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Champions Presents: Legion Extreme! [Hero 5thEd]-11/04 post extended 11/12!

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First Post
This is an awesome post and did you notice that one of the Ultimates knows one of the members of Legion Extreme, or at least their father. The Gray Mage shall be back and with him the coming of something untold. Immortality can be a curse. With all this accumulated knowledge and wisdom, no one listens. This team has had its victories but against a combined effort from a more cohesive enemy, then we are doomed. I can already forsee that the individualistic nature of the heroes is good but too much can set everyone up for failure. We shall see if this Legion Extreme is going to come together. If not we are doomed with the mounting enemies we accumulate. Luck can only carry so far.
"When superior and subordinate are in harmony, equally brave in battle, that makes for strength." Sun Tzu The Art of War.
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issue#7, part II

Blackstar screamed as he fell, even though he had altered his density after crashing through the plane so that now he was floating.

How’d I let them talk me into doing this crazy stunt!!!!!!

The reason was that he trusted Cyclone wouldn’t let him “fall” all the way to the ground. Had any of the other Ultimates promised to catch him, he would have flatly denied them. He saw the streak of their flying, “air wizard’ approach through his night-vision goggles. He laughed as he saw two and then three forms tumble uncontrollably from the hole that he had created and clenched his fists in triumph as he saw lightning shatter the front end of the airplane.

All too easy…. he thought as Cyclone dove below him.

He increased his weight slightly and grabbed on to one of Cyclone’s suit’s airfoils.

Time for round two! I’m gonna tear that plane to shreds!


Inside the wrecked cargo hold, the two PRIMUS agents held on for their lives. So did Somnus, Valor, and Dragonfist. Red emergency strobes flashed giving the situation a hellish, slow-motion feel as gear and papers flew around and out the holes. Cosmic Knight’s gyrostabilizers kept him hovering despite the angle of the plane, yet the novice super hesitated, unable to make a snap decision about what to do next.

“I am going after Ken Yamaguchi!” yelled Jae Sun over the howl of the night wind and screech of the descending plane.

Before anyone else could react he dove threw the hole in the floor and out into the void. Cosmic Knight half-cried, half-laughed nervously again and flew after his teammate. They were met with an explosive blast that scattered Meteor Man, Ken Yamaguchi, Jae Sun Lee, and Cosmic Knight in different directions. Cosmic Knight saw Meteor Man began to freefall. He was either dazed or unconscious. The Silver Avenger had been knocked towards one of the wings and had fired a grapple from his special PRIMUS-made pistol. The line caught and Ken hung on, buffeted by the swirling air currents. Cosmic Knight tumbled behind the KC-141 trying to stabilize his flight.

As he righted himself, he saw Cyclone…the man who had killed his father! The Ultimate flyer climbed perpendicular to the Starlifter. A large bulky shape jumped from his back and literally sank into the aircraft.

“Cyclone, today is you day of reckoning!” Cosmic Knight yelled.

In his ear, he heard Jae Sun chuckle over Legion Extreme’s radio frequency.

“I doubt that he can hear you. Very well then. Cyclone is yours, then. However, please do not let vengeance get to your head. Ken looks safe. I am going after Blackstar.”

How could Jae Sun be so calm as he fell to his death? thought Theo.

He looked over in the direction he had last seen the detective tumble. He blinked his eyes in disbelief.

Jae Sun was flying!


Inside the cargo hold, Dragonfist had been the first move. He knew that there were problems at the front of the plane and leaped across the cargo hold to the hatch that led to the rest of the vehicle.

Inside his head, Valor related, Somnus tells me that there are four minds up there. The brainwaves of two are fading fast. I am going to try and target some of the moving ones.

Dragonfist smirked and kicked open the first door. He liked the odds as he stepped into the avionics corridor. Another door, presumably leading to the cockpit blocked the far end. He crossed to half-way and his hair stood on end as he felt and then saw electricity arc across the wires. He whirled around to see a man coalesce from the conjoining of electric energy. Then a bolt left his outstretched arms and blasted Dragonfist in the chest. Even his Earth Dragon Stance did not prevent him from flying back as he was slammed into the far door. Fortunately it held. Smoking, Dragonfist fell to his knees.

“Shocking, isn’t it?” said the man smugly. Then he added, "Are you ready to dance for me, Chinaman?"

