Press [Chaosium] 'Prowler at the Threshold' and other new Modern Day Call of Cthulhu releases (Miskatonic Repository)

Michael O'Brien

Prowler at the Threshold by Jane Routley
According to her bio, two-time Aurealis award winning Fantasy novelist Jane Routley has had a variety of careers, including fruit picker and Occult librarian. She is also a tabletop gamer. After many years playing Call of Cthulhu, she's turned her hand to scenario writing with Prowler at the Threshold, a Modern adventure about university students experiencing the pleasures - and the horrors of living in a share house!

Call of Cthulhu is amazingly versatile, and the Modern Day has proven to be a popular setting choice for Miskatonic Repository creators. Along with Jane's, check out these new independently created scenarios, all set in contemporary times!

Prowler at the Threshold
Jane Routley ($4.95, 18 page PDF)

Your first share house! Its gonna be one long party. But who or what keeps tapping on the windows at night?

Four present day students move into No. 7 Cemetery Lane only to find themselves haunted by someone or something that prowls around outside at night. A modern day Call of Cthulhu one shot scenario for those that know the pleasures - and the horrors - of share houses!

Miskatonic Repository
A Quest for Power
Ryan Graham Theobalds ($6.95, 35 page PDF)

The year is 2017 and your research team has been sent to the North West of England to investigate a mysterious outbreak of earth tremors in the area. But things are more complicated than they first appear with the locals claiming the tremors are linked to a controversial fracking project, while those in power are eager to move forward with the drilling as planned. Of course things take a dire turn when you uncover a 70 million year old secret that threatens more than the town of Little Plumpton.

Sabrina Haenze ($6.00, 32 page PDF)

September, 2019: "She could have her choice of them, but you could never love again..." A mysterious woman named Jolene has stolen your romantic partner, consuming their every thought and action. When she left, your partner either disappeared with her, or sank into a vegetative state, able only to whisper her name. And now, you have a chance to right the wrong and stop Jolene before she takes someone else's man.

The Forest
Michael Bertolini ($3.99, 13 page PDF)

Forests are, traditionally speaking, a different world spilling into our own. Not only do the forests house animals and plants unseen and unknown to the modern world, but they are often a barrier between worlds; there are forests in the world that, once entered, do not exit back into our world. Some forests don’t have an exit to speak of. But as civilization has grown, forests are destroyed in favor of progress. In a particular forest in Germany, unnamed and forgotten by many, the forest is a mystery; it has established a reputation for evil.

The investigators have unwillingly entered this unnamed forest and must uncover its secrets if they want to escape. Modern-day scenario taking place in Germany in the summer of 2020.

Miskatonic Repository
Camping in the Shurgas
Peter Wilbur ($10.00, 90 page PDF)

A Modern investigation finds the investigators attempting to relax during a week long camping trip.

Michał Pietrzak ($1.00, 15 page PDF)

The 52 Hz is known as "the loneliest whale". Never seen, it has been heard in the waters of the Pacific Ocean for many years. What if it is not a whale, but something much more... dangerous. An old war is brewing again, and humans may find themselves caught in the crossfire.

A Heady Draught
Jason Arons ($2.99, 6 page PDF)

Drinks with a friend lead to dreams and a mystery.

Takes place in Painswick, England. Gaslight to Modern.

Miskatonic Repository
Game Night
Sean Liddle ($1.00, 6 page PDF)

It is a Friday night between Christmas and New Year’s. You and your friends are impatiently waiting for the oldest of your group to finish their shift at the Mister Convenient, convenience store as you have a late-night Xmas holidays VCR party planned But with a storm raging, you find yourselves trapped at the store till morning! What are those strange sounds? Where is that pizza guy? What are those lights across the way?

Camp Otter Lake
Sean Liddle ($1.00, 7 page PDF)

You and your friends have scored the job of the summer working at the newly re-opened Camp Otter Lake.. but there seems to be a bit of a past to it. Something terrifying.

Lost Light
Michał Pietrzak ($1.00, 24 page PDF)

In this one-on-one three-in-one scenario the Investigator enters a strange lighthouse that mysteriously appeared in the middle of a forest. What can be found inside depends on the choice of one of three variants of the scenario. For any time and space.

Miskatonic Repository
The Happiness Hut
Matheus Rizzatti Feron, Luciano Henrique Moreira da Silva, Kalil Younes Prá ($6.66, 18 page PDF)

A biohouse has caught the attention of the community. The problem is, whoever enters it doesn't want to leave.

Terror Through Time: 10 Plot Ideas for Cosmic Horror Adventures from the 1920’s to the 2020’s
Luiz Eduardo Ricon ($3.99, 15 page PDF)

From Gatsby to Oppenheimer, from the Swinging London to the caves in Kandahar, Keepers will find plenty of ideas to kick off a one-shot session or to weave a decades-spanning campaign with Investigators getting old and being replaced by their worthy successors, as they progress through the different scenarios presented in this book.

Ten spine-chilling ideas for Cosmic Horror adventures spanning from the 1920’s all the way to the 2020’s.


Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium.
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