Release [Chaosium] Newest Gloranthan goodness by indie creators (Jonstown Compendium)

Michael O'Brien

Jonstown Compendium Banner

Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG.

Check out these new titles by indie creators! And check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating yourself!


Bog Struggles
BOLT80, Ludovic Chabant, Austin Conrad ($3.00, 25 page PDF)

There's a bog nearby where newtlings live. They have friendly relations with the human neighbors through trade and water worship services. But something happened recently and the newtlings are scared and upset. Maybe your adventurers can help!

An adventure that can be easily inserted into any campaign: all it requires is the presence of some wetlands, which is easily done anywhere in Dragon Pass or along the Zola Fel valley in Prax.


Velhara's Mirror
Michael Paul O\'Sullivan ($6.99, 36 page PDF)

Beast Valley is under attack. Ancient magic that for centuries protected the region has faltered and its enemies bite deep into the heartland. It is not just one foe, but many, and they fight equally amongst themselves as against the beast men. Perhaps it is from this disorder that hope will spring for the beast men, or will it lead to chaos and destruction for all.

Follows on from The Ruins of Bonn Kanach and forms part two of the Beast Valley campaign, however it can be used as a stand alone resource.

The Lifethief
Diana Probst, Beer With Teeth ($10.00, 47 page PDF)

The Shaman Maserelt of the Impala tribe has been waiting by the Dead Place for weeks, calling for help, as she watches over the slow growth of something terrible within. She has even asked her rival Erhehta, who will be sending the adventurers, if they dare to go. Despite his many conflicts with Maserelt, some things are even more important than winning. Of course, if the Bison tribe can aid her where the Impalas cannot, that counts as a victory for Prax and for Erhehta.

Written to fit well after The Gifts of Prax, but no knowledge of that adventure is required. The suggested play order is Stone and Bone, The Gifts of Prax, The Lifethief, but the later adventures contain advice on playing the arc out of order.

Lost In The Dark
Josh skull Dixon ($2.50, 11 page PDF)

This Adventure Seed is all about the heroes having a nighttime adventure in Dragon Pass while traveling at night. The heroes have attracted the attention of a mischievous spirit that enjoys causing travelers to become lost and confused, making them lose their way in the night and end up in dire predicaments. Will your Heroes find their way, or will they become lost without hope?


Day's Rest
JK Revell ($4.00, 26 page PDF)

Day’s Rest is one of the many oases scattered across Prax and the Wastes. It is a respite from the harsh chaparral of the plains, a place to water riding animals and obtain food and provisions. It is also a market, the first stop along the Caravan Alley, a trade route running from Sartar to the Eiritha Hills in eastern Prax.

To Sartarites, it can often be their first introduction to life in Prax, a rare settled location that can be a place of trade, or a secure meeting point from which to venture out into the trackless wilds. It can be a place of opportunity, for good or ill. The Bison Riders rule here and have little time for civilised ways, even as they trade for exotic wares in the marketplace.

Jonstown area - Glorantha Close up
Mikael Mansen ($7.45, 3 maps)

High res map of the Jonstown area: one with text, one without text , one in winter.

Glorantha Settlement 17
Mikael Mansen ($5.45, 2 maps)

Two maps of a settlement which you can use anywhere in Glorantha: one day and one night map.

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Michael O'Brien

Glorantha fans – here are the latest releases in the Jonstown Compendium!

Somewhere in Glorantha
Mark Prier ($13.00, 196 page PDF)

Somewhere in Glorantha is a collection of random location tables bringing together the places described in current RuneQuest and Glorantha publications. Arranged as easy-to-use multilevel lists, these random tables have everything you need to cross-reference a specific location in Glorantha, determine where an adventurer or non-player character comes from, choose a random location for a new campaign, or answer any question that has an unknown Gloranthan location for an answer.

Alatan - Glorantha Close Up
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 2 maps)

This high resolution, up-close map contains two maps of Alatan, one with text, one without text.

Melib - Glorantha Close Up
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 2 maps)

This high resolution, up-close map contains two maps of Melib, one with text, one without text.

Wenelian Isles - Glorantha Close Up
Mikael Mansen (2 maps, Pay What You Want, suggested price $0.00)

This high resolution, up-close map contains two maps of the Wenelian Isles, one with text, one without text.

Upland Marsh - Glorantha Close Up
Mikael Mansen ($5.04, 2 maps)

This high resolution, up-close map contains two maps of the Upland Marsh, one with text, one without text.

Glorantha settlement - 18 - Runegate
Mikael Mansen ($4.45, 3 maps)

Three maps of Runegate: day, evening, and night.

The Sunken Dead
Peter Harroun ($2.00, 11 page PDF)

An adventure for new adventurers and players. The scenario introduces them to the idea of cattle raids in Sartar. They are entrusted to Yantar Raelston, a loyal Thane of the Colymar tribe. He offers to take the adventurers on a cattle raid. Things do not entirely go as planned...

As one of the founding editors of the renowned Gloranthan fanzine Tales of the Reaching Moon in 1989, Brian Duguid helped keep Glorantha fandom alive and thriving throughout the 1990s. And now, in 2022, Brian is back as an independent creator for RuneQuest with his amazing labor of love The Children of Hykim.

Bestselling Jonstown Compendium creator Nick Brooke highly recommends Brian's work, describing it as "a magisterial examination of the many Hsunchen beast-totem tribes of Genertela... this book is creative, original, respectful of its sources... but never afraid to argue for its own vision, and tell the reader why."

Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG. Check out Brian's book and these other brilliant new titles. And check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating yourself!

The Children of Hykim
Brian Duguid ($16.99, 159 page PDF)

"Everyone has a wild beast within them".

This book is aimed at anyone who is interested in the Hsunchen, the shape-changing totem animal peoples of the world of Glorantha, the setting for the RuneQuest role-playing game. The Hsunchen inhabit the fringes of Gloranthan geography and include some of the most peculiar and fascinating peoples in this world. Because they mostly live far away from mainstream society they are often obscure and poorly documented, and perhaps rarely encountered in many RuneQuest games. This book is here to put that right!

Twenty-one Hsunchen tribes living in the western and central parts of the continent of Genertela are described across 159 pages, alongside extensive information regarding their culture, myth, technology, magic and more.

Six Seasons in Sartar: The Seven Tailed Wolf
Andrew Logan Montgomery ($18.95, 130 page PDF)

In a Sartar now free of foreign rule, the Company of the Dragon returns home to Black Stag Vale. After six years of war and exile, they struggle to find peace. But a failing Prince and a gathering enemy threaten Sartar's newfound freedom. Torn between the quiet mountain clan they were and the feared warband they have become, the Company is forced to make a choice. Are they the Dragon, or are they the Stag?

This is the conclusion of the Haraborn saga that began in the Platinum bestselling Six Seasons in Sartar and the Gold bestselling The Company of the Dragon.

