next to his campfire by the soldiers all around, Karai pays him a visit, and he can see now just how beautiful the strange gray elven woman really is. She returns his spellbook to him, and seems sympathetic, especially towards his being a necromancer, saying it can be a long and hard path to follow.

Karai then mentions something about the wisdom of acquiring a patron; Burl protests that he has no power or standing in his field to offer a patron, but she informs him that fealty and service can be as valuable, since a seed planted now can grow into a mighty oak, emphasising this by performing some minor magic to send some of the dead grass twining up into a tiny humanoid figure that totters for a few steps, then closing her eyes and invoking a thunderbolt on the horizon with a thought; this latter magic startles the camp sentries into alertness, amusing Burl.

He asks her about herself, but she proves evasive, only going as far as to say that while Burl and Morgrim are really both as much captives here as each other - Morgrim by his position as head of the Pendarme family - she is here of her own free will. She also says that she believes Burl's story but she will not intercede on his behalf, since she feels Morgrim - who is yet young and inexperienced - needs to learn from his mistakes; she reveals that Morgrim is in fact her nephew.

With that she leaves him, and the night passes uneventfully.

The next day they reach Iril, a wealthy and important city, since it is the only port on the eastern coast of the Drakkath, and so several nations have to send their trade routes through it. Lying on the river Saphrin (which is filled with merchant barges and boats), the city is home to a number of powerful merchant houses such as the Irilsons, the Dubois, the Pendarme, and others. While there is a weak feudal king nominally in control of the nation, it is really these merchant princes who rule in truth.

The column enters the city and heds through the North Quarter, where many wealthy citizens live, to the Pendarme residence. There Morgrim heads inside with an aged councillor filling him in on events while he has been gone, Karai quickly following; Burl is led to his quarters by a guard where he is given a fresh change of clothes and new bandages - the injuries are starting to heal up quite well now. Then a message arrives from Karai:

When you are ready, come down to the main hall. I shall then take you to meet Tewlcroghen.

- Karai

Burl surmises that Tewlcroghen must be the patron Karai has in mind, and sets off to find the main hall.

* * *

There is confusion for a few moments as Melisande and Meg'anna stare at each other; Melisande thinking for a moment that the druidess is an ogress, while the mute Meg'anna tries to convince the sorceress that she's not there to harm her. As things calm down a little, Melisande realises the druidess is mute.

However, before anything else can happen, a dreadspawn wanders out of the trees along the path. Both Meg'anna and Melisande know what they are; Meg'anna has heard of them vaguley, while Melisande has read about them in texts while studying as a Manipulator. They originated during the Dread March, a huge army of undead and horrors gathered together by a might necromancer about a hundred years ago; some rumours say he Manipulated the dreadspawn to use as cannon fodder, others say they were created as a pact between the necromancer and the shade of the Elder god Hashrukk (the Elder Gods were the original gods, defeated by the Younger Gods about a thousand years ago after the mortals locked the secret of the Elders power away - though they remained mighty beings).

Either way, Melisande knew they had remarkable qualities of regenerative healing; the best way to describe their appearance might be as small ogres, between five and six feet tall, hunched things with large lower jaws and small beady eyes. This one was carrying a blade more akin to a cleaver in one hand, wearing only a loincloth and a bandolier; when it saw the pair it stopped for a moment then charged Meg'anna.

She set her spear to recieve the charge, but there was no need; Melisande acted faster, raising her shortspear and using her natural ability as an aasimar to make light shine from it. This display of magic sent the superstitious and primitive dreadspawn running back into the trees in fear.

Melisande tries to sound savvy afterwards, talking about the technical properties of their fast healing, but in truth its the first time she's ever seen one other than in a sketchbook. Thinking on that, she decides she had better do a sketch herself now; then she realises that since she has a journal and pencils, the mute Meg'anna might be able to communicate to her in writing.

* * *

In the camp of Lord Colchis, Sebastion listened to the tales of the other Blood Ravens about what they were to face, asking tentatively about fleshtearers and dreadspawn. Jarrus, one of the mercs, tells him the rumours about dreadspawn - how some say they were created from a pact with the shade of Hashrukk - and also that they apparently heal very fast, so it's necessary to finish them off quickly before they get back up again. Agrus speaks in quiet horror about fleshtearers, about how they are basically little more than psychotic vessels of pure rage designed for killing. Seb looks at Argus's Manipulated horse, and wonders how the man can be so attached to an animal that has been fleshtwisted while so disgusted at another of the Manipulators creations.