Thunderbolt balled his fists and Dragonfist saw a glow of energy begin to form. Then just as the blaster was about to let loose again to finish off the martial artist, he began to writhe and claw at his face, mumbling incoherently. Thunderbolt melted back into the wires.

Your welcome. called Valor in his head. Now hurry up and get him. He can’t escape very far.

Dragonfist leaped to his feet whirling around in midair, extending his leg and kicking in the door. He was rewarded with a grunt and saw an armored villain fly backward out the front of the plane. Unfortunately, jets from the villain’s backpack slowed his retreat. Dragonfist gagged at the stench of charred flesh. The pilots had been severely burned. He saw Thunderbolt floating in the air just outside the falling plane still clutching at his face. The other bad guy recovered and pointed a gun at him.

“Not good…,” muttered Dragonfist as the gun’s laser-pointer painted him.


Jae Sun Lee tapped into the Dragonlines for his power. Yet it was physically very taxing, and for him the lines were fickle, just like dragons. However, this evening so far, luck had been with him. He contacted Slipstream as soon has he had been able. In the plane, just before the attack there had been a radio blackout. Surely, the Ulitmates had used some sort of electronic warfare prior to the hit. Now, he floated back into the plane to make sure that the Ultimates did not meet their objective…whatever the cost.


Bravely, the two PRIMUS agents had crawled to the nearest coffin. Already they had opened the rear doors. They nodded their heads in agreement and blasted the bolts that held Slick’s coffin. Together with their prisoner they tumbled out the back of the plane. Jae Sun passed them as they escaped. The Silver Avenger, seeing his underlings leave with one of the prisoners, let go of the grapple pistol and rode the wind to join them.


Blackstar cursed in anger as he watched one coffin fly away. He radioed Cyclone and Binder. Then he went after the other. He was the essence of a neutron star, able to control his density and the density of matter around him. As he approached the other prisoner, the material of the aircraft was torn away as Blackstar became an insurmountable gravity well.

Jae Sun shook his head as he watched. He looked to Valor who was sweating and shaking his own head. The scientist pointed to the front. He was fighting his own battle, but he had already burned away his endurance reserve and now was physically taking pain to continue his mental attacks.

“Somnus, I need you!” he yelled and pointed towards Blackstar.

Armando looked to Valor, who nodded his head. He broke off his mental scan of the front and turned his gaze towards Blackstar slapping his ego. Blackstar reeled and turned to face his two opponents.


Inside his head, Valor watched or rather “felt” Dragonfist get hit with strands of sticky resin from Binder’s infamous glue gun. The martial artist tried to tear free but was helpless. Even though his previous illusion had faded, the mentalist still had feelers in the insane mind of Thunderbolt. He read the thoughts of the villain as he watched his helpless foe. Valor attacked with illusions again. Suddenly, Thunderbolt saw that Dragonfist had broken free of his bonds and was floating next to him in the air. He let loose against the target.

In reality, Valor had made Binder appear to be Dragonfist. Thunderbolt had attacked his fellow Ultimate. Binder in anger had attacked back with his glue. Before they could recover, the plane fell away, and Dragonfist was no longer in their line of sight. Then Captain Valor slumped to the ground as he saw spots. He had pushed himself nearly to unconsciousness.


Everybody has a weakness, thought Jae Sun Lee as he examined Blackstar with his master’s eye.

He was looking for a chink in the armor of the villain able to manipulate the building blocks of matter itself.

There! Amidst the swirling debris.

And Jae Sun Lee let loose with a blast of pure ch’i. Blackstar grunted and closed on the detective quicker than Jae Sun had expected. His punch sent Jae Sun flying backwards, dazed, out the back of the plane. Somnus retaliated with another assault to Blackstar’s ego. Strangely, it had no effect. Blackstar glared at Somnus.

“I’ll get you next!”

The mentalist flew away before the brute could close. The Ultimate returned his attentions to freeing his teammate.

“I’ll get you outta here soon enough, kid,” he said to the unconscious Radium he spied in the hot box.

Blackstar tore the coffin apart as if it were aluminum foil, allowing Radium to slump to the floor of the plane. Rads began spilling out in lethal doses, however, Blackstar absorbed most of it, making him even stronger.

“Almost got the kid, Binder,” he relayed to his friends.

Over the radio, Binder replied, “Good! Now get out of there! Cyclone’s after the other coffin.”

Blackstar hesitated. He really did not want to go through with the jumping-out-of-an-airplane thing again. The aircraft lurched violently. Radium began to slip away. Blackstar reached for him, but Somnus hit him with a wave of sleep successfully this time. Radium fell into the night sky. Blackstar did not pursue as a wave of vertigo overcame him.