A Darker Shade of Night
Jeremiah Evans, Scott Cox ($6.99, 47 page PDF)

Approached outside the walled city of Pavis by a mysterious benefactor willing to pay for their services, leaves the adventurers in possession of a powerful artifact. Investigating the artifact brings the adventurers to the attention of a cult who wishes to possess it by any means. Learning about a dark ritual to be conducted by the cult, they will need to confront the cult and stop them, or it will mean dire consequences to the citizens of Pavis.

This adventure is presented partly as a sandbox style with the adventurers investigating their newly acquired artifact in the city of New Pavis. Their inquiries will lead them toward confrontations with a cult of Kyger Litor operating in the troll section of the Big Rubble.

A Brazen Visage
Paul Baker ($6.00, 49 page PDF)

A short adventure set in the Arfritha Vale of Sartar, includes background source material which expands the material within The Red Deer Saga. A long forgotten evil surfaces in the vale, it is up to the players to track it down and deal with its threat.

Pirates of the East Isles Vol. I
Scott Crowder ($15.00, 123 page PDF)

Glorantha as you've never seen it before! This is volume one of a three part campaign spanning years, perhaps even decades. You and your players can leave Dragon Pass behind and be pirates in the mysterious East Isles. Explore an exotic land where each island is a god unto itself. Play new occupations such as Pirate, Sailor and Mystic. Learn a unique martial arts system. Worship all new gods with a completely different mythology than what you've known till now. No Orlanth, no Thed, no Issaries, no Trickster!

Charles Dunwoody of EN World says, "A GM looking for a deeply rooted campaign for RuneQuest could find months of gaming with this supplement alone, and two more are planned. A great supplement to kick off a new campaign with."

Check out the video:

The Lottery
Robert Stoll ($2.00, 30 page PDF)

After weeks on the road with the Ravenhair family trade wagon, you've finally reached the Lunar Empire. Shortly after crossing the Glowline, you enter a village where a local ritual ensnares you in an ancient curse. The fate of your family, two villages, and an entire river valley are all in jeopardy. Can you save them all from a terrifying cult before it's too late?

An Orlanthi Wedding
Ian Straus ($1.00, 13 page PDF)

Intended for use in a campaign in which (1) the adventurers do have a home clan to which they frequently return, in accord with "The Importance of Community", pages 7-8 of Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, and (2) The GM wants to reinforce that community emphasis in the game.

VinaVale Area - Glorantha Close up
Mikael Mansen ($6.45, 3 maps)

This up-close high resolution map set of VinaVale contains three maps: one with text – one without text – one winter.

Corallo's Artpack #4
Dario Corallo ($14.94, 40 images)

This the fourth Artpack of Dario's Artpack series, dedicated to support the authors of the Jonston Compendium with fast clip art for their creations. This time there is a small collection of Pavis NPCs and other stuff from past works.

Skyreach Mountains - Glorantha Close up
Mikael Mansen ($5.45, 3 maps)

This up-close high resolution map set of the Skyreach Mountains contains three maps: one with text – one without text – one close up.

Holiday Dorastor: Woods of Terror
Simon Phipp, Leon Kirshtein ($17.00, 123 page PDF)

If you go into the Woods today, you are sure of a big surprise… Here, you will find descriptions of Hellwood and Poisonthorn Woods in the Land of Dorastor, a Bestiary with eight new creatures, both flora and fauna, twelve new types of plant, two new skills, seven new magical items, twelve new Runespells, ten new Sorcery Spells, two new Spirit Magic Spells, five Full Scenarios and thirteen Mini-Scenarios.


Michael O'Brien


It's very gratifying for a new creator to earn a metal sales tier badge for their work on DriveThruRPG. The first such badge is Copper, for 51 sales*. These Jonstown Compendium titles are within ten sales of reaching that first metal goal, so do check them out and give their creators a boost!

*note: calculations for rankings does not include free copies or sales below $0.20.


Corallo's Zenith Counters: Troll #3 - Giant Arthropods
Dario Corallo ($3.61, multiple file formats)
Giant arthropods for play with virtual tabletops.


Teshnos Companion
Paul Baker ($12.00, 84 page PDF)
A continuation in the exploration of Teshnos, expands on the information presented in The Houses of Teshnos.


La banda de patos de Yozarian
Ernesto Orellana, Xavier Llobet ($5.00, 40 page PDF)
This is Yozarian's Duck Bandits, one of the inaugural Jonstown Compendium releases, now available in Spanish!


The Duel at Dangerford in Japanese
Nick Brooke ($3.95/$7.95/$11.90, 35 page PDF)
The Japanese translation of Nick's Brooke's The Duel at Dangerford scenario in three acts featuring half the Provincial Army of Lunar Tarsh: Drama! Excitement! Betrayal! Foul Lunar Sorcery!


South Pelorian Highlands
Anders Tonnberg ($5.90, 8 page PDF)
Eight high-resolution pictorial maps of South Pelorian Highlands (4266 x 2400 pixels: 14.22 inches x 8.00 inches, roughly US Legal paper size at 300 DPI), drawn in Wonderdraft based on the maps from Argan Argar Atlas. There are four base maps (Players’, Game Master’s, Detailed and Political), each presented in hex-free and 5 mile hex formats. The Players’ map is in a different style to the GM and Detailed maps; the detailed map names every City as well as the major regions, roads and rivers.


The Rainbow Mounds Cardboards Set
Dario Corallo ($2.07, multiple file formats)
A set of standee cards for playing The Rainbow Mounds scenario in the RuneQuest Starter Set.


Somewhere in Glorantha
Mark Prier ($13.00, 196 page PDF)
Somewhere in Glorantha is a collection of random location tables bringing together the places described in current RuneQuest and Glorantha publications. Arranged as easy-to-use multilevel lists, these random tables have everything you need to cross-reference a specific location in Glorantha, determine where an adventurer or non-player character comes from, choose a random location for a new campaign, or answer any question that has an unknown Gloranthan location for an answer.


Holiday Dorastor: Ragnaglar's Breath
Simon Phipp ($3.60, 30 page PDF)
Welcome to Holiday Dorastor: Ragnaglar’s Breath, another in our odysseys around the delightful place that is Dorastor. Here, you will find three new locations, and a set of scenarios and HeroQuests allowing you to banish Ragnaglar’s Breath from the Risklands.


Corallo's Artpack #2
Dario Corallo ($12.05, 52 files)
52 clipart files ready for your projects. Dario grants permission to purchasers to use these illustrations in their own Jonstown Compendium publications (with a credit to the artist), and to GMs and players solely for their own use in handouts and character sheets.


Fires of Mingai: Hero Wars in the East Isles - Vol 2
Hannu Rytövuori, David Cake, Nils Weinander ($14.99, 129 page PDF)
The second book in a series about the Hero Wars in the East Isles.This book is a starting point for a campaign in the East Isles and includes four RQG adventures.The adventures include The Nest, The Hill of Red Top, Korolan Games and Fires of Mingai.​

Michael O'Brien

Jonstown Compendium Banner
Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own independently-created material on DriveThruRPG. If that appeals, check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating!

