Hello, TTRPG friends. I have just discovered Castles&Crusades, and OSR game from Troll Lords. Me like. Someone on Reddit said something I have been trying to articulate for four years: 5e does mechanically what older games did narratively. That was like an afflatus for me!
I'm not slamming 5e: people love it, and that's totally cool. It's just not my jam, and as I've been poking around other systems (DCC, Dragonbane, Level Up A5e, Tales of the Valiant), I think I finally struck gold.
In any event, have people played this, and what are your thoughts? Thanks!
I'm not slamming 5e: people love it, and that's totally cool. It's just not my jam, and as I've been poking around other systems (DCC, Dragonbane, Level Up A5e, Tales of the Valiant), I think I finally struck gold.
In any event, have people played this, and what are your thoughts? Thanks!