“Nooooo!” Blackstar looked at the prismatic sphere that protected and hid Somnus. “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”

However, as Blackstar leaped towards Somnus, another energy blast hit him in his flank spinning him end over end into the bulkhead of the plane. He lay still. Jae Sun Lee breathed a sigh of relief as he glided back into the devastated cargo hold.

“Keep him down, Somnus!” he screamed over the din of the diving aircraft.

To the rest he yelled, “We are leaving!”

Valor nodded in affirmation and pointed towards the front of the plane. He began floating in that direction to see to Dragonfist and the aircrew. Somnus grabbed Blackstar and dove away from the wreck. Jae Sun looked into the sky and saw two streaks of light in an acrobatic dogfight. Energy and exhaust lit up the night as Cyclone and Cosmic Knight looped and dove at each other, one attempting to outmaneuver and outwit the other. Jae Sun could see that Cyclone was steadily making his way towards the cluster of strobe-lights in the distance—the other coffin and the PRIMUS agents. He floated away from the ruined aircraft as dawn was peeking its head towards the east.

“Cosmic Knight, you know what to do!”

Cosmic Knight grunted an acknowledgement. Cyclone had been flying circles around him for the last half-minute. Meteor Man had been blasted by the Ultimate incredibly hard, early on and was probably falling through the clouds, unconscious. C. Knight had even tried to hit Cyclone while cloaked, but the fast flyer had veered away at the last second. Cyclone was good. Even though Theo hated him, he had to admire Cyclone and his suit’s technology. Now he had no other choice. Enough finesse. Cosmic Knight would loose in that department any day of the week. Now it was time for brute force. Theo hit the afterburners and streaked unerringly towards his adversary. This time Cyclone was too slow.

The two suits of powered armor collided in mid air at fantastic speeds somewhere above the Nevada desert. After the crash, both went tumbling end over end in the sky. The sound carried for miles in the air. Cosmic Knight heard the smash more poignantly as a sickening crunch of armor and bone. He could not tell if it was his or Cyclone’s.

“My God, all I see is stars!” he cried out loud and his world went black.
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First Post
Definitely one of our more finer moments as a team. We came together, and worked like a hand. The Ultimates got there butts handed to them. I know Blackstar will not underestimate me again. The detective has some hidden powers.

What! Do you think he is going to live for centuries and not aquire some skills? :D

But, I must admit I was lucky that I had Blackstar's own ignorance and arrogance in underestimating the team and myself.

"When strong, feign weakness. When weak, appear strong. " Sun Tzu "The Art of War"

Our next encounter will probably be more dangerous for us. Man! Cosmic Knight laid it on Cyclone. A move through, that just leveled Cyclone. Cosmic Knight was understandably a little hesistant to do this as it would lay him out as well. Somnus and Valor worked a number on Thunderbolt and Blackstar. I look forward to the next issue. Where were Slipstream and Darkfire, with their help we could have captured the whole team? Too bad Slipstream was trying to put the moves on someone else's girl. Not a good guy thing, is it?! Ha,ha. .. Just give up on that girl, if she dates Meteor Man, I would not want to date her. :D


issue#7, part III


The proximity alert alarm woke Theo Coolidge from his blackout.

I'm alive!!!!

It took a few precious seconds to get orientated and then Cosmic Knight was flying again. He looked beneath him at the stark desert some thousands of feet below. It had been a close call. He checked in with the rest of the team.

“What took you so long, Cosmic Knight?” called Jae Sun over their radio frequency.

“Umm…just a little blackout. All systems fine now. Where’s Cyclone?”

“That is un-important right now. Radium is hurtling to the earth at terminal velocity. I suspect that if he hits the ground hard enough things will not be pleasant for us. You are the closest.”

Cosmic Knight shuddered at the thought and sped towards the glow that was Radium’s falling body. He caught him not a moment too soon, just shy of one thousand feet above the earth. With a sigh of relief, he flew towards the homing beacon the PRIMUS agents had sent.

Darkfire, meanwhile, with her amazing strength, slowed the descent of the plane enough so that it did not explode in a huge fireball, but skidded along the dust and sand. They met in the desert were Ken Yamaguchi and the other two agents were folding up their parachutes and securing camp. Slipstream was already racing back and forth putting up the shelters. Valor, supporting Dragonfist and the fried corpses of the two pilots, soared down a few moments later. Lastly, Jae Sun Lee floated down using a parachute, with Somnus closely guarding Blackstar—and keeping him asleep--flying alongside.

