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Character Builder Beta available

Cross-posted from WotC's D&DI boards:

doctorhook;[url=http://forums.gleemax.com/showpost.php?p=17226656&postcount=85 said:
Okay]Wizards Community - View Single Post - Character Builder Installation problems[/url], I've downloaded and successfully installed both the .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework and the Character Builder (via the downloader), as far as I can tell. I've also reset my computer several times since then. However, when I go to begin the program, it gives me a splash page for a little bit, and then gives me the following error:

So, I click Send Report, but the report is always unable to connect to the server. Then, I hit close, and I'm back to the splash page, which sticks around for a few seconds before closing. What gives?

Thanks in advance for the help! You Tinker Gnomes are alright!
Any advice, team? I'm really excited about trying this out!

FWIW, if this is as good as everyone seems to think, I believe it bodes very well for the future of D&DI and the D&DI tools, like the Game Table! Cool!

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Cross-posted from WotC's D&DI boards:

Any advice, team? I'm really excited about trying this out!

FWIW, if this is as good as everyone seems to think, I believe it bodes very well for the future of D&DI and the D&DI tools, like the Game Table! Cool!

Hmm. The error message talks about a problem getting a proxy while connecting to the WotC web page. (It appears they are definitely using WPF. The "Frame" object in question is able to display a web page within the app, I assume they are using it on the start screen or so...)

I can give only very vague hints, but apparently it is attempting to use a proxy and this fails. Are you behind a firewall or proxy (typically on company networks?). Do you have the proxy configured somewhere? (I think .NET uses the system proxy which might be settable via the IE).
Or are you just plain off-line? The fact taht you can't even send an error report implies you might. ;)

Radiating Gnome

I'm totally knocked out. This application delivers on the promises I wasn't sure Wizards could keep.

I've made characters quickly, easily, efficently. There are some minor things, but at this point my biggest problem with it is the idea that I have to wait until after the beta to access levels beyond 3.

I'm also a primary mac user, although I do have PCs in the house and can run parallels on my Mac, so I'm not overly concerned about the lack of Mac support. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to be able to use this on my Mac, but the program is worth the extra effort it takes to use it.

Oh, and I also need the barbarian and some other preview content added to the toolset, so those developers had better get to work!


Hmm. The error message talks about a problem getting a proxy while connecting to the WotC web page. (It appears they are definitely using WPF. The "Frame" object in question is able to display a web page within the app, I assume they are using it on the start screen or so...)

I can give only very vague hints, but apparently it is attempting to use a proxy and this fails. Are you behind a firewall or proxy (typically on company networks?). Do you have the proxy configured somewhere? (I think .NET uses the system proxy which might be settable via the IE).
Or are you just plain off-line? The fact taht you can't even send an error report implies you might. ;)
Hmm... Well, I'm pretty sure that I am online, being able to access these forums and all, :)p), but firewall/proxy is definitely possible. (That would certainly explain the myriad of weird download problems I sometimes deal with on this computer!) I'm not especially knowledgeable about the firewall on my computer, but I'll fiddle with it and see if I can make it go!

Hopefully, I'll be back with good news shortly!


Hmm. The error message talks about a problem getting a proxy while connecting to the WotC web page. (It appears they are definitely using WPF. The "Frame" object in question is able to display a web page within the app, I assume they are using it on the start screen or so...)
The installer's problems with proxy's seem to run quite deep. I ensured that every single setting on my machine was correct, but the installer still couldn't "connect to network". Then I had the company's proxy disabled for five minutes, changed the appropriate settings in IE, and bingo! Worked first time.


Can the Character Builder allow you to input custom races?
Maybe going forward, but not right now. Of course, it is just a beta, so I'm sure they'll implement some feedback into the final version.

A lot of the reviews on the ENWorld main page, including mine, have screenshots so you can tell what options are available to you on each tab. :)

Bugged instalation, I'm disappointed having to install .NET ...
The bugs are a problem, not .NET. ;)

The tiny dirty secret is that if they wouldn't have used .NET, they would have "secretely" installed a lot of other libraries that only their application would have used. .NET 3.5 for example includes the WPF stuff that is effectively their graphics library. Of course, there will be parts of .NET that will remain unused here - though that's only true as long as you're using just one .NET application. And a some point, you might be using more...

(And of course, if you were running Vista, you would also have .NET installed by default, just not necessarily the latest version or service pack)

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