LOL seriously? That is some really lax playing-style.
Yeah, I don't ignore any of that stuff... Not losing a concentration spell because you are incapatated? Ignoring spell components? Ignoring hand switching (which is a free object interaction typically)? Casting is easy enough RAW, there is no need to make it even
I don't ignore any of that when I DM, but many tables do and purposely do and for that reason I disagree with the idea that there is this large number of players who want Somatic components to cause AOOs.
I have seen tables that have nerfed casters in various ways (reducing spell slots, slower spell progression, getting rid of spell foci so you have to track actual components).
I have not seen this in 5E at all, and I play a lot of D&D. I have also not seen it on any videos of games on you tube that I have watched.
TBH I have only even seen gritty realism the rules in the PHB one time. This effectively accomplishes some of the things you mentioned and they were universally disliked by all the players who chose never to do that again.
And yet how many people here are arguing against you??? Hmm...
I don't think this message board is a random sample of D&D players. Many players on this board also argue that 3E was better than 5E and we can say confidently players world wide don't believe that.
Which is, again, for ease of play and so players of casters can have more "fun".
No it isn't for ease of play because the rules only allow for it in certain situations. The rules regarding someatic components while both hands are full are actually quite complex - you can do it if you have a feat, or if one of the hands is holding a focus, and the rules on foci are themselves complex with different things counting for different classes, including weapons for some subclasses.
If it was for ease of play the rule would either be you can always do somatic components with both hands full or that you can never do it with both hands full. Either of those rules would be less complex than the current rule (as would doing away with components completely)
Yes, quicker. Much quicker. You like making an argument for heavy weapons, so what about finesse ones? I've fenced in college and that tip moves lightning fast. There is no way you could do a burning hands gesture before I could lunge and strike you.
I did not make an argement for heavy weapons, but I did note above that attacking with a light weapon should logically take about as much time as somatic components.
I can do a burning hands gesture as described in the spll A LOT faster than the videos posted earlier. Not just a little faster, a lot faster.