Cognizant and detailed rebuttal, sir.
Glad you see it my way.
Cognizant and detailed rebuttal, sir.
So you agree that the counterspell can't take place on your turn - but can on someone else's turn?
Because you said 'during anyone's turn' - which would imply that you think it could be cast during your turn, after casting the bonus actin spell. Which specifically what I was objecting to.
Nope. They are not more specific. For one thing - the bonus action spellcasting is actually a specific rule, not a general one. It overrides the general spellcasting rules.
There is no matching rule spelled out for reaction spells. It's just mentioned in their casting time. So the specific rule (bonus action spellcasting) overrides the general rule (you can cast spells according to their casting time).
This where we disagree - due to our difference in *opinion* as to which is more specific - the reaction trigger or the bonus spell rule. I believe the reaction trigger for the counterspell is more specific, you believe the bonus spell rule is...
And that's the bit that causes the problem.
Ah, stealth edit, there's more meat here!
Um, you must have skipped a few bits on how reactions work. There's lots more specificity on how to use reactions that just the casting time in the spell description.
Congrats, you made me go find a dev's reply on this.
@JeremyECrawford Can I cast Feather Fall as reaction if I have already cast a spell (not cantrip) during my action?
Casting a spell as an action doesn't prevent you from casting one as a reaction on your turn. A bonus action is another story (PH, 202) #DnD…
Can we now just agree that "another story" means "no", so we can end this silliness? Thank you.
Too late, you've already commended me. I've declared victory, no take backs.
I award you a second 'Nuh-uh' point with a meritorious citation for misdirection in editing.
Sorry, can't, because a reaction can occur outside of a turn. If I ready a move to jump through a complex trap that cycles on initiative count 20, that's not happening on someone's turn.[MENTION=6788862]JonnyP71[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855114]Helldritch[/MENTION] [MENTION=16814]Ovinomancer[/MENTION]
Please let's agree the "reactions are not part of turns" interpretation is a house rule, and that the OP's question can be clearly and concisely replied to.
I disagree, and far more respectfully that you seem able to, that the evidence is so stacked. We have two unclear statements from Crawford and a number of other sage advice articles that don't add any more clarity to the situation. The rules present themselves in a way that you can read them either way. I advocate for my way with detailed and polite responses. You dismissively accuse others of trolling while pointing to the unclear sage advice and declaring victory. You may be right, but you haven't done yourself any favors with your bombastic and antagonistic interaction here. Calling for us to civilly cede the argument to you despite all of this is pretty hypocritical of you, at this point.Do note that I (and others) have never claimed the rules as written are superior to your view. Quite the opposite in fact.
See above link to Jeremy Crawford clearly distinguishes between casting a spell as an action and as a bonus action as regards the possibility to cast Featherfall on your own turn.
(Featherfall is a reaction, but more importantly, it is not a cantrip, and so can't be cast on your turn if you also cast a spell using a bonus action)
Please take a deep breath before you barge ahead, trying to claim I am misinterpreting JCrawford's reply or to throw shade at the answer given. Yes, I know "another story" is not as clear as we all would have hoped.
But the evidence is overwhelmingly stacked against you. You really should take this opportunity to gracefully bow out of the controversy. If you do, I applaud you for it - it is always bitter to admit a mistake. I know, I am myself loath to do so.