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Character Sheet updated and released

Nine Hands

I'm seeing a weird bug, where if I scroll down the page, I can't scroll back up. Its happening on my laptop (which has a fresh install of .NET Framework 3.0 SP1). I see some graphical corruption after I use the scroll buttons and then at that point I'm hosed. I'll have to check it on my home system this weekend to see if the problem is just related to one system or not. If you'd like screen shots, just let me know.

Also I'd love to see a sheet without all of the math presented, maybe an optional, simplified sheet. This way I can make up characters for convention events and its easier on the players. That way the sheet can be brought down to maybe one page, plus power cards and such. Just a suggestion though, the sheet is pretty cool :)

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First Post
That doesn't sound like a .NET issue so much as a Windows issue. Character Sheet uses a *lot* of windows controls, and it sounds like your laptop isn't handling well scrolling a window with that much redrawing. Is your laptop hurting for memory/drive space (either limitation will hamper Windows, either with excessive swapping or insufficient cache space)? Does it freeze every time you attempt to scroll, only when you scroll to the bottom, or what?


First Post
So, I'm looking at rearranging how equipment is listed on Character Sheet. It doesn't make much sense to have "Magic Items" listed above the equipment you have on, nor does separating "Other Equipment" from "Other Magic Items". There should be just one "Equipment" list and the equipment slots should link to whatever is in your equipment list that you set to wear.

Does this make sense above and beyond how the official character sheet is laid out? Does anyone have any rational for how things are currently with the official character sheet?


First Post
This is excellent; can't wait to use the final version. Some things you could add is a count of the number of feats and powers you have available and maybe a modifiable point buy total (my group uses 24 points).


First Post
No rationale from me. Just a question: are you going to be adding the Forgotten Realms books info and the adventurers vault info?

I don't have those books (yet), but above all, I don't intend to convert every sourcebook myself. It's become the most requested feature of late (above even functional equipment), which has suitably bumped the priority on allowing external data files to "right after equipment is fully functional". I'll have to put some time into fully documenting the data file format, but it won't be hard, nor take too long. I already have written down how handling data files will work, so it shouldn't take long to get that up and running.

sdt said:
This is excellent; can't wait to use the final version. Some things you could add is a count of the number of feats and powers you have available and maybe a modifiable point buy total (my group uses 24 points).

I can make the total points modifiable easily enough. As for number of feats and powers available, I do plan on implementing a character validation process, which would tell you if you have unused ability points to spend, or if you have too few or too many feats/powers selected, whether you're missing trained skills, etc. A part of that will be a character creation checklist that will show the basic steps to creating a character that will prompt people to not forget certain things (involved in this would be validating the character's state). This isn't planned for a while, though; other functionality has to be in place first.


First Post
Not to nag, When do you expect the next release

You do great work and I really appreciate. Just two things.

1. When do you expect you next release to be?

2. I see that the next release is going to have equipment, Is the next release going to have the Attack/Damage fields working? I have read what you plan to do with them and it sounds great.

Can't wait and thanks again


First Post
I'm working around limited free time at the moment. I don't have a deadline that I've set for myself. Judging on my current rate of progress, I might have something worth releasing next Wednesday - it might be only basic equipment, it might include using the weapon/armor/gear slots, it might include functional attack/damage block usage. My free time has been severely limited as of late, so what gets released when will be determined by how quickly I can get done (and reasonably tested) enough to justify another release.


First Post
What a cool thing and a good idea. I assume you are taking all this criticism as 'we like it a lot and just want to use it always'. Well, most of it. It got a bit heated on page one.

My question is muticlassing. I couldn't add my free at will as an encounter. And when the list of powers comes up it is all of the powers for both classes.

Thanks for the cool thing!



First Post
My question is muticlassing. I couldn't add my free at will as an encounter. And when the list of powers comes up it is all of the powers for both classes.

Multiclass support is admittedly pretty sketchy right now. While support for accessing a multiclass' powers is in, using another class' daily power as an encounter power is not. It's on the todo list, right next to sorting out Dragonborn's different healing surge calculation. Both are non-trivial from a code infrastructure standpoint.

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