Finally, Cosmic Knight, directed away from the camp, landed with Radium. The agents, after donning radiation suits, threw lead blankets on the supervillian. Cosmic Knight passed out again, this time from radiation exposure. He came to, with Jae Sun standing over him and channeling healing ch’i into his body.

“I saw you fly?” Cosmic Knight asked incredulously. “I thought you were just a normal. No offense.”

“None taken. I do not think you saw me fly in the conventional sense. I would call it riding the air currents. I have an acute understanding of Bernoulli’s principle. I used it to the fullest near the plane.”

Jae Sun smiled and walked away, leaving Theo more perplexed than before. He did some quick formulations in his head. Bernoulli’s principle did not apply. The detective had defied physics!


The others were gathered around the two fallen PRIMUS agents who had piloted the KC-141.

“Dang!” exclaimed the Silver Avenger. “These guys had families.”

He was about to zip up the body bags.

“Wait!” cried Slipstream, “this one’s alive.”

In response, one of the burned men groaned. Slipstream quickly sped up his hands until they were a blur and adjusted the molecules in the man’s skin. The third degree burns became mostly second. The man would be scarred, and not nearly as bad as he could have been, but he would live. Unfortunately, the other man was beyond help.

Darkfire paced back and forth. She was extremely distressed at the loss of the two agents. They had mates and young. What would they do now?

You cannot help them, but I can, called a voice from the recesses of her mind.

Stay away! You’re not wanted here. I like the way I am now.

So is it about you now? What of the families of these beings? Think about someone else for once.

I do, I do! Why do you think I haven’t found a way back? Viv and these men have helped to see that I have purpose.

Tears came to her eyes and she turned away from the others so they would not see.

Sister, you were always the more emotional, a chuckle. Sigh….(although anyone who would have heard would have thought it was more of a “Snort”…) We can work together, you know. Each taking advantage of the others strengths. Let me help this poor being.

Darkfire nodded her head and a strange sensation filled her. From her perception she shrunk and moved to the back of a room of indeterminable size while the Other grew and grew…

Legion Extreme, Meteor Man, and the PRIMUS agents gasped in amazement as they saw Darkfire transform into a great, jet black unicorn standing two meters at the shoulders. Streaks of red coursed across her flanks and her eyes were filled with blue fire. As she stamped on the ground fire also erupted from her hoves and steam escaped her nostrils. She neighed in triumph. It was good to be free!

The rest of the group stepped back as the unicorn-thing moved forward to the dead body. Her horn touched the downed PRIMUS agent and he was covered with a nimbus of healing fire. Soon, he who was dead, coughed and groaned. Then the unicorn heard an unfamiliar whirring sound and became afraid. This place she had come into was very alien and strange. It began to terrify her. Before anyone could act and communicate with this being that Darkfire had changed into, it disappeared.

Over the horizon, helicopters appeared.

Yamaguchi smiled, “Yes! Backup!”


The rest of the morning, Legion Extreme called for Darkfire. Jae Sun, Cosmic Knight, and Dragonfist caught glimpses of her, or rather the dark unicorn phasing in and out across the desert, but then it would always blink away when they approached. Slipstream quickly tired of the game and returned to camp where Valor, Somnus, and the “ever helpful” Meteor Man monitored the prisoners.

“Dudes, I gotta go back to Hawaii. Tournament to win and all. See ya back in Boston!”

He sped away trailing a cloud of dust.

Yamaguchi radioed to the rest of the members, “Guys, we need to get to Stronghold as quickly as possible to get these guys into hot sleep chambers. These coffins won’t last much longer.”

While Jae Sun did not relish the idea of leaving Darkfire behind, he was also tiring of chasing what Slipstream had named, “My Little Pony” across the bleak landscape. He was just about to give up when Dragonfist spoke over the comm.

“Found her, Uncle. She’s a bit traumatized, and like crying, but I think she’ll be alright. Tell ‘em not to leave without us.”

Jae Sun climbed over a couple of dunes to reach the extraction area where C.Knight was already helping load equipment and coffins into a couple of UH-60 Blackhawks.An Apache flew over head. From behind another dune, and through the dust kicked up by the choppers, Anaka Ai Lee carried a shaking Darkfire.

