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(Casual D&D V) The Tourne


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"Much appreciated, Oliver," the big half-orc looks unusually worried but a thorough checkup, regardless of results, seems to help him feel a little better, "Reminds me of that time a ghoul paralyzed me. I have some pretty bad luck with these things."

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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Looking Nurthk over, Oliver finds every reason to be concerned of a magical affliction. Ghoul fever begins this way; so does common influenza, but that's accompanied by excretory action, and Nurthk isn't even sweating. And while those things weren't ghouls exactly, they were close enough that Oliver can't blame the symptoms on dehydration or malnutrition, which might be otherwise likely causes.

There is a Temple of Heironeous near, however, and they are more than willing to assist, asking only several questions about the previous day's encounter. You are still able to leave Geid and continue onward in good time.


It is six more days traveling the Tourne, at a somewhat expedited rate. Your entourage improves its number substantially with each town you pass through, as the Crownsmen speak highly of your worth, and the worth of your quest (whether they have picked up on the attitude of Fendric and those others who are most committed to it, or have merely built it up in their own minds to lend meaning to the losses incurred en route, is an open question. It is probably both).

You arrive in Perlech too late to seek audience with the Knight Rienne Vaustus, final recipient to these letters. You find fine lodging on an estate owned by Koehl's family. He invites you to a late drink in a large but empty dining hall, to toast the journey's end, and Federich insists you oblige. Brich Oerry remains affectless as always, but does not seem in a hurry to sleep, either.

(Casual D&D is now 5 years old! Wow.

Anyway, looks like slow going for a while, as I think the death of the Subscription script has hedged some people out. I hadn't really wanted to gloss over Nurthk's disease, but it also didn't make sense to keep you guys waiting any longer on something that way easily handled.

Couple of things: First, I will be on vacation til the 11th, and while I'll have internet access, how much time I'll be spending here is another question. Second, I'm holding the action back a bit until dpdx becomes active again; the last letter is a milestone that he shouldn't miss.

Lastly, this thread's getting bigger and a new chapter's not too far off, so start dropping iconic-sounding statements! :) "The Fellowship of the White Dove" and "A Knight for a Pawn" were both taken from Uriel's posts, and it's a tradition I'd like to reinstate.)


Festy_Dog said:
Nurthk seeks out Fendric, looking more than a little under the weather.

"Fendric, I think those things we fought did more than paralyze. Could you take a look at me, see what's wrong with me exactly?" he asked.
"Certainly, my friend."

Before Fendric can begin, however, Oliver begins his exam. Bemused, Fendric steps aside. When Oliver makes his diagnosis, Fendric looks pensive, and finally voices his concern.

"My healing should have cured anything mundane. It must be the ghoul fever you speak of, Oliver, May Pelor Banish It from the Oerth Forever."

Fendric stops for a while, and then reconsiders. Walking away for a while, he returns with Hiritus in tow.

"A little trouble, Nurthk?" the paladin offers, and then sets to work. Laying on hands, he channels energy into the devotee of St. Cuthbert.

[Remove Disease on Nurthk, Paladin special ability.]


First Post
"You could say that. Thanks," Nurthk is grateful for the assistance, but a little embarrassed for seeking out help.

* * * * *

At the late drink Nurthk appear to be in the best mood he's been in for a while, likely brought on by being so close to finishing the journey. After he gets some drink in him he starts recounting tales of acts of heroism going back through the generations of his family. Naturally somewhat exaggerated and not as good as a professional storyteller, but still on the odd occasion containing interesting tidbits.


Registered User
Oliver spends the six days getting to better know the Crownsmen and his travelling mates. Discussing points of history of the Tourne with Nurthk and the Tourneans. Religious discussions with Fendric and Hirtius, which invariably turned to spirited debates about topics ranging from fate and free will to the strange customs of a small sect of grubby humans who'd forsaken the gods of men to worship underground the gods of earth. Language lessons in both directions with Xiao and duets over the cooking fires. He played Kingsmen with Tatlock. And once saved Puck from Winkle's talons, growling at Cray, though he'd chiefly been angry that he hadn't noticed the attention Winkle had been paying to the ferret. Hunted with Raven - should the law of the land allow, that hadn't been in the book. He discusses points Arcane with Cylantro, the symbol on the relentless metal man they'd encountered, and wonders if the lads ever succeeded in laying the automaton to rest or if it still flailed mechanically as they juggled its limbs.

