I think it would be nice if Nat 20's were divorced from the critical hit effect and it also would help clear up the language around using the d20.
A natural 20 on a d20 is an auto-success regardless of if you are making a skill check, save, or attack, with the caveat that you only roll when success is possible. If you try to pick up a mountain, success is not a possibility, so you don't roll.
A crit happens whenever your attack exceeds the targets defense by at least your crit threshold, which starts at 10.
Now the champion fighter feature just reduces the threshold to 9 and 8 at the respective levels.
Similarly the Assassin rogue's auto-crit feature makes more sense now that crits are truly divorced from the die roll. "When attacking a surprised target your crit threshold is 0."
This also opens up design space for more unique weapons and features (reduce/increase crit threshold).
A natural 20 on a d20 is an auto-success regardless of if you are making a skill check, save, or attack, with the caveat that you only roll when success is possible. If you try to pick up a mountain, success is not a possibility, so you don't roll.
A crit happens whenever your attack exceeds the targets defense by at least your crit threshold, which starts at 10.
Now the champion fighter feature just reduces the threshold to 9 and 8 at the respective levels.
Similarly the Assassin rogue's auto-crit feature makes more sense now that crits are truly divorced from the die roll. "When attacking a surprised target your crit threshold is 0."
This also opens up design space for more unique weapons and features (reduce/increase crit threshold).