How well is Chaosium community content doing? There are some two dozen such independent creator programs at DriveThruRPG, enabling fans to officially produce and sell titles for various TTRPG systems. But, currently, of the top ten best-selling titles ALL TEN are from our Miskatonic Repository (Call of Cthulhu) or Jonstown Compendium (RuneQuest) programs.
In fact, the first 14 are from Chaosium programs, and we have 18 out of the top 20, and 26 out of the top 30.
"These exceptional figures are a testament to the thriving independent creator communities that have developed for Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest, and the recognition by fellow fans of these games of the high quality of material being created", said Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien.
In fact, the first 14 are from Chaosium programs, and we have 18 out of the top 20, and 26 out of the top 30.
"These exceptional figures are a testament to the thriving independent creator communities that have developed for Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest, and the recognition by fellow fans of these games of the high quality of material being created", said Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien.
Check out Chaosium community content for yourself here: - Chaosium - Community Content - The Largest RPG Download Store!