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D&D 5E CB's Stonefast IC -- COMPLETE

Forged Fury

First Post
"If everyone is OK, perhaps we should move on?" Fulgrim looked around inquisitively. "You know, we do have a set of stairs open to us now. Should we see where they lead? With Guran at the front, of course?"

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
As Spec's face heals itself, he stands, seemingly renewed.

"Erm." He begins, and then clears his throat. He wipes off the end of his mace on his sleeve, not wanting to soil his handkerchief. "There is that spell caster still about, and whatever tripped the alarm spell, and the two doors that were blocked with debris but from which might come all sorts of dangers." He hopes there is not fear in his eyes. "And of course this sarcophagus room, and the hallway beyond."

"Might we deal with some of those issues before we advance downstairs?"

OOC: Clarification: one door blocked with debris, in the corridor that branches to the south off the hallway in which Roscoe and Guran currently stand. Though, two rooms ya'll've previously entered have been strewn with debris.


"One way down," Guran replies to Fulgrim; "but is there any other way back up?"

The rogue looks about him uncertainly. "These hallways and corridors interconnect. If we encounter an enemy that is too strong for us here, we can separate from the encounter by going another way; but if we descend while there are still known enemies on this level, who knows whether we'll ever get out again, if there is no other way back up?"

"I would, of course, want to scout ahead, whichever way we decide to go," he adds.

Guran semi-wisely refrains from congratulating Fulgrim on his discovery of the formerly-hidden stairway beneath the original position of the sarcophagus.

Forged Fury

First Post
Fulgrim shrugged, figuring they'd get to everything eventually. "Let's just remember it's here and hope that nothing comes crawling up behind us now that the way is open. Perhaps we should attempt the other door on this branch before heading back south to the barricade?"

Roscoe thanks Father Spec for the healing. One of the Orcs and one of the hands wounded him. He inspect the hands with the tip of his sword before stepping on them once more and kicking them away and down the corridor.
Where to? the pit trap? Maybe there is something in one of the room that will help us bridge the pit trap?

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"No problem, old chap. Glad to help." Spec, wiggling his nose because he is uncertain if his face has healed right, is prepared to follow either East along the corridor.


"The other door in this hallway sounds like a good idea," Guran agrees.

Once general assent is reached on the next direction to go, Guran nods to the rest of the party and starts going that way -- looking out for traps as he goes. (He's not trying to be particularly stealthy this time.)

OOC: Are you leaving open or closing the door to the sarcophagus room (Room 12)? Are you attempting to close up the sarcophagus? The pit trap floor panel in the sarcophagus room?

The group crossed the hall and tried the closed door on the southern wall of the hallway to the east of the sarcophagus room. Guran tested the floors for traps as he walked point but found none. The door to the new room (Room 13) was wooden and looked sturdy enough, but it was a departure from the other stone doors in this place. No steel bands brassed the exterior of the door to Room 13. There was only a plain iron hand by which someone might grasp and open the portal.

Find the door untrapped, Guran tried the handle. The room hadn't been locked; the door opened. A cool dry air laden heavily with the scent of chalk blasted from the room. Inside was a wonder. A stone-paneled room sported rows and rows of arched shelving, on which perched mostly neat rows of skulls. Most were uniform in size and shape, having a wide expanse of brow and cheek bone, and a large nasal cavity. The entire interior perimeter of the room was lined with skulls, floor to ceiling, save for the southern wall opposite the door, which lay in a strewn mess. The floor in front of this section of shelving was littered with broken bits of bone.


San Martino d. Battaglia, Italy​

GM: A character proficient in Religion (this is [MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION] and [MENTION=61026]tuxgeo[/MENTION]) may make a Religion DC 12 check to know the room's purpose. Father Spec, add a +1 circumstance bonus for being a cleric.

Anyone who wishes may make a Medicine DC 12 check. Some of you will receive a +1 bonus to the Medicine check, but I decline to say who or why. I'll add the latter to your roll if it applies.

[sblock=DM Note]R=o

OOC: Father Spec wriggled his nose to test whether his clawed face has healed properly. The skin on his left temple feels uncomfortably taut. When he touches it, the skin feels papery thin. Spec will have a permanent scar on his left temple. I leave it to you to describe its size and appearance.

Voidrunner's Codex

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