D&D 5E Change the name to Dungeons OR Dragons

Khelon Testudo

Cleric of Stronmaus
Well, let's face it. Nowadays it's a rare DM who would put a Dragon in a Dungeon, because they'd face hard questions from their players about how it came to be there.

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Dragons are so much less powerful if encountered in a Dungeon, so I agree. Give them room to fly and start a forest fire that eliminates the PCs. Give them swamps to hide in and ships to sink.


We need a broader range of prepositions. Sure, Dungeons AND Dragons is the industry standard. But what about:

Dungeons AMONG Dragons
Dungeons INSIDE Dragons
Dungeons WITH Dragons
Dungeons BELOW Dragons
Dungeons ACCORDING TO Dragons
Dungeons ON ACCOUNT OF Dragons
Dungeons UNTIL Dragons
Dungeons NEAR Dragons
Dunegons IN CASE OF Dragons
Dungeons EXCLUDING Dragons

Well if they did original TSR style , they could have an entire book of tables nestled in tables that give you a randomized an unique name just for your own group!

Noun #1 roll 1d12 1 leads to location noun table, 2 leads to humanoid noun table 3 leads to kitchenware noun table ......

And then the same for the preposition and again for the final noun.

So I can’t wait to play (rolls series of dice and consults multiple tables) “Spaghetti on Spoons” game tonight, everyone just rolled up new characters. there’s an evil meatball drowning townsfolk in sauce or something I guess

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