The next morning he understands. The troops are forming up; the Carthagian foot troops all wearing heavy armours - banded mail, splint mail or half-plate - apart from the more lightly armed scouts. The Blood Ravens have formed up by some scouts when Deacon Naerban approaches and calls the fleshtearer to him, which comes loping through the camp as warriors scurry to get out of its way. Some nine feet tall, leaning forwards and muzzled mouth dripping with salivam the furred things claws are like sabres. The previous night Seb had asked what the 'tearers were made out of; none of the others had known for sure, and he'd had a horrible thought it might be humans. This thing before him, however, radiated an unnatural, alien malice that made him understand Argus's standpoint. His steed, Korellius, might have been Manipulated but at essence it was still a horse. These things, brought to life by the Toranese Church, were something different altogether.

Naerban started preaching the praises of Toran, telling the troops just how lucky they were to have a fleshtearer by their sides this day, and how it showed the favour of Toran upon them. Seb really wasn't so sure about the 'lucky' part...

* * *

Wyshira, Kale, Kaerval and Wolf made their way over the mountainous terrain of Cryosia to Jormungand, Kaerval recounting how it was named after Ishrak's servant Jormungand, a mighty sea serpent. Seemingly having perked up again, the bard recalled a tale of how, when Cryosia was still ruled by a single Grand Cryomancer rather than the High Council of Twelve, the ruler had become suspicious of the Church of Ishrak and began to oppress them. In anger at this, Ishrak sent Jormungand, and one day when the cryomancer was walking the docks he was eaten by the great serpent.

"There was such trouble after that event that from then on the cryomancers resolved to be ruled by the wisdom of twelve rather than the potential blindness of one, and the Church of Ishrak was never troubled by the mages again."

Jormungand itself is built on an area of flat land protruding from the mountainous coastline. Dominated by the Night Tower, a huge obsidian tower rising from the cryomancers compound, and the cathedral of Ishrak out on a peninsula that also acts as a lighthouse for the docks, it's a packed city of narrow streets and tall houses. The docks bustled with activity as the four wandered along them, Wolf reiterating his warnings not to get lost or end up in a fight (and above all not to annoy cryomancers, several of whom were wandering the docks in their blue robes at the time, talking to merchants), they split up, Wolf heading off to see what he could to about a ship south and arranging work. As he headed off, Kale saw him jam a small piece of paper into a notch in a wooden post nearby; the mercenary watched carefully to se who might pick it up, assuming this was part of the trade of being a mercenary - learning how to contact people.

Meanwhile Kale, Wyshira and Kaerval decide what to do next. Wyshira is in favour of a meal first although she does also want to visit the cathedral, and they agree they need some supplies too.

* * *

Sandslipper listens to the gnoll shamans words carefully, interpreting that the 'shimmering eyes of light' he mentions must mean Fireball; but she's unable to work out any more than this from the mystic's words. She shows him the package Fireball gave her, to see what he would make of it; immediately the gnolls psionic tattooes start actually moving, the eagles flapping their wings and the bolts of lightning arcing around as he gets quite fraught, telling her to put it away because "Shadow-weavers walk the threads of the life-web, searching, watching..."

Then he narrows his eyes, and tells her to listen. There, on the breeze, an insane, faint whispering can be heard getting closer. From what she can make out of it, Sandslipper realises something is searching for her - with intention to kill her and take the package. It gets louder and louder and then the shadows nearby coalesce into a large, ebony black arachnid with a row of glittering red eyes and two alarmingly human-like arms underneath its head. The gnoll barks at Sandslipper to leave as he draws a greatsword and begins to manifest psionic powers; she bursts away as the spider tries to get round the gnoll, but the shaman blocks it. Taking a swipe with his blade he misses, hitting a tree instead - and to Sandslippers surprise smashes the trunk into splinters, felling it.

Wasting no more time, Sandslipper runs as fast and as far as she can, manifesting skate to put as much distance as she can between them. She runs until finally fatigue takes her, and she can do nothing else but fall asleep on the road.

More of the arachnids appear round the shaman, demanding to know where Sandslipper went, but he resists their mental commands even though he knows he is running out of energy. The swarm closes in on him...

The following morning, Sandslipper woke most uncomfortably, picking herself up on the road. At least it was light now, and the shadows no longer seemed as menacing as they had when she had been racing through the darkness the previous night...


Great stuff, Carnifex! I'm looking forward to see how you tie all of the characters together.

I'd also be interested to see what kind of info you have on the cryomancers. I always loved mages that specialized in cold magicks.