Soon the team was en route to Stronghold. They arrived without further incident.


Very tired and soaking wet, Brian Parker exited the ocean with a big grin. His smile grew even wider as he saw the judge’s scores. He had won!

“Hah! And I did it all m’self!” he said looking at a discolored section of his right ring finger.

He rushed over to the stands hoping to get a congratulatory embrace from Elisa. The crowd pressed at him with many pats on the back and hand shakes. He spotted Elisa.

“Congratulations, Brian,” she said extending her hand.

Brian was stunned. She had a big smile and seemed genuine, but definitely not affectionate. At lest not in the way he had hoped. He took her hand and pulled her towards him giving her a hug anyway. He felt her awkwardly push away.

“Brian, you’re all wet!” exclaimed Elisa trying to play the weirdness off.

He laughed and spotted Grandma Shannon and Dr. Lu. He made his way through the fans towards them.

“Haha! Good job, Mr. Parka. You ride waves like you born in sea!”

Dr. Lu shook his had vigorously. His grandmother had a young woman in tow.
Brian had a sinking feeling.

His grandmother heaped accolades on him, but all he could do was stare in fear at the young brunette woman who looked at him with deep green eyes that wanted to possess him.

All he heard from his grandmother was, “Brian, meet Margie Preston. She’s such a nice girl.”

Brian wanted to scream…

End Issue #7


First Post
That is so funny! Hello!!!! Margie Preston. Is this the new love interest of Brian Parker a.ka. Slipstream? He should do the right thing like a real good man would and go after the unattached. Well, it seems his priorities are just a little skewed. Meteor Man's girlfriend! Come on! Dude! Get a life. What happened to being a cool surfer dude.?Well, Slipstream you are still my main man. Much love! Hang ten! Cool post! Yes, it was getting tiring to go chase after "My little pony." More cool things are coming down the pipe true believers.
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Never got to do a 1000 view treat...

Now at 1200...it's about time. Here's a great pic of the infamous Dr. Destroyer by Chris Stevens.


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First Post
Seems to me Honorwolf that the only one her obsessed with Eliza is you, lol. You've mentioned her in like your last 3 posts, heh. And its not bad to try and jack Meteor Mans woman... its called the Professional and Romantic Rival flaw. It's not me, its that dang flaw I took. And as for Margie Preston... yikes. Shes a stalker, I mean she made a diorama with barbie dolls to represent her and Brian Parker and then mailed it to his agent. That to me says seriously disturbed. I mean if you can stop drollin over Meateor Mans girl for a sec (thats my jobby job anyways) then YOU can date Lil Miss Fatal Attraction if you want :D

Seriously folks I mean who would you rather see Eliza hook up with Meteor Man 3 (he's an imitation not even the original, cause they keep dying) or the winnner of the 23rd annual Hawian Classic Surfing Competition ;)

Well great posts cept for Jae-Sons playa hatin and assorted jibba-jabba, lol :D Keep up the good work


Legion Extreme Issue#8: The Star of Karnark, part II

In this issue, the Monster comes to Boston!

But first….

Stronghold, New Mexico

Valor McCoy walked through the sterile, fluorescent-lighted corridors of Stronghold. His footsteps echoed on the polished tile floor.

Radium is making good progress, he thought to himself examining a set of behavioral charts on his hand-held computer. Slowly, Valor was removing scars accumulated by years of abuse and maltreatment with both conventional psychological techniques and the occasional prodding with psychic surgery.

As he mused over what to do next, a klaxon sounded. Someone was attempting to break out of the prison. Valor ran towards the nearest intercom.

“Valor McCoy here. What’s going on?”

“Dr. McCoy, Slick has escaped.”

He ran back towards the cell where Radium was held and changed into Captain Valor as he went. Already a squad of guards had taken strategic positions to subdue Slick if he attempted to come for his teammate. For some good ten minutes nothing happened. Nor had Slick attempted to break out Blackstar either. Both were in hot sleep chambers making escape impossible under their own power. However, the Ultimates always had tricks up their sleeves.

Eventually, the call came to stand down. Apparently, Slick had left the premises.

“He’ll die in the desert,” came the general consensus over the radios.

Valor proceeded to the escapee’s old cell. Workers were trying to cut out a prison guard from the cell wall. He had tried to follow Slick through the wall and had been caught, the upper half of his body merging with the wall’s ceramic and steel material.

“So what happened?” asked the superhero.