In the meantime, here's a final look for 2022 at new releases in Jonstown Compendium:


A Lamp for Esrola
Sven Lugar($2.00, 16 page PDF)

Journey into the Troll realms of the Shadow Plateau. Retrieve the Tears of the Only Old One which hold the secrets of Light and Darkness for the new Temple of Esrola. During the Siege of Nochet many beautiful buildings were damaged or destroyed. At a celebration to honor the rebuilding of the Temple of Esrola and her Grandson, Fufluns, an opportunity to bring the source of eternal light to the temple is presented to the Adventurers. Are they up to journeying to the Troll-lands around the Shadow Plateau and negotiating or stealing Tear-stones? As the bard Joan of Clan Blackwoodstone sings:

I love trouncin’ trolls / So put another spear through the Great Troll, baby / I love trouncin’ trolls, / So come and take your time and fight with me!

A Weather Eye Open: A Wayfarer's Companion
Drew Baker ($10.95, 262 page PDF)

Following on from Highways and Byways feedback, this Wayfarer's Companion considers the much-underestimated potential for using weather in your RuneQuest gameplay. Designed to assist the gamemaster, this publication is intended to provide a backdrop to enrich gaming sessions, help scenario writing and answer on-the-spot questions about the weather.


Holiday Dorastor: Moon Elves
Leon Kirshtein, Simon Phipp ($6.00, 43 page PDF)

Features descriptions of the exotic Moon Elves, a Bestiary with five new creature variants, rules for the magical dances of the Red Goddess, one new skill, one new magical item, four new Runespells, and two scenarios, one of which is a variant of the Hill of Gold HeroQuest. So, come to spread the word of Moon Brother to the Aldryami of Dorastor.

Hydra - Adventurers from the Lunar Provinces
Peter Hart ($7.00, 58 page PDF)

The Lunar Provinces sit between the Lunar Heartlands in the north, Balazar in the east, Sartar and the Grazelands in the south and the Hydra Mountains and Dorastor in the west. They consist of five kingdoms: Aggar, Holay, Imther, Tarsh, and Vanch. This book, in conjunction with the RQG main rulebook, allows players and gamemasters to create adventurers from these lands. It includes homeland passions, runes, cultural skills, family history events and regimental tables. There are also twenty fully detailed pregenerated adventurers.


Rubble Runners Volume 2 - Another Volume of Pavis Personalities
Jon Hunter ($4.99, 37 page PDF)

Another collection of 15 highly detailed character descriptions for Runequest Glorantha. Set in the locations of New Pavis, the Big Rubble and the Zola Fel valley. These Characters are designed to add depth, realism, their own cadence and a maybe a hint of whimsy to a beloved and classic setting.

The Indagos Bull
Rob Marcus ($2.95, 25 page PDF)

It is two days before the Eiritha High Holy Day, and Farmer Jyles' prize bull has gone missing! The Eiritha priestess is worried that the community blessing ceremony will be affected. However, there is a rumour that Jyles' neighbour has a secret, and Jyles' lazy son has been looking pleased with himself.

Contains details of Indagos town, Pavic meat trade, farming in Prax, Hazia effects table, and what happens when you tangle with a Hazia Elf.


The White Upon the Hills
Sacha Gauthier, Reece Dyer ($2.95, 22 page PDF)

“Trap the beast in twine / Catch it at its shrine. / Bind its soul with Death / Cease its final breath. / Burn the curse with stone / Cleanse the land of bone.”

For many seasons, the White Blight has plagued the hunting grounds on Stael’s Hills. During the Great Hunt, the adventurers encounter the aftermath of a monstrous attack and the origin of the spreading curse. Tracking the monster, they find a magic strike-stone from an ancient hunting legend. If they intend to use it, they must retread the steps of a mysterious hunting god — to bind, slay and cleanse their prey. Will the adventurers get all the artifacts from the song? Will they simply trap and kill their foe? Or will their deeds heal a centuries-old betrayal and restore the land?

Died in the Wool
Braeden Harpool ($1.95, 15 page PDF)

In a small highland community in Sartar, a case of missing sheep has the villagers on edge, and a caravan of trolls and their strange beasts has recently arrived. Tensions rise to a boil, and as the investigation unfolds, the only answer to the conflict is revealed: Trollball. 3-part scenario featuring information on Orlanthi sheep herding, a myth of woad and wool, and a Human perspective on the essential Troll cultural game.


The Way: Paths of Enlightenment
Paul Baker ($12.00, 64 page PDF)

An exploration into the paths of enlightenment and Martial arts of Kralorela and Teshnos. Monks, Martial Artists, their schools and orders. Revised and updated material for the Kralori Primer setting, including a fleshed out martial arts school.

Desire for Knowledge
Niall Sullivan ($2.99, 20 page PDF)

Desire for Knowledge takes place in the city of Jonstown, featured in the Runequest Starter Set.

The player characters are contacted by a sage in the Jonstown Library, who offers them payment to recover a dangerous scroll. The scroll is hidden in a townhouse formerly owned by an official of the Lunar Empire. It is also haunted by ghosts and spirits, and caution is warranted.

Depending on how the PC’s interact with the spirits of the house, they may learn that there is more to the sage and the scroll than appearances would suggest…


Glorantha settlement - 20 - Talfort
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 2 maps)

Talfort: one map for day and one map for night.

Dorastor Campaign Maps
Dario Corallo ($2.13, 1 JPG)

A 80x50 cm 300 dpi map of Dorastor…


The Big Rubble Campaign Map
Dario Corallo ($2.13, 1 JPG)

A color 50x70 cm Campaign Map of the Big Rubble, heaven of the Adventurers…

Pamaltela Campaign Map
Dario Corallo (Pay-What-You-Want, Suggested Price $1.07, 1 JPG, 1 EPS)

This map is 18 year old… It was made for Unspoken Word (fanzine). Times are good for a new generation of players to see (and maybe use) it. It comes in two formats: a 300 dpi jpeg and an eps if you want a larger print.
Have good play and beware the Slaargs ;-)

Jonstown Compendium Logo

Michael O'Brien

Edge of Empire

Creators have been busy in the Jonstown Compendium, our community content platform for independent content for RuneQuest and the world of Glorantha. Here are latest releases at DriveThruRPG!

Jonstown Compendium

Edge of Empire
Harald Smith ($24, 224 page PDF, also available as hardcover POD)

The Kingdom of Imther is a small, seemingly bucolic, mountainous province at the edge of the mighty Lunar Empire. It is home to herders, hunters, and cheesemakers whose king maintained a trade relationship with the mysterious dwarfs. But... the king is dead, the dwarfs have closed their brass gates, clans have rebelled, and ambitious leaders stake their claims. The HERO WARS have come to this fair and pleasant land.

Edge of Empire
presents a new Homeland for RuneQuest. It is part of the Lunar Empire, yet extends into rugged mountains and wild woodlands.