First Post
Thanks, theRuinedOne :)

On the subject of cryomancers, I have created a number of new ice-based spells, and have created a full new Cryomancer PrC. I may post it up in the House Rules forum or wherever else you're supposed to put things like that... The spells have all already been submitted to Ps3e.com and should appear on there at some point, as should the PrC when the site gets its prestige class section up.

I've also done quite a few other new PrC's and spells for the campaign, which should begin to become evident here and there as the story progresses...


First Post
Guessing Games :)

Heh, guesses are starting to come in from the other players about just why the soon-to-appear-in-the-campaign PC, Ebri Zol, is starting with 27 hit points and 3,000 xp. Sandslippers player guessed that Ebri was a gnoll :) - nice idea, and I can see where it came from (2 extra hit die explain the hit points, and I have a fondness for gnolls :D), but they'll soon see it's wrong...


This is a really good story. I too am looking forward to the party forming together. You mentioned this was a story from an old game. How did you weave the tales together? Was it a PBEM or did you have separate sessions with each of the characters?


First Post
Well, I was planning to only update once per week, but seeing as I have plenty of time on my hands right now I might as well give a 'mid week' update...


Burl heads down to the main hall of the Pendarme residence, where Karai is waiting for him. She leads him into the left wing of the residence, down long corridors, where he notes the many ornaments and paintings - the Pendarmes are rich in a way he's never come across before.

Karai advises Burl that Tewlcroghen is a *very* powerful individual, and must be treated with respect. Eventually she leads him into a bare stone corridor lying down a flight of steps, at the end of which is an oak door. Then the elf leaves him to it.

Burl pauses to straighten out his clothes and generally make himself as presentable as possible, then knocks on the door. A deep, powerful voice replies "Enter." and he does so. The chamber beyond is impressive.

Large and rectangular, the stone walls are bare apart from vines climbing up them. The ceiling is mostly a skylight of grey and green stained glass designed to give a dappled effect on the room below. The place is dominated by a big rectangular pool of murky water, around which four statues trickle water into it from marble horns.

To his left, there is an arcane laboratory and shelves of books against the wall. To the right, a greatsword is held up on brackets and a suit of black armour stands. On the far side of the pool, ahead of him, is a huge tapestry depicting the Pendarme arms, and below that a large mahogany chair - more like a throne.

There sits Tewlcroghen.

Tall, powerfully built and with short black hair, the mans skin is extremely pale, and he wears simpple-cut black clothing. His eyes seem to be pits of blackness from this distance.

They converse, Burl being respectful and awed, complementing Tewlcroghen on his arcane laboratory and on the manner in which the room is so obviously someones home, unlike the rest of the building and its ostentatious style. The man takes well to the praise, and offers Burl a chance to pledge his alleigance to Pendarme, and with it all the benefits that would bring - support and resources, in particular free use of Tewlcroghen's lab - and emphasises the freedom the necromancer would still have - indeed, his patron wants him to go out and gain experience of the world, so he will be more useful to Pendarme. Now that the man has approached closer, Burl can see his eyes are not entirely black - the iris and pupils are, but the 'whites' are dark gray.

Before the beginning of his journey into the world, Burl had been unwise to the ways of subtlety, not realising the potential problems his path of necromancy and worship of Charon might cause - hence the fiasco with the priest of Solanthar. Now a bit wiser, he tentatively asks whether Tewlcroghen knew about those things. His patron did indeed and seemed perfectly happy with it, though professing not to follow a god himself.

Reassured, Burl agrees to become an agent for Pendarme, and Tewlcroghen gives him an amulet through which the man could contact him - one way only, and only a simple message. The amulet, the glossy scale of a young black dragon on a silver chain, had another property too, he said.

Once Burl had put it on, Tewlcroghen asks for him to put his hand out, which he does. Tewlcroghen then takes hold of the outstretched hand in a grip like that of steel.

Then he pulls out a small vial and pours acid over Burl's hand.

The wizard tries to yank his hand away but then realises all the acid is doing is causing a faint stinging sensation. Once his patron has poured alkaline over it to neutralise it, he explains the amulet also gives some small amount of acid resistance - "Don't try anything stupid like swimming in vats of the stuff," he warns.

The Blackscale Amulet grants Acid Resistance 5

Burl is impressed and thankful for the gift, and Tewlcroghen informs him that there is a week until Morgrim has him taken before clerics to check the veracity of his story - then orders him to go to one of the side gates when darkness falls and meet with another of Pendarme's agents; there is a task to be undertaken, it seems, that the agent will fill him in on.