“Slick just ran into the wall. Artie here tried to follow him and when he hit the wall it was like fluid, then it solidified again with him like that.”

Valor sighed. The zealous guard had died half-petrified. How were they to know that Slick had developed such fine control of frictional forces that he could change the composition of the environment around him and then slip through it.

He went to his office to place a call to Legion Extreme.


Now onto Boston…

Dragonfist flew over Charlestown, the lights of the U.S.S. Constitution gleamed below. He felt exhilarated and now, thanks to the hover bike on loan from PRIMUS, he could keep up with the rest of the fliers on the team. Somnus flew above him occasionally sending mental probes towards the city below. He felt a disturbance…

Tonight the whole team was on patrol in Boston. Some had agreed to go on patrol reluctantly, but Jae Son’s presence and charisma had even convinced the more intractable members of the group to fly or run or leap around the city making sure all was well. The escape of Slick had also made them realize the need for continued and consistent vigilance.

They had divided the greater Boston Area into four quadrants. Slipstream ran or swam in East Boston, the harbor and Logan. Darkfire flew over Downtown and South Boston. Warwolf and Cosmic Knight kept watch across the river in Cambridge, Sommerville, and Allston, while Somnus and Dragonfist watched the north. Currently, Chinatown—more specifically Dr. Lu’s Apothecary Shop—was mission control. Jae Sun had said he would wait there and call for backup if they needed it. Still, they all kept in constant radio communication as they moved around their patrol grids.

Slipstream rounded Fort Independence Park when an urgent message came in along the police band.

“Someone, anyone. Please Help! Something terrible is happening at Logan Airport.”

Dragonfist radioed back, “We’re on it!”

He sped his ‘bike towards Logan where he saw people rushing out in panic from the international terminal. Slipstream arrived a split second later. Overhead, Somnus glided down to meet them.

“Thank God you’ve arrahved! That way!” pointed the nearest security guard.

Slipstream called the rest of the group.

“Converge on Logan, dudes. Big bad evil guy is attackin’.”

Over the communicators, Darkfire responded first.

“There is something strange around the temple.”

Cosmic Knight’s voice came in, “I think she means the museum. Warwolf and I are going to check it out.”

“Not righteous! Guys, I think we’re on our own.”

Slipstream led the way towards baggage claim.


Something or someone had flown right under her. She darted towards the shadow and found herself at the temple where they had dressed up and gone to and seen the reliquaries.

That had been a fun night, mused Darkfire as she did a fly by of the museum grounds.

Something was strange. She saw a black and white wagon parked at base of the stairs in the circular driveway. It’s occupant had been thrown out into the lawn. The red-and-blue lights were flashing.

What was this called? Dragonfist told me…

“I have a policee-man down in front of the museum.”

Wait, she had seen it on a television program, “Officer down! Officer down!” she cried over the radio and landed to investigate.

She landed on the steps to the museum and looked around at the car. The wind picked up and she whirled around…too late.

Something fast and dark blue swooped towards Darkfire and fired a blast of foam, sending her tumbling and then attaching her to the squad car as the substance quickly hardened. A tall, muscular, dark-skinned woman ran from the museum and down the stairs towards Darkfire. Darkfire saw her draw her arm back for a punch and she used all her strength to break free from the hard foam and leap, flying into the air. Her adversary punched another hole in the police car sending it tumbling over, but fortunately not into the presumably unconscious officer.

“Friends, I think I need a little help, here!” called Darkfire over her bracelet radio as she spun in the air shaking the last remnants of the Insta-crete from her uniform.


Logan Airport, Terminal E

Dead bodies littered the floor. There were maybe about twenty. It was hard to tell since many were dismembered.

“I think I am going to be sick!” commented Dragonfist.

Somnus had to hold back the nausea. Slipstream gritted his teeth.

At the far end of the baggage claim area stood a creature that could only be described as a monster. It was humanoid with a burned leather coat and hat. Green, baleful fire shown from its eyes. Iron-looking claws dripped blood and the creature laughed evilly as it ripped up the conveyor belt and tossed it towards the heroes. Metal, plastic, rubber and stone crashed and rolled towards them as they dove for cover. As the dust settled only Slipstream, only due to his incredible dexterity and quickness, had escaped. His companions were buried in tons of debris, and he was on the Monster’s side of the pile!

He gave a nervous laugh as the evil creature pointed at him and gave him a “Come ‘ere, sign” as its face twisted into a diabolical grin.
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