Crimson King
Nick Brooke ($11.95, 71 page PDF, also available as softcover POD)

Crimson King is a game of intrigue and conspiracy in the highest echelons of the Lunar Empire! Players take on the roles of the heroes and rulers of this Gloranthan superpower, confronted by treachery and betrayal on all sides.

The lavishly-illustrated scenario is a sequel to The Duel at Dangerford and Black Spear, and can be used as a stand-alone adventure or in an ongoing campaign. It builds on the Lunar Empire as presented in A Rough Guide to Glamour and Life of Moonson, but GMs do not need either book to run their game.

Nick Brooke's Gloranthan Manifesto
Nick Brooke (Free PDF, 212 page PDF, also available as softcover POD)

An archival selection of Nick Brooke’s opinion pieces about Chaosium’s RuneQuest role-playing game and its setting: Greg Stafford’s sword-and-sandal mythological fantasy world of Glorantha.

Jonstown Compendium Index [2023]
Nick Brooke ($1.50, 57 page PDF)

Nick Brooke's index to new RuneQuest & Glorantha scenarios and sourcebooks (and sundry other releases) available from Chaosium's Jonstown Compendium community content web store on DriveThruRPG. The index includes full details for every product released after 1 October 2022, plus summary listings for everything else in the store (for full details of earlier releases, see my Jonstown Compendium Catalogue 2022 or earlier indexes and catalogues).

Jonstown Compendium

Secrets of Dorastor Personalities - Tactics
Simon Phipp ($14, 108 page PDF)

The Personalities of Dorastor are horrifying in many ways. Each one fights in their own special way, and few know of all of their tactics. I am lucky that I have seen several of them fight, at different times, and have survived to tell the tale, normally by being far enough away to not be in the combat itself. Some of the Personalities are true monsters, transcending normality. Aranara, the Great Gorp, Heidi and the Chaos Dragon are examples of these. Such creatures are to be feared and avoided. ” — Ickigore the Well-Travelled

Companion-piece to Secrets of Dorastor, including the major Personalities of Dorastor with an expanded portion of their Tactics, and beautifully illustrated by Dario Corallo.

In Search Of Baroshi
Marc Robertson ($2.95, 27 page PDF)

The ancient Godling, Baroshi, who had been released from his frozen state, has now had his body destroyed, and his spirit bound. The spirit, Nurse, has reached out for help. Will the party be able to find and rescue Baroshi before his spirit is destroyed(or worse)?

Easily adapted to work with any campaign, or it can be played as a stand-alone adventure.

The Temple of Twins
Erin McGuire, Diana Probst ($8.00, 52 page PDF)

A complete adventure for RuneQuest, designed to last an evening. It fits into any Praxian campaign, and is designed to stand alone, but can go well with Beer With Teeth's other Praxian scenarios. The adventure is designed to be highly challenging for warriors and outsiders to Prax, and much easier for women. Eirithans in particular will find their skills called on, and Ernaldans will be useful. Combat is much more likely if characters fail at walking Eiritha's path, but can be avoided by wise or skillful women.

Applefest 2
Graeme Atkinson ($5.99, 65 page PDF)

After last years Applefest and the manifestation of the gods it seem like this years festival will be well attended. Every parent secretly wants their child to be posessed by Orlanth!

Adventurers will have to chaparone the childrens quest, entertain a queen and visiting dignataries, protect everyone and perhaps wonder around dressed as a pantomime monster. On top of this a dark cloud hangs over Pig Hollow and Wakboth's hoofprints are found leading to Apple Lane. Let's not forget a dark conspiracy and elven vengeance.

A Vale Ablaze
Vivien Prigent ($11.50, 137 page PDF)

A Vale Ablaze contains four scenarios designed to be played in the setting described in In a Merry Green Vale, for adventurers who are the children of exiles from the Lysang clan trying to win back acceptance in their clan after an amnesty proclaimed by the Lunar authorities.

Caravan Alley
JK Revell ($4.50, 36 page PDF)

Caravan Alley is the main trade route from Dragon Pass into southern Prax. But merchants are not the only people to travel its length, for each of the oases along it has its own pull.

This is a mini-sandbox setting describing two oases along Caravan Alley and is a follow-up to Day’s Rest. In addition to descriptions of the oases, it includes twenty-one NPCs that can provide interaction or story possibilities.

Jonstown Compendium

Tula Landmarks
Zed Nope (Pay-what-you-want, recommended price $4.00, ZIP file)

More art for use in Jonstown Compendium releases, with credit.

Call up the Fyrd - Stock Art
Zed Nope ($4.00, ZIP file)

They're not heroes, but they'll fight if they're needed. Four armed civilians, in a loose sketchy style. For use in Jonstown Compendium releases, with credit.

Temple Hill Acropolis
Dario Corallo ($10.94, 10 Maps)

VTT Maps of the Acropolis on Temple Hill in the Big Rubble.

Jonstown Compendium

Corallo's Artpack #5
Dario Corallo ($16.41, 40 images)

Fifth Artpack of the series, dedicated to support the authors of the Jonstown Compendium with fast clip-art. The main resource here is illustrations from Secrets of Dorastor - Personalities - Tactics.

The Complete Trolls - Zenith Counters (Troll Bundle)
Dario Corallo ($7.66, 96 images)

All the VTT Zenith Counters from the six packs dedicated to the Uz in a single bundle.

Zenith Counters Adventure Pack #4: Balastor's Barracks
Dario Corallo ($3.28, 18 images)

Virtual Tabletop Map and tokens for Balastor's Barracks in Gloranthan Classic's Pavis & Big Rubble.

Jonstown Compendium

Quivin Mountains - Glorantha Close up
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 4 maps)

Four close up maps of the Quivin Mountains.

Heortland - Glorantha Close up
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 2 maps)

Two close up maps of the Heortland region.

Skyfall Lake - Glorantha Close up
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 4 maps)

Four close up maps of Skyfall Lake.

Jonstown Compendium

Elkoi Expansion
Anders Tonnberg ($9.85, 34 page PDF)

Includes Elkoi city map, Kings Inn, Elkoi Megaron, Cyriel's Trading House, Elkoi Wyter and the Black Oak, and Elkoi Necropolis with the Elkoi's tomb and the legendary ring are all depicted in full color. The Hunted Caves is a new area.17 full-color, high-resolution detailed maps with enlargements and descriptions.

Wind Lords - Cheerful Vingan
Zed Nope ($5.00, 3 images)

A watercolour illustration of a Vingan Wind Lord, flying in woad. For use in Jonstown Compendium releases, with credit.

Wind Lords - Thunder Caller
Zed Nope ($5.00, 3 images)

A watercolour illustration of a Wind Lord, flying in woad, readying lightning to blast the battlefield below. For use in Jonstown Compendium releases, with credit.
Last edited:

Michael O'Brien

The Queen's Star - Jonstown Compendium

"The one thing I've got to say about the Jonstown Compendium on DriveThruRPG, the supplements' top tier – they are practically indistinguishable in terms of layout from fully professional releases." — RPG Imaginings.