Once again, Burl is told that Morgrim doesn't know about the necromancer pledging alliegance to Pendarme, and as yet doesn't need to either. He's allowed to speak to Karai about it - the mere mention of her name makes Tewlcroghen soften in attitude somewhat, and he claism that they keep no secrets from each other.

So Burl heads off, leaving Tewlcroghens chamber, and gets some food from the kitchen, before wandering around the residence, finding Karai's observatory in the roff, a small secret garden near Tewlcroghen's chambers, and other areas of the house such as barracks and armoury. When the time comes, he heads out to meet the other agent - who turns out to be an elf called Irial, wearing studded leather armour and with two short swords strapped to his belt. The rather sinister elf hands Burl a crossbow, saying he's going to need it because they're heading in to flush out a cell of cultists of the Bringer of Pestilence...

Melisande and Meg'anna:

The two women talk mroe now that the dreadspawn has fled, with Meg'anna using Mel's pencils and paper to write messages - it turns out she can write four languages in fact, common, sylvan, gnoll and elven. They're a bit worried the dreadspawn might come back with friends, and Melisande asks the druid whether she'll accompany her into Naseria.

Meg'anna is troubled by this. Part of her wants to wander, to see the world, but part of her is afraid to ever leave her druid grove and walk into the unknown out there. With the fleshtearer and everything, she feels extremely uneasy, in the end deciding she will let the forest decide. She sits down and waits, praying to Lliras that if she is to stay in the grove, nature should give her a sign.

Mel watches the mute druidess sitting in silence, worried she's said something that means the woman is going to stay and not accompany her. Then, after a while, Meg stands up, resolved in spirit that she will travel - for it is clearly the forests wish, which has sent her no signs to remain. The two, buoyed up emotionally, head into the forest through the night.

They walk on, and dawn breaks, the dawn chorus trilling out as Mel chatters incessantly to the silent Meg - a one-sided conversation if ever there was one. Then as the day wears on they hear sounds of battle nearby, and Mel gets in a state - because she doesn't know which side she should be on. In this conflicting borderland of gnolls, Carthagians and Naserians, she's cut off from any of them and unsure as to her place.

Then things go from bad to worse. A line of dreadspawn can be seen advancing through the trees from the other side - they haven't seen the pair yet, but it means they're hemmed in between abttle and spawn. Then Meg'anna feels the wrongness of nature rebelling due to a fleshtearer being nearby. A dark figure flits among the trees nearby.

Their situation really couldn't be too much worse right now...


The troops head out of camp, each group given a war horn to blow if they encounter a group of enemy that is more than they can cope with. Argus instructs the Blood Raven cavalry to stay a bit behind the skirmishing scouts, so the scouts can fire their crossbows with clear line of sight and so that if they are engaged in melee the horsemen can charge in. The fleshtearer spends its time ranging ahead and around, rarely in vision.

They head into the forest, and quickly hit trouble with a band of dreadspawn. The scouts have some trouble since their bolts rarely kill a spawn outright before it starts healing, and many reach melee; then the Ravens charge, smashing through the line of enemy and killing many outright with the impact of the cavalry charge. They pile straight on into the next line of enemy; two ogres. As they bear down on them, Seb wonders in fear just where the 'tearer is...

The cavalry charge kills one ogre but the other survives unscathed and with a slap sends Seb's horse reeling, before closing in to hit him with its club. Then its chest sprouts claws as the fleshtearer rends into it from behind, tearing its torso in two with a great crunch. It then lopes back into the trees again, covered in gore.

The strike force is regrouping when they hear the sound of horns blowing nearby - one of the other detachments is in serious trouble, it seems.


Sandslipper picks herself up from the road, still exhausted, and presses on.

She travels for many days, never seeing another gnoll nor one of the shadow-arachnid things, and eventually after a good deal of distance reaches the end of the Sudokan valley and enters the edge of the borderlands between Carthagia and Naseria. As she wanders through the woods there, feeling terribly alone and claustrophobic due to the way the trees block her vision (so totally unlike the empty, open desert), she hears the sounds of battle nearby. Deciding to head towards the conflict and cehck it out, she suddenly finds that closing in from behind her is a line of strange creatures - dreadspawn, though she doesn't know that because she's never encountered them before or even heard of them. Though they don't seem to have seen her yet, she finds they are closing in, also heading towards the battle...

Wyshira and Kale:

Wyshira, Kale and Kaerval head into the Great Serpent tavern, which proves to be a cut above the other dockside inns - this one's clearly for the merchants and captains rather than the common sailors. They're quite surprised to see a tall, blue-skinned lizardman serving at the bar, a crest running down his head and back.

