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CE vs. N (FFA): Very Young Howling Dragon vs. Thunder Worm


Round 35

Yes, you are right in your assumptions about the half-orc.

The half-orc will charge from the north as the rat did, to 15N0E. Misses! (Rolled 10+2 for charge = 12)

Doggy bites the half-orc! (Rolled 14) 2 points of damage! The half-orc has 3 hp left.

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The halforc continues to attack with his falchion (compress away).

I seem to be perpetually at the threshold of hitting, but never quite there.


Halforc and doggy both miss.
Halforc hits (rolled 18) and cleaves doggy for 11 points of damage. Doggy is dead. Dead puppies aren't much fun.

A gold coin comes into the arena at 20N115E and runs on tiny legs to 20N40E. Go ahead, halforc.


Coins are very hard to hit (rolled 6+2=8 for charge).

From up close you see that the coin is actually a coin-shaped beetle. It crawls into your square (you miss AoO with roll of 16), up your leg and bites you in the thigh (rolled 16) for 1 point of damage. Half-orc is at 2 HP, and the beetle is latched on to your thigh.

Should I time compress this battle, assuming half-orc tries to hack beetle off, while beetle continues trying to bite?
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Half-orc almost hits his own leg. Beetle tries to dig itself into H-o's thigh, but H-o wriggles just enough to avoid that fate and shake beetle loose (rolled 11 Ref save).

Half-orc takes 5-foot step back to 15N30E and nails beetle (rolled 23) for 5 points of damage. Beetle is at -3 HP and dying.

A tiny, three foot long, 1/2 inch diameter worm covered in barbs enters the arena at 15N115E and manically squirms its way to 15N40E.

Go ahead, half-orc.


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Halforc Charge!

The halforc charges wormy, aiming to dice it thoroughly. Against all future opponents, it either charges with the falchion or readies to strike with the falchion or (if the creature demonstrates a ranged attack) throws his javelin. Compress away.

*sigh* Or perhaps I'll just leave the battle to those with more internet time in a useful time zone. Maybe I'm just thin-skinned today.


The charge is successful (rolled 22+2=24 for charge), but some of the damage is absorbed, so you inflict only 3 points of damage. Wormy is at 0. Wormy moves into your space, and you miss the AoO.
You miss again, and 5-foot step back. Wormy moves into your space, and your AoO misses.
You hit, for 1 point of damage. Wormy is at -1 HP and dying. You are at 15N30E.

A medium-sized centipede comes into the arena and runs to 15N35E.
Your attack hits for 10 points. The centipede is at -6 HP and dying.

A hawk flies into the arena and charges to 15N35E, landing and missing with its claw.
You hit it for 8 points of damage. The blood hawk is at -4 HP and dying.

A pale, red-haired woman steps into the arena at 115N115E with a bow in her hand. She is wearing studded leather armor, with a warhammer at her belt and a shield strapped to her back.

She fires, hitting (rolled 16-2=14 for long range) for 4 points of damage. Half-orc is at -2 HP and dying. Half-orc fought valiantly and well.

Next for Chaotic Evil: an orc. Go ahead, CE.

SixFootGnome, I hope you can continue to make contributions.


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Bad news for the Orc

(Rats! One away from the Hall of Fame!)

The orc enters the arena well aware that he has a long distance in which he could be fletched full of arrows. In his mind, he sees two alternatives: to inch gradually forward with his defenses high and eventually corner the woman (before tearing her arms off) or to simply run at her and close quickly.

But the orc is chaotic, barbaric, and not especially smart besides. The orc enters and runs to 105N,105E, falchion in hand. His defenses are open and he has no dex bonus, but he is supremely confident that if he can shrug off her arrows he can dice her into tiny pieces!

If the orc survives the round, he will charge the puny archer with his falchion and fight to the death. Compress away.

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