Here are three new Jonstown Compendium community content releases that have already received rave reviews from RuneQuest fans! If there are Jonstown Compendium titles that you've enjoyed, please do give them a rating and perhaps even a written review at DriveThruRPG — their creators will really appreciate it!

The Queen's Star
Akhelas, Austin Conrad ($10.00, 34 page PDF)

The shade of Kallyr Starbrow—once Prince of Sartar—asks the adventurers to be her hands in the Middle World. One of the noble Star Captains has gone missing. He descended from the Sky to discover Kallyr's fate. Now, she needs the adventurers' help to repay his loyalty.

The Queen's Star is a site-based adventure which describes one portion of the infamous Cinder Pits in the lands of the Colymar Tribe, in Sartar. This sandbox-style adventure gives the gamemaster the tools needed to discover whether the adventurers will use weapons or words to free an imprisoned Star Captain. It is designed for use with beginning adventurers (such as the RuneQuest Starter Set pregens), and to provide from 1 to 3 sessions of play.

"A fantastic open ended scenario that incorporates the classic Gloranthan feel with a well fleshed out location. Works very well with new characters, perhaps after they've completed the scenarios in the RQ Starter Set." — Christian G. (customer review).

Veins of Discord - Jonstown Compendium

Veins of Discord
Finmirage ($6.90, 30 page PDF)

An adventure set in the lands of Sartar near Apple Lane. This module brings your party into a conflict between two factions, each wanting control over the same resources. Players will face elemental forces and make tough decisions. Their choices will impact the environment and nearby communities. Relationships with important allies could be strained, and actions will have lasting repercussions.

Veins of Discord spans several seasons, and can be run between other adventures. While it's designed for Apple Lane region, it can be adjusted for other areas in Glorantha with some modifications.

"Great idea for an adventure and with a quality work overall. The arts are awesome." — Hannu R (customer review).

The Voralans - Jonstown Compendium

The Voralans
Brian Duguid ($11.99, 82 page PDF)

This book is for anyone who would like to feature the black elves of Glorantha in their RuneQuest game, and who wants more detail on this somewhat “alien” race.

The black elves, or voralans, are fungal humanoids, walking, talking, magical mushrooms. They are distantly related to the other races of Darkness (invertebrates, and trolls). Their relationship to the plant elves, the Aldryami, is explored in this book. Unlike almost any other Gloranthan race, they have a lifelong telepathic link with one another, a mental communion that makes them see and deal with the world very differently.

"This book contains some seriously weird-ass naughty word, and I love it. Voralans are definitely some of the odder inhabitants of Glorantha (even by the standards of a world brimming with odd), and realising them in game terms with such insight and humour, as well as a big bag of crazy, is no mean feat. The authors deserve bags of credit for so ably bringing this particular baby spore to fruition." — John D. (customer review)

Plus more maps for your table and VTT games from Mikael Mansen:

Jonstown Compendium

Jonstown Compendium

Glorantha settlement - 21 - LESKOS
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 4 maps)
Four maps of the city of Leskos.

Glorantha settlement - 22 - SOLUNG
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 4 maps)
Four maps of a settlement called Solung.

Glorantha Settlement Sog City
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 4 maps)
Four maps of the metropolis of Sog City.

Glorantha settlement - 23 METROPOL
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 2 maps)
This contains 2 maps of a huge city that you can place anywhere you like.

Glorantha settlement - 24
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 2 maps)
Small forest village with some of the houses up in the trees.

Glorantha settlement - 25
Mikael Mansen ($4.15, 2 maps)
A bronze age city (loosely based on ancient Jerusalem).
Last edited:

Michael O'Brien

Jonstown Compendium titles 2020

The Jonstown Compendium is Chaosium's community content resource for RPG content set in Greg Stafford's mythic universe Glorantha. The site is brimming with titles!


Rocks Fall, Diana Probst ($5.00, 16 page PDF)
This short-to-evening-length scenario is designed to slot in to any RQG campaign, as a one-shot fight for those times when a troll cave is absolutely required, or the pacing of the game calls for violence.
  • Reviews from R'lyeh review: "...particularly suitable for a combat orientated group of player characters or a combat capable group looking for a change of pace."
Arrows of War, Martin Helsdon ($1.00, 5 page PDF)
This is a mini-scenario for the RuneQuest Colymar Campaign, set a week before the events of THE DRAGON OF THE THUNDER HILLS.
Tales of the Sun County Militia Vol 1 Sandheart, Jon Webb (($3.95, 39 page PDF)
The characters play the role of Sun County militiamen based at the border hamlet of Sandheart. They are the law. The first half of the volume provides a description of Sandheart and its surrounds, six characters ready to play, spirit cults, important NPCs and further details on how to generate new player characters. The second half details an introductory scenario – No Country for Cold Men – pitting the militia against a group of violent lawbreakers. Volume 2 is in preparation.
  • Reviews from R'lyeh review: "If you are looking for an interesting set-up, the opportunity to run a scenario in a more organised and civilised setting with player characters who have the authority and the duty to act in Sun County’s best interests—despite their less than upright and morally upstanding reputations, (this) is an opportunity to run and roleplay a campaign that is very different to other RQG scenarios."
The Fertile Ground, Michael Paul O’Sullivan ($4.99, 22 page PDF)
A short adventure that explores the conflict between the Beast and Man Runes. It is aimed at newly generated adventurers or those with limited experience.
  • Reviews from R'lyeh review: "...presents opportunities for both roleplaying and combat with a standoff that nicely brings two opposing Runes into conflict and gives room aplenty for the player characters to resolve that standoff."
The Throat of Winter, Austin Conrad ($5.00, 26 page PDF)
Winter Descends on Dragon Pass! When the child Rolf goes missing after a blizzard, his parents Rastolf and Serla grow frantic. They come to the village of Apple Lane begging for help from any who will listen. They come seeking any who will brave the wind and snow of winter to find a little boy. They come seeking adventurers.
  • Reviews from R'lyeh review: "...a solid addition to your campaign with nicely done background lore and wintery."
Jonstown Seed Releases

GM and Player Resources

Early Family History, Jacob Andersson (Pay-what-you-want, suggested price $1.00, 12 page PDF)
These tables help you create your adventurer's family background assuming your campaign is set in 1615, instead of 1625.
  • Reviews from R'lyeh review: "If you are looking to create characters who enter play during an earlier period, have more history and are older before entering play, or develop more detailed backgrounds for the older NPCs in your campaign, then (this) is the supplement you need."
Temples and Towers, Martin Helsdon ($4.00, 20 page PDF)
Descriptions, illustrations, and floorplans for a selection of temples and towers, together with descriptions and keys.