After ordering food, they pick up the news and rumours. The barman is apparently a lhazakk, a subspecies of lizardman that can generate an electric current through its skin - hence he's good at keeping order. They mostly live in teh Limnus Glade swamps south-west of Corinthia, and apparently also over the Azure Sea on the Avorasa continent.

There's other news too - apparently eight of the High Mages recently ambushed and killed a leading religious figure of the Ascarian's religion of Fenris.

Cryosia abuts to the west with the tundra-lands of Ascaria. In the east of Ascaria, nomadic barbarian tribes are the main inhabitants, and they're often in conflict with the Cryosians. Recently an expansionist war with the barbarians has begun, since the population of Cryosia has grown and the cryomancers have decided to 'appropriate' the lands from the tribes, whom they see as primitive irritations. However, the religion of Fenris and its priests have done remarkably well in holding the tribes together in defence against a better equipped and magically supported foe.

Other news - rumours of a potential coup against the weak king of Corinthia, and fears of famine if the years grain crops in Huron and Adbar are poor.

The food is excellent, and after asking the lhazakk for advice on the best way to reach the temple of Ishrak, they first head to the market, with Wyshira picking up bits and pieces and some leather armour, and Kale buying a scabbard for the blade he took from the brine beasts lair. KAerval buys some spell components - the young man really intrigues Kale, who thought he'd dislike the bard but has found him to be a very agreable person. He usually doesn't think much of mages either, but finds the concept of Kaerval as a spellcaster really doesn't worry him.

Then they head to the cathedral, along the rocky peninsula. There are lots of sailors and captains heading up to pray to Ishrak for good weather on their next voyage - a common custom.

The cathedral compound is impressive - a massive building of gothic architecture and huge blue stained glass windows... well, sod it, I'll just cut and paste the description straight here:

The walk along the peninsula of rock rising from the water, at the edge of the port, was cold and windswept, but nonetheless there was a great deal of traffic - mainly sailors and captains heading back and forth to give praises to the Storm Lady before their next voyage over the seas. Occasionally a cleric would pass the trio by as they made their way towards the massive temple complex, usually wearing azure or white robes, often with one of the three central emblems to the religion of Ishrak highly prominent on their garb - a lightning bolt, an eagle, or a fish or dolphin.

The main building was huge, gothic arches rising high above, and the tower-lighthouse climbing even higher towards the skies. Two massive, metalbound doors were the entrance - closed shut, with smaller doors in the wall next to them admitting the worshippers in and out. A walled compound of buildings attached to the cathedral must have been where the clergy lived and worked.

Great swathes of blue-hued stained glass allowed great amounts of light into the building, and they could see a great dome of dappled blue glass atop the main section of the building. As they approached the doorways into the interior, they could see guards; men and women wearing gleaming armour and blue robes, lightning bolt emblems clearly visible and holding greatswords or halberds, carefully watching those entering or leaving the temple.

One of the temple guard - Storm Knights, the order of templars dedicated to the Storm Lady - walks up to Wyshira as they approach, seeing she is a water genasi, and bows, introducing himself as Levarian Imaskar. The big man asks what he can do for her, a blessed of Ishrak, and she replies that she is a priestess and would like to see the Cathedral of Storms, requesting the man lead them to a cleric who can perhaps show them the place and answer her questions. He does so, leading them inside.

Once again I'll copy/paste the interior description:

The Storm Knight turned round, blue cloak whipping round to reveal, emblazoned on the back, a large white circle emblem with a lightning bolt striking across it. He strode forwards through the doors, the trio in tow, into the interior of the cathedral.

It was quite a sight - huge arches rising high above, massive stained glass windows and domes letting in swathes of dappled light onto the mosaics covering the floors - depicting the seas, the skies, and all kinds of creatures that inhabited them. At the far end a massive banner hung behind the altar, depicting in cerulean blue and gold thread the serpent Jormungand coiled around the emblem of Ishrak.

Clerics and worshippers wandered the huge central chamber, quiet, reverential hushed conversation going on as at the far end an aged male priest - wearing a gold-edged aquamarine robe and obviously of high-standing - conducted a ceremony by the pool of water that lay before the altar, a line of supplicants bringing gifts for the Storm Lady to be cast into the waters. Two Storm Knights wearing golden helms stood to either side of the altar, resting their hands on the pommels of their greatswords which they held with points on the ground.

He leads them up to a blue-robed elderly priest quielty lighting some candles, and hands them over to him. The old priest is extremely affable and friendly, delighted to see a water genasi, and is happy to talk to them as Levarian returns to his post at the entrance.

All that, in some three days of play-by-messageboard game... :p

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