CE vs. N (FFA): Very Young Howling Dragon vs. Thunder Worm


After a few rounds....

Owl hits for 1 in Round 15. Twiggy has 1 hp left.

Twiggy hits back in Round 16. The owl has 2 hp left and resists the poison.

Owl hits for 1 in Round 17. Twiggy is disabled.

Twiggy misses with his dying blow. The owl takes flight and moves to 85N75E, 20 high. The owl is facing east.

Next up for CE: a feytouched (FF)

The feytouched goes first in Round 19.

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OK, we'll switch.

Round 19:

A woman with wispy hair and pointed ears steps to 85N0E. She wears leather armor and has a dagger sheathed in her scabbard. She fires an arrow towards the owl with her short bow.

Missed! (Rolled 13-2 for long range = 11)

The owl turns around to 75N35E.

Round 20:

The woman fires and misses. (Rolled 7) She then drops her bow and pulls out her dagger.

The owl dive bombs the woman's square. She hits with the AoO! (Rolled 15)

1 point of damage! The owl has 1 hp left.

The owl misses. (Rolled 7 + 2 for charge = 9) The owl lands.

Round 21:

The woman backs up to 85N5E and swipes. Misses! (Rolled 2)

The owl hops into the woman's square. She misses the AoO! (Rolled 14)

The owl claws with its talon! (Rolled 13) 1 point of damage! She has 1 hp left.

Round 22:

She backs up to 85N10E. Missed! (Rolled 15)

Owl hops. She misses again! (Rolled 16)

Owl hits! (Rolled 23) She is disabled!

Round 23:

She misses the dying blow! (Rolled 9)

The owl takes flight to 85N65E, 20 feet high.

Next up for CE: a forestkith goblin (MM III)

The goblin goes first in Round 24.


First Post
Goblin vs. owl

The muscular and barbaric looking goblin enters with a net in one hand. The other it has empty. It steps forward 20' and stands ready to grab the owl when it comes within reach.


Round 24

The goblin moves to 85N15E and readies his net.

The owl swings around to 75N45E, 20 feet high, facing the goblin.

Round 25:

The goblin waits patiently to set his trap.

The owl attempts a dive attack into the goblin's square. The goblin launches his net.

The net misses! (Rolled 9 ranged touch) The goblin misses his AoO bite! (Rolled 11)

The owl claws the goblin! (Rolled 23 + 2 for charge + 1 for higher ground = 26)

1 point of damage! The goblin has 3 hp left.

The owl lands in the goblin's square.


Round 26

The bite misses! (Rolled 13)

The owl rakes the goblin! (Rolled natural 20, 21 crit roll) 1 point of damage! The goblin has 2 hp left.

Round 27: Goblin misses, owl hits for 1. Goblin has 1 hp left.

Round 28: Goblin bites for 3! The owl has -2 hp and drops.

A dog moves to 85N60E.


Round 27

The dog tries to charge to 85N20E. The goblin throws his net.

The dog is entrapped! (Rolled 17-4 for unfolded = 13 touch)

The dog finishes its move to 85N20E but is unable to attack this round.


First Post
Die, doggie!

More lunch! The goblin hoots and hollers eerily and bites at the entangled dog. Still holding the line on the net, the goblin takes a step back from the dog and wonders what it will do with all of this food without his tribe around to eat some of it. He was getting full...

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