Rubble Runners - A Collection of Pavis Characters, Jon Hunter ($4.99, 39 page PDF)
A collection 15 highly detailed character descriptions for RuneQuest Glorantha. Set in the locations of New Pavis, the Big Rubble and the Zola Fel valley. These Characters are designed to add depth, realism, their own cadence and a maybe a hint of whimsy to a beloved and classic setting.
  • Reviews from R'lyeh review: "solid set of inventive NPCs, a good mix of contacts, friends, foes, employers, and more."
Spirits of Madness, Austin Conrad ($1.00, 3 page PDF)
Spirits of Madness are a type of disease spirit which lurks near places associated with the Moon Rune.

RuneQuest Glorantha A3 Character Sheet, Infinity Engine (Pay-what-you-want, suggested price $0.66, 1 page PDF)
PDF A3 RuneQuest Glorantha character Sheet.

Tables of Contents - Pavis, Big Rubble & River of Cradles,Nick Brooke (free, PDF)
This short free document is a side-by-side comparison of the Tables of Contents, Maps, Cutaways and Views contained in three key sources: Pavis & Big Rubble (RuneQuest Classic / Glorantha Classic), River of Cradles (RuneQuest 3rd Edition) & Pavis: Gateway to Adventure (HeroQuest Glorantha).

Maps of a variety of Gloranthan locations, Rivendell Maps ($7.00, PDF)
Maps of Gringles Pawnshop, Balastor's Barracks Interior, Balastor's Barracks Topside, Zebra Fort, the Rubble of Old Pavis, the Tin Inn, Apple Lane, the Sea Cave.

The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass, Martin Helsden ($24.95, 382 page PDF)
This volume presents details of the warriors, soldiers and mercenaries of the opening periods of the Hero Wars, their arms and armor, their cultures, histories and organization, the terrain they traveled, the battlefields on which they fought, their fortifications, their magic, and their gods. Army Lists provide details of the regiments and other entities which fought in this epic conflict, supplemented by numerous illustrations of the participants.
  • RPGNet review (Paul St John MacIntosh): "A masterpiece... It's the kind of sourcebook you can dip into only to get lost for hours and re-emerge with glazed eyes. If any other Jonstown Compendium product ever equals it in quality and comprehensiveness, I'll be impressed and incredibly surprised*."
  • Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming review (Andrew Logan Montgomery): "If The Armies and Enemies of Dragon Pass is any indication of what we can look forward to from the Jonstown Compendium we are all in for a treat. It says something, I think, about the type of fans Glorantha has always tended to attract. Helsdon’s work follows in the footsteps of books like Cults of Prax; it is effectively an academic dissertation of a game book; erudite, professional, leaving no stone unturned, utterly authoritative in its subject matter. If the Gloranthan Renaissance is going to include fan contributions like this, we might actually be looking at a Golden Age."

Michael O'Brien


Stone and Bone
Diana Probst ($7.95, 25 page PDF)
This full scenario for Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha is designed to slot in to any campaign where shamans can be found. It is written with Praxians in mind but can easily be converted to be set elsewhere. A collection of plot hooks is included, along with maps, walkthrough, and suggested aftermath. The adventure will appeal to most characters with an outward bent. Combat is likely, but can be avoided with sufficient cleverness and skill, but it is assumed that danger will be faced. Scaling tips are included to make this a challenge to heavily armed and armoured parties.

Geiron, Lord of Elephants
Akhelas, Austin Conrad ($1.50, 5 page PDF)
Monster of the Month #2 — February 2020
Geiron, Lord of Elephants is the demigod progenitor of the now-extinct Praxian elephant, a physical and magical Terror associated with the Earth Rune. This new bestiary entry includes:

  • Description of Geiron—his powers, where he appears, and what he remembers of the God Time
  • Two adventure seeds to help the gamemaster utilize Geiron in their campaign
  • A spirit cult by which players can initiate their adventurers into the worship of the Lord of Elephants
Note: Monster of the Month is a series of new bestiary entries for Chaosium's RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. In addition to statblocks and behavior, most entries will include supplemental detail and advice for gamemasters and/or new adventurer options for players. See also Monster of the Month #1 - Spirits of Madness.


The Duel at Dangerford
Nick Brooke ($3.95, 35 page PDF)

The Duel at Dangerford contains a RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha scenario in three acts featuring half the Provincial Army of Lunar Tarsh: Drama! Excitement! Betrayal! Foul Lunar Sorcery! Appendices suggest extra colour (and contain extensive SPOILERS) for two published scenarios: The Smoking Ruin and The Dragon of Thunder Hills. NB: the preview contains SPOILERS, so don't peek if you're a player!

"This is wonderful. The absolute love for the setting hits you straight in the mouth." -- Michael Kirkbride, Concept Artist & Writer for Morrowind.

Jorthan's Rescue Redux
Matthew Pook, Stephen R. Marsh, John Sapienza Jr. ($6.00, 24 page PDF)

Jorthan's Rescue Redux is an update of Jorthan’s Rescue, the classic RuneQuest mini-scenario by Stephen R. Marsh and John Sapienza Jr. which originally appeared in White Dwarf #19 in 1980. This new version has been rewritten for use with RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha and relocated to Sartar, whilst retaining the original’s flexibility to be set anywhere where troll brigands might be found. It is a simple, straightforward adventure suitable to be played by characters with a few adventures under their belts.

When a Lunar noblewoman stumbles into your village and asks for your help, saying that her husband has been kidnapped by trolls, what do you do?

Jorthan's Rescue Redux
includes all new artwork and maps and nineteen NPCs, including two who could become Player Characters. Published in co-operation with Beer with Teeth.

Sandheart Vol 2 Corn Dolls - Jonstown Compendium

The Corn Dolls: Sandheart Volume 2
Jonathan Webb ($4.95, 45 page page PDF)

A pestilence threatens the crop at Cliffheath. It festers at the very edge of Sun County and the Sandheart Militia are sent to investigate. Their orders are simple – purge the area of disease. But what caused it and where is the source? The clock is ticking. Can the militia solve the mystery before the situation spirals out of control?

The Corn Dolls is an investigation-based adventure set in the district of Sandheart (detailed in Tales of the Sun County Militia – Sandheart Volume 1). It is a non-linear adventure requiring the players to follow leads and react to events. At 45 pages it includes ten handouts/stead maps, a map of Cliffheath, information on each of five farmsteads, key NPC stats and a timeline of events. It is expected to take between two and five sessions to complete.

Rough Guide to Glamour

The Rough Guide to Glamour was first published as a players’ background book supporting Reaching Moon Megacorp’s legendary 50-player LARP Life of Moonson (1997), the new version is almost double the size and includes new art.

The Rough Guide to Glamour
Nick Brooke, Chris Gidlow, Mike Hagen, Michael O'Brien, Jeff Richard, Greg Stafford et al. ($14.95, 113 page PDF)

Your indispensable companion for any visit to the capital city of the greatest empire the world of Glorantha has ever known!

Andrew Logan Montgomery (Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming) says, "A hallucinogenic love letter to that other side of Glorantha... In short, it is brilliant."

