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Tac Abor, human rogue

Tac's brow furrows as he thinks a moment, then shakes his head. "I don't think I'd be very good at seduction, actually," Tac says matter-of-factly, as if he were merely assessing his skills at carpentry. Once inside, at the front counter, he asks the first person he sees, "We're looking for Sir Kovarski? The Mayor sent us to him for an appraisal?"

The clerk nods, "Sir Korvaski's in his office. Just this way, then." The clerk opens a hinged side gate to admit everyone to the area behind the counter but stops short at the sight of Sandstone. "No animals in the Mercantile. The dog'll have to be left outside."


Sandstone's ears droop as his tail sinks between his legs. The collie issues a soft canine whimper while regarding the clerk with mournful puppy eyes.

OOC: Diplomacy +4 :blush:

The clerk, who had previously regarded the dog with bored indifference, perks up a notch at Sandstone's feigned pathos and extends a hand out to pet the dog. "Awww, loyal are you, pup? C'mon then. You can wait back here behind the counter with me while they go in."


The collie shies away from the proffered hand, but visibly perks up at the show of kindness; wagging his long tail enthusiastically while panting.

OOC: Assuming the clerk follows through and allows him behind the counter, Sandstone will curl up discreetly near enough to Korvaski's office door to hopefully listen in on his meeting with the group. Never having had the opportunity, the canine is also curious to observe the bureaucratic goings on behind the counter.

Sandstone skirts the outstretched hand of the desk clerk and sits adjacent to the door while everyone enters Sir Jasper Korvaski's office, which consists of little other than a small cubicle of a space--most of which is taken up by an oversized desk and one guest chair. With multiple guests in his office, the office door won't close, so the clerk ushers everyone in then resumes duties at the counter. Sandstone may miss an odd word or two but otherwise has no trouble overhearing the conversation. While listening in, the young dragon has the opportunity to observe the clerk prepare title paperwork. No customers come to the Land and Title counter, but the clerk seems to have plenty of work to do nonetheless--a mountain of ill-ordered paperwork waiting to be stamped and processed threatens to topple to the left off the desk and onto the floorboards.

Inside the office, Sir Korvaski puts down his pen and stands, straightening his tabbard. Caught off guard by the bevy of guests, the former knight of Abadar extends a greeting then cautiously inquires, "What might I do for you this fine morning?"


First Post
Tac Abor, human rogue

"Pleasure to meet you Sir," Tac says, waving and bowing slightly (and doing both a tad awkwardly). "I'm Tac Abor. I've been working on the rebuild at the cathedral. And this is my cousin Elyra, and Talashia, and Sivan." He points to each person in turn. "And we were told you might be able to help us identify some currency we found during ... well, during the trouble yesterday."

After the usual pleasantries, Sir Merrick takes the sample coin handed him by Tac and sits down to his desk to examine the coin with the aid of a monocle and a scale. Though completely silent, Sir Korvaski is obviously rapt with interest as he turns the coin over and over while hunting for identifying marks. After some length of time, the League manager hands the coin back to Tac and stows his magnification device. "It's not common currency, I can tell you that--not from Sandpoint, nor from any of the larger cities...nay, not Korvosa nor her like. I put it at fresh minting, obviously it's new and not oft handled, else it'd be dinged up and dirty with prints. Someone's got their hands on a press, which ought to be trouble enough, but they've weighted it improperly. The surface gold's clean enough, alright, but it's heavier than it ought to be, which is indication to my eye that it's not clean gold all the way through. A clever forger will make his product heavier rather than lighter than standard. Folk who don't want much to do with a lightweight coin will often fall to stupor and appreciation when a heavy coin passes through their hands. The insignia on the face is queer, too. Not one I've seen before. Where'd you say you got this?" Sir Korvaski peers at the group assembled in his office with interest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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