He wondered at the strange feeling in his bones. Like dawn breaking. A density and depth to the senses that he'd felt slipping away over the past decades. Hells. Over the past three decades. A power. A power that had shuddered through him and flowed into Cray. That he didn't fully understand, but that resonated within him.

In his mind it was linked to the travels. To his companions, to their Quest. It is a Quest, isn't it? It had been one since the beginning, though he hadn't admitted it. The Knight Thedoric (now-dead) posing as the Knight Exantrius (long-dead)... ...Mysterious letters... ...sinister rings... ...fantastic creatures... ...constructs... what was it if not an Adventure? A Quest?

A trial. ...blazing fire, a dying girl... a dog charging a rabid bear, thrown aside, broken... ...a ransacked city... ...lightning flashing... ...wyrms with faces like men, only different, twisted... ...death...

...water silvered with raspberry...

He wondered if a fine house would serve as well as a fine inn were he to make the request of his hosts. Oliver stared hard at the glass before him. A brandy. Beautiful and clear in the lamplight. Sweet, brown fire. No water for him. Not tonight. He looked up and smiled at Nurthk's oration. He guffawed more lustily than he felt. And cheered more readily than was in his heart. It was hard growing old. To remember so much. Remember it, because it was gone. To feel the stealthy brush of the Gloomking's fingers on his neck.

Oliver choked on an ill-swallowed sip of spirits. His eyes watered. Best to be done with this business. He coughed. And then what? Get back to...? Oh, right. To nothing. Wiping his mouth with the back of his wrist he waved off concerned looks. No. Not exactly nothing. Once again Oliver found himself choked with a well of affection for his... his friends.

It wasn't so terrible to grow old with friends. The tears he wiped away weren't all from the coughing.
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ic - Casual

Xiao roams freely around the fringes of the travelling party for the six days it takes to reach their destination. More often that not he seems to have a smile on his face, as if the simple act of moving from A to B brings him pleasure. He practices his recorder playing a little each night. He hasn't improved much. But he has learnt a few of the more popular tunes and if others are playing, he is able to join in without embarrassing himself. Otherwise he is a little quiet, generally keeping his own counsel unless directly spoken to. Unless the conversation turns to the events forming the backdrop to this quest.

But from the little he does say, it slowly becomes apparent that the stranger from a strange place may not be continuing on with his companions after the last letter has been delivered.

[sblock=ooc]There are a couple of reasons for this. I'll outline them in the ooc thread. [/sblock]

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Koehl, along with the others, listens to Nurthk tales intently, finishing many drinks, asking question along the way to keep the story told. "And tell me," he inquires at the end of it, "have you any sons yet to carry on your tale?"

Brich's eyebrow starts at this, but the strange look he gives Koehl disappears quickly, unexplained.

(Will, Sense Motive, & Spot from everyone, please.)


ic - Casual

You arrive in Perlech too late to seek audience with the Knight Rienne Vaustus, final recipient to these letters. You find fine lodging on an estate owned by Koehl's family. He invites you to a late drink in a large but empty dining hall, to toast the journey's end, and Federich insists you oblige. Brich Oerry remains affectless as always, but does not seem in a hurry to sleep, either.

Xiao wanders around the hall for a bit, gazing at the walls, ceiling and decorations. While in function, it is essentially the same as halls back home, in form it is very different. Xiao feels a slight welling up of homesickness. Xiao drinks only moderately, not having developed a taste for the beverages of this part of the world. The monk does however enjoy Nurthk's tales.

[sblock=ooc]Will 24, Sense Motive 23, Spot 18.[/sblock]


Registered User
Oliver's coughing fit passes and he settles into the comfort of the room and the companionship. He cocks his head at Koehl's question, attention focusing sharply at the sudden interest in Nurthk's lineage where there had been little before.

Will: 12
Sense Motive: 22
Spot: 15
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First Post
Guilt Puppy said:
"And tell me," he inquires at the end of it, "have you any sons yet to carry on your tale?"

Nurthk scratches his head.

"Funny you should ask," is all Nurthk gets out before the strangeness takes place.

[sblock=ooc]will 13, sense motive 9, spot 16[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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