Other new releases include:

Jonstown Comp releases April

Humakt, Raven, and Wolf
Jacob Andersson ($3.95, 15 page PDF)

Humakt, Raven, and Wolf is a playable heroquest, based on a Gloranthan myth by Ian Cooper. It can be performed in order to locate something that the adventurers need to find, be it a person or an object. One of the heroquesters must take on the role as Humakt.

Reviews from R'lyeh says: "a short scenario in which the Game Master can pull her players and their characters into of one of Glorantha’s many myths... It is a particularly good to run as part of the scenario, ‘Dragon of Thunder Hills' [from the RuneQuest Gamemaster Screen Pack]."

Night of the Quacking Dead
Austin Conrad ($1.50, 5 page PDF)

Monster of the Month #3 — March 2020: designed to start you and your adventurers out on an adventure into the Upland Marsh, home of the infamous necromancer Delecti.

Reviews from R'lyeh says "If you are running a campaign or adventure set in Sartar and are planning for your adventurers to venture anywhere in or near the Upland Marsh, then [this release] is worth your time and interest. The Duck puns are just a bonus."


White Stone Ruin
Paul Baker ($10.00, 88 page PDF)

Background and source material for the Namoldin Clan of the Malani tribe for Runequest: Role Playing in Glorantha.

Hunters of the Sky
Akhelas, Austin Conrad ($1.50, 10 page PDF)

Monster of the Month #4 — April 2020: Hunters of the Sky introduces a strange new species to the skies of Glorantha, the Sky Hunters, and their hunting partners the scarlet falcons

Zenith Counters by Dario Corallo

Artist of The Rough Guide to Glamour Dario Corallo has created a series of counters for play with Virtual Tabletops. (Now more than ever, it can be difficult for you and your friends to get together in the same place for a session of tabletop roleplaying, and playing online is one solution. For an introduction to using VTTs, see the helpful "Online Gaming - Getting Started" introduction our line editors have put together.)


Trolls and Trollkin 1
Dario Corallo ($4.37, 12 page PDF)
Gloranthan Trolls and Trollkin for play with virtual tabletops.

Trolls and Trollkin #2
Dario Corallo ($4.37, 12 page PDF)
Death Lords of Zorak Zoran, Prince of Hate, and their minions. Happy slashing! ;-)

Gloranthan Chaos 1
Dario Corallo ($4.37, 12 page PDF)
A bunch of Chaotic Monsters, a small vanguard of endless legions…

The Flying Trollkin
Dario Corallo (Pay-What-You_Want, suggested price $1.09, 8 page PDF)
A scenario aid (Brontosaurus Map and counters) for the classic RuneQuest adventure from Into the Troll Realms.

Giant Baboons (and the Lost Temple of the Simian God)
Dario Corallo ($3.28, 8 page PDF)
A band of Gloranthan Giant Baboons and their clan base, a lost temple in vulture country…

Antelope Lancers
Dario Corallo ($3.30, 11 page PDF)
A Squadron of Sable Antelope Lancers.

Jonstown Compendium LogoBecome a community content creator in the Jonstown Compendium at DriveThruRPG​

Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG.
Check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating!
Last edited:

Michael O'Brien


Check out these exciting new releases at the Jonstown Compendium, our community content resource for gaming in Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha!

Secrets of Dorastor
Simon Phipp ($25.00, 259 page PDF)

A campaign pack set in the fabled land of Dorastor. Based on the author's write-up of their Dorastor Campaign, with a great deal of extra material, this covers the land and people of Dorastor and its Borderlands.


The Dregs of Clearwine
Kristi Herbert, Erin McGuire, Diana Probst, Dom Twist, Beer With Teeth ($8.00, 51 page PDF; POD version in preparation)

A sourcebook set in Clearwine, the tribal city of the Colymar, covering the mini slum that lies north of the Ram's Head Inn. It features ten households, 25 fully explored NPCs with stats for RQG, and a host of minor characters. There are dozens of plot hooks and community events to help link characters to this area, and the people and even animals within.

Heort's Legacy (Questworlds)
Alistair Jones, Edan Jones ($5.00, 50 page PDF)

Contained within are several series of questions to add even more variety to Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes' clan questionnaire: providing variants for Orlanthi of solar, earth, darkness or water tendancies, and others from less orthodox members of the storm pantheon.

The Rostakori Clan
Paul Baker ($5.00, 44 page PDF)

A source book that covers the Rostakori an independant clan of Sartar, Worshippers of Valind and Ithas.


Kralori Primer
Paul Baker ($4.00, 87 page PDF)

A source book for the far east of Glorantha. It forms the basis of a house campaign and will be updated and amended as the campaign progresses.

Dolorous Edd
Austin Conrad ($1.50, 9 page PDF)

A new bestiary entry which describes an odd creature —a giant beast ruled by inscrutable instincts.

Petty Spirits
Austin Conrad ($0.75, 4 page PDF)

Describes a collection of four spirits found throughout Dragon Pass. They are the source or cause of various boons, banes, superstitions, and religious activities by people living in the region.


Glorantha: Trinkets from Dragon Pass
Davide Quatrini ($1.00, 3 page PDF)

Players and gamemasters as well could have fun in envisioning some trinkets deeply rooted in the setting history and culture in order to enrich their adventurers and scenarios. Sometimes that could be a difficult task, especially in a hurry; for that reason, this supplement provides 50 entries describing trinkets to be found in the Dragon Pass area.

Gloranthan Chaos 2
Dario Corallo ($4.74, 12 page PDF)

Artist of The Rough Guide to Glamour Dario Corallo has created a series of counters for play with Virtual Tabletops. (Now more than ever, it can be difficult for you and your friends to get together in the same place for a session of tabletop roleplaying, and playing online is one solution. For an introduction to using VTTs, see the helpful "Online Gaming - Getting Started" introduction our line editors have put together.)

Six Seasons in Sartar 13G/HQG Conversion Guide (13th Age Glorantha/HeroQuest Glorantha - Questworlds)
Andrew Montgomery (Pay-What-You-Want, recommended price Free, 18 page PDF)

Your guide to bringing the bestselling Six Seasons in Sartar to your 13th Age Glorantha and HeroQuest Glorantha gaming tables. With rules and guidelines on character creation and converting NPCs you can easily enjoy Six Seasons in Sartar with whatever game system you prefer. But there is more than that inside!

Tradition - Sandheart Vol 3

Tradition: Sandheart Volume Three
Jonathan Webb ($11.95, 89 page PDF)

For hundreds of years, one day in every year, braziers have been lit in a cave near Sandheart and left to burn for the night. No one can remember why, but it is recorded as an important cult duty and that seems a good enough reason for the tradition to be upheld. Another year passes and the militia are sent on their annual pilgrimage to light the braziers. Just the same old same old… but not this time.

A mini-campaign set in Sun County and can be played on its own or integrated with Sandheart Volumes One and Two.

