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(Casual D&D V) The Tourne

Guilt Puppy

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Raven is the first to notice the camp set up near the road, among a patch of trees, about six hours out of Geid. They are long tent's, not remotely concealed. And even from a distance, Raven can recognize the emblem on a flag (a gold tower on a flag, with three prongs on each vertical end) as the same your new companions bear.

It is still a ways off yet to guess how many there are, but at least two long tents, and a few carts about. You don't see any horses, however; perhaps theirs are not so large as these.

Brich notices it shortly after, and passes the word out among his others. "These may be the convoy we're set to meet in Geid," Koehl comments. "Odd spot to camp though. Maybe they're new to these roads, and don't know how near the city is."

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ic - Casual

Xiao rejoins the caravan shortly before they draw to a halt. Of late, since entering the Tourne, the stranger from a strange land has been somewhat quiet and withdrawn. He has taken to taking himself off for hours at a time, catching up or waiting for the rest of his companions down the road. Xiao suspects that it drives Fendric to distraction having members of the party wondering off on their own. But Xiao carries nothing more offensive than a staff, and off all the group, has been the least affected by the controls placed on weapons. By now, his command of the language is tolerable, sufficient that he is able to make himself understood well enough. And the group, quite frankly, is not that hard to track down, especially given that relatively few people seem to come here from elsewhere.

With two, no, now only one letter to deliver, the task which has largely subsumed their personal goals and ambitions for so long will soon be completed. People are going to have to start making their own decisions again. The subtle changes in the group dynamic are, Xiao suspects, the slow awakening of his companions sense of individuality.

Xiao wonders what the others are thinking of doing once they are done. Xiao wonders if they group will stay together, or will scatter in different directions across the continent. But for now, Xiao contents himself with wandering to the front of their little convoy to have a look at what lies ahead.

Xiao looks up at Raven and grins.

"We have look yes? First one to be spotted is smell of rotten egg."


First Post
Nurthk sits atop the party's carriage, with his head buried in one of the books provided. He turns the pages slowly, not being the fastest of readers but making up for it with a sincerity to learn from the text.

He seems happy to see Xiao spend more time with the rest of the party, and makes a point of trying to learn about the stranger's strange land.

Hearing about the camp up ahead Nurthk marks his page and goes to return the book to its place. He becomes more attentive to what goes on around the caravan, whereas up until this point he'd almost seen the trip as a holiday.


Guilt Puppy said:
"These may be the convoy we're set to meet in Geid," Koehl comments. "Odd spot to camp though. Maybe they're new to these roads, and don't know how near the city is."
While Fendric stays in the carriage, Hiritus, keeping pace aboard Justice, takes Koehl's warning for what it is - a hint of suspicion. Looking ahead, and reaching out with his detect evil, Hiritus tries to make sure the situation is free of taint.


ic - Casual

Getting no response from his companion, Xiao taps the tall horseman on the leg with his staff.

"Hey Black Bird. You sleeping up there?"

Turning to see who is drifting up behind them, Xiao is a little surprised to see Hiritus, but not Fendric. Fendric seems to have become something akin to reticent since he lost his horse.

But Xiao is not surprised to see 'that' look on the paladin's face. Xiao has seen that look many times before. They do not have the men of such talent where Xiao comes from. But the stranger from strange lands has come to respect the paladin's ability to detect tainted souls.

"See anything ahead?"

Xiao waits for a response as his companions contemplate the situation ahead. The monk twirls his staff and rolls it across his shoulders. His feet planted, he twists slowly from side to side.

"It have been quiet for some time now. Trouble bound to find us sooner or later."

He doesn't address his comments to anyone in particular. He just talks to fill the empty space. Not one of his most endearing qualities.

"But Xiao not mind. Xiao prefer to live in interesting times. Temple back home a bit boring, tell the truth. Lots of not interesting time. Listening to own breathing only interesting for so long. Xiao does miss the food, but."
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First Post
"You allready smell of rotten egg, my friend. Watch and learn." Raven says with a grin then disappears

(hide 31, Move silently 15)

Guilt Puppy

First Post
On the initial approach, Xiao and Raven see no signs of activity around the camp. There are no horses, though gear hangs around smaller trees where horses might have been posted. The carts (six in total) are all full of gear beneath their benches. There is a fire from the night before, just the narrowest wisp of smoke now escaping the deepest embers. You cannot see inside the tents (three, in total) but no sound escapes them.

Hiritus, from his vantage, can detect no evil.

(Spot checks, all.)


ic - Casual

Xiao watches Raven scurry off. With a shrug, the dark haired stranger drops his staff off his shoulders and into one hand, and sets off himself towards the camp ahead. He covers the the ground in easy strides, that eat up the distance in no time.

Catching Raven's eye, Xiao indicates that he is going to have a look in the tents.

[sblock=ooc]Speed 50 ft. Spot (1d20+7=26)[/sblock]
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ic - Casual

With one last look around, Xiao squares his shoulders and strides over towards the tents. He decides against attempting to remain unseen at this point - scuttling around like a rat tends to make people suspicious of your motives. However, the stranger with strange culinary utensils does move with a surprising lack of 'fuss'.

Xiao heads for the fire at the centre of the tents. From there he looks around for any signs of occupation, or trouble. If he spots nothing new, he announces himself with a greeting. If no response is forthcoming, he heads to the nearest tent and takes a look inside, pushing the flap aside with one hand while keeping his staff free in the other.

He repeats the process with the other tents if necessary, or possible.

[sblock=ooc]Move Silently (1d20+8=23)
Initiative +3 ----- [+3 dex]
AC 16 ------------- [+1 class, +2 Dex, +3 Wis*]
* Touch 15, Flat Footed 14.
* melee +7 (quarterstaff, 1d6+3/1d6+3)
* melee +7 (unarmed strike, 1d8+3)

Voidrunner's Codex

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