Jonstown Compendium Titles June 20

Treasures of Glorantha: V1 — Dragon Pass
Akhelas, Shawn Carpenter, Austin Conrad, Gil Cruz, Simon Phipp, Jerry Thorpe ($14.95, 65 page PDF)

Treasures of Glorantha is an irregular series from Akhelas providing magic treasures, secrets, and gamemaster advice to enrich your game of RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. This inaugural volume lays eyes on the core game region of Dragon Pass. It describes thirty magic items found throughout Dragon Pass, curated to provide exciting play opportunities for players and gamemasters alike.

"...a fantastic treatment of treasure in Dragon Pass, combining thoughtful and interesting essays on the subject with numerous relics to help the Game Master weave treasure into the fabric of her Glorantha campaign." —Pookie, Reviews from R'lyeh.

A Sword Turned Inward - Part 3 of Red Deer Saga
Paul Baker ($10.00, 98 page PDF)

The final instalment of the three part series which runs up to the Battle of Queens.

Blue Moon, White Moon
John Wick ($0.99, 14 page PDF)

Adventurers encounter a Blue Moon Assassin from the Lunar Empire. What is she doing out here in Dragon Pass? And what is she running from? Will prejudices and superstitions overcome empathy and curiosity? It's up to your players to decide.

"an excellent scenario which will present the player characters with an interesting moral dilemma and test their passions. It is also quick to set up and add to a campaign. It is also written by John Wick."Reviews from R'lyeh.

Author John Wick talks about Blue Moon, White Moon on YouTube:

Among the new entries is a release for the QuestWorlds rules (which are completely compatible with HeroQuest: Glorantha), and permitted on the Jonstown Compendium. Hopefully The Valley of Plenty is the first of many such titles!

Valley of Plenty - Jonstown Compendium

Valley of Plenty
Troupe Games ($24.95, 150 page PDF)

The first book of The Jaldonkillers Saga, a grand campaign that follows the careers of a band of player characters through the destruction of their tribe, its reconstitution in exile, and the effort to reclaim its lost lands and glory. The saga begins in 1602 and stretches to the Dragonrise and beyond. It is intended as a vehicle to support the development of characters from childhood to Herodom in a fluid but consistent setting, in which players can experience adventures ranging from slice-of-life challenges to world-changing conflicts.

Valley of Plenty is a campaign source book for Glorantha written for the QuestWorlds rule-system. It is completely compatible with HeroQuest: Glorantha and easily adaptable for use with RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha.The presentation of the Dundealos tribe’s culture and community is system agnostic.


Vinga's Ford
Diana Probst, Beer With Teeth ($2.95, 19 page PDF)

This evening-length adventure is best played around the Apple Lane area, but contains notes on NPCs suitable for running it elsewhere in Dragon Pass. It also contains a vampire, a Vingan, and a duck. There are ghost trolls, spirit combat, and zombies.

Elgar's Blade: Part 2 of Red Deer Saga
Paul Baker ($10.00, 108 page PDF)

Part two of the Red Deer Saga, about the Namoldin Clan of the Malani tribe. Part one is White Stone Ruin, also available in the Jonstown Compendium. Part two includes maps and images for sites in pdf at larger scale.

Heortlings of Sartar
Akhelas, Austin Conrad ($1.00, 21 page PDF)

23 generic non-player characters, provided in a printer-friendly format for use at the game table, ranging in importance from minor Rune Masters and clan elders, to humble bandits, stickpickers and thralls. Part of this creator's 'Monster of Month' bestiary series.

More Zenith Counters by Dario Corallo

The Rough Guide to Glamour artist Dario Corallo has created a series of counters for play with Virtual Tabletops, and added Tusk Riders to the collection:

Tusk Riders
Dario Corallo ($4.52, 19 page PDF)

From the infamous Stinking Forest a band of Tusk Riders…

A Map Guide to the Jonstown Compendium

With so much excellent content in the Compendium already (and more being added every week), Jonstown Compendium contributor Nick Brooke has created a handy index to all the scenarios on offer, Jonstown Compendium RuneQuest Scenarios ($0.50, 5 page PDF). This index is regularly updated; the most recent update (May 28) now includes a map showing the location of every scenario published in the Jonstown Compendium to date!


Congratulations to Jonstown Compendium creator Andrew Logan Montgomery! His work Six Seasons in Sartar was been released to resounding acclaim.

Andrew has gathered together what people have said about his book so far, which we thought we'd share:

Six Seasons in Sartar - what reviewers say
Six Seasons in Sartar

Six Seasons in Sartar
Andrew Logan Montgomery ($19.95, 144 page PDF)

SARTAR 1619 ST – A group of young people come of age in an isolated mountain clan. They are the first generation born and raised after the Lunar Conquest, and saw their people bleed and die in Kallyr of Kheldon's failed rebellion. Yet Kallyr still believes she is the one destined to liberate Sartar, and Fate--or Luck--is about to put these young Sartarites in her path...

Six Seasons in Sartar is an epic six-scenario campaign written for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha but easily adaptable to other systems. Based on the Third Age epic poem of the same name, the campaign plays like a novel, with character arcs, plot twists, and themes, but is still completely driven by players' choices and group tastes.

Michael O'Brien


"Sandheart is an example of how it is getting harder to tell the Compendium and the Chaosium books apart," writes Andrew Logan Montgomery in his review of the newly-expanded Tales of the Sun County Militia: Sandheart Vol 1, available from the Jonstown Compendium, Chaosium's community content platform for RuneQuest on DriveThruRPG.


Sandheart is a campaign framework and introductory scenario "No Country for Cold Men" for RuneQuest games set in Sun County, Prax. It was inspired by the RuneQuest 3rd edition sourcebook Sun County, published in 1991.

The original Sandheart was an inaugural release for the Jonstown Compendium by Jon Webb. In this remastered version its 39 pages have been expanded to 103 pages. It includes new art by Mark Baldwin and Ludovic Chabant, and a new section on Sun County Backgrounds by Nick Brooke (A Rough Guide to Glamour, The Duel at Dangerford). This uses the Family Background format from RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha to create a rich and entertaining family history for player characters from Sun County.

Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien, author of Sun County, has written a foreword for the new edition of Sandheart, noting "it's a pleasure for me to see that almost thirty years since Sun County was published, there is still much to be written about, discovered, argued over, and gamed in, in this small and distant, yet special part of Glorantha."


Andrew Logan Montgomery writes, "Sandheart marks another step forward not only in the development of the Jonstown Compendium but in the entire Gloranthan Renaissance... What we have now is an embarrassment of riches, with better and better Gloranthan material coming at us every day. Sandheart is a worthy successor to Sun County, and it looks to be just the beginning."

Further adventures in the Sandheart series are available at the Jonstown Compendium in Sandheart Vol 2: The Corn Dolls and Sandheart Vol 3: Tradition.

What is the Jonstown Compendium?​

Are you a Gamesmaster looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for more Gloranthan goodness to use in your game? The Jonstown Compendium is where you can find —and create —self-published material for your Gloranthan roleplaying games.

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