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Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)


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A low, rumbling chuckle escapes Mognyr's snout as he sees the hobgoblins fall to the ground, burning. Bounding forward, the gnoll raises his axe and takes a mighty swing. Overbalanced by his attempt to leap past the burning enemies, he is unable to hurt either target.

[sblock=ooc] Move Action: Move to E5
Standard Action: Great Cleave, targeting H then R, both miss

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Mr Rusty

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"Here we go." Brock follows in Kazim's footsteps, stopping just a few feet behind him to take aim. He looses a shaft at the grunts standing off to his left but misses badly. "Arrgghh..." He grunts.

ooc: move: -B-4, attack: -D-7, miss. roll


First Post

Keyleth moves up alongside Brock, stying just an arm's length behind the ranger, sending a ray of light into the room. The cleric also misses her mark, the hobgoblin in the center of the room.

OOC: Move to -A-5 and miss "H".


First Post
Kalon moves forward and engages one of the hobgoblins off to the right, felling him with a swift attack. he then continues forward, swinging over the gnoll's shoulder at the Hobgoblin who resisted Kazim's flames, hacking into his arm.

Move: move to C5
Standard: Passing attack vs R at D7.1d20+6=14, 2d4+3=5: Miss. use Elven Accuracy. 1d20+6=19 Hit. Deal 5 to damage and drop the R. Shift to D5 and attack H. 1d20+8=26, 2d5+3=9. Hit, dealing 9 damage. He is marked.

No hobgoblin is currently benefitting from Phalanx Soldier.

H 30/47[23] AC20, FRW(18,16,16); marked by Kalon.


Male Elf
Fighter of Melora

Str 16 +3
Con 14 +2
Dex 15 +2
Int 8 -1
Wis 16 +3
Cha 10 +0

Speed 6

Hit Points 27.29
Bloodied 14
Surge Value 7
Healing Surges 9/11

Armor Class 17
Fortitude 14
Reflex 12
Will 13

Racial Traits
Elven Weapon Proficiency
Fey Origin
Group Awareness
Wild Step


Athletics +8
Endurance +7
Heal +8
Nature +5
Perception +5
Religion +4

Initiate of the Faith

Melee Basic Attack (Glaive +6 vs. AC, 2d4+3)
Cleave (+6 vs. AC, 2d4+3 and 3 to adjacent enemy)
Reaping Strike (+6 vs. AC, 2d4+3; Miss: 3)

xElven Accuracy
xPassing Attack (+6 vs. AC, 2d4+3, shift 1, second attack: +8 vs. AC, 2d4 +3)

xHealing Word
Brute Strike (+6 vs. AC, 6d4+3; reliable)

Scale Armor
Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch
10 trail rations
Hemp rope
2 sunrods
15 gp[/SBLOCK][/sblock]


First Post

Horatio moves a little closer to get a better view of the room but can’t get a good shot at the last remaining grunt to the left. Instead he turns the air near the hobgoblin soldier into flames burning both it and one of the goblins.

OOC: Move to B5, Scorching burst at G4 hits H for 10 hp (crit!) and G ( at -h-3) for 7 hp.
1d20+4=24, 1d20+4,1d6+4=[18, 4], [3, 4].

H 20/47[23] AC20, FRW(18,16,16); Bloodied; marked by Kalon.
G ( at -h-3) 24/31[15]AC 16, FRW(12,14,11).
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Charwoman Gene

The Hobgoblin shouts, "Regroup, and let's see if we can't take one down!"
The Grunt moves to back up the soldier, and gets a solid blow in against Mognyr.
The goblins all fire at Mognyr, striking him several very serious wounds. Mognyr falls to the ground. The goblins open the door and begin moving through it, although you hear a high pitched cry and a thump soon after the second goblin moves out the door.
The Hobgoblin shifts forward, missing Kalon, as he shouts, "The hand will not be defeated!"

[sblock=ooc]Note: I am omitting the negatives for all coordinates.
R1 Shifts to F6
Vs. Mognyr AC (1d20 6=24)
Hits Mognyr for 5 hp.
G3 G3 XBow Vs. Mognyr
(1d20 9=28, 1d6 4=10)

Move to j3, minor open Door
G2 G2 XBow Vs. Mognyr
(1d20 9=19, 1d6 4=6)

move intop hall
Secret DC 10 roll goblins
(1d20 3=19, 1d20 3=8)
Other secret (2d10=14)
G1 g1 Xbow vs Mognyr (1d20 9=23, 1d6 4=9)
move in top hall
H Shift, attack Kalon, missed even with edit
H vs. Kazim charge, slow (1d20 8=10, 1d10 4=10)Should hav been Kalon[/sblock]

Keyleth HP 24/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1;
Mogrym HP -4/31[15], HS 12/12[7], Dying 0/3, AP 1;
Horatio HP 24/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1;
Kazim HP 24/29[14], HS 9/11[7], AP 1;
Kalon HP 27/29[14], HS 9/11[7], AP 1;Marked(Soldier)
Brock HP 24/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1;

H 20/47[23] AC20, FRW(18,16,16); Bloodied, Marked(Kalon)
R1 AC 17, FRW(15,13,13)
R2 Dead;
R3 Dead;
R4 Dead;
R5 Dead;
G1 17/31[15]AC 16, FRW(12,14,11)
G2 24/31[15]AC 16, FRW(12,14,11)
G3 31/31[15]AC 16, FRW(12,14,11)

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First Post
Kalon moves to stand over Mognyr's body. "Kazim, take Brack and Horatio to get the running goblins. Keyleth and I will heal up Mog and handle these two!"

He swings and misses the two foes, but gets the attention of the Hobgoblin.

Move: Shift to E5
Standard: Cleave vs H. 1d20+6=10, 2d4+3=8. Miss. Mark H[/sblock]
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First Post

“Come on, Mog, no time for a nap, we still need you here...” Keyleth says while she moves into the room to heal the savage gnoll with Melora's favor.

She also sends a different favor towards the other hobgoblin.

OOC: Move to -F-2; Healing Word on Mognyr (9 + HSV); Sacred Flame on "R" (14 vs Reflex);
Minion "R" is dead and Mognyr gains 2 temporary hit points.


First Post

The genasi nods and follows after the archers, stopping by the goblin at the door. Whispering words of encouragement under his breath, the stone floor ripples and buckles under the goblin's feet. The goblin is able to leap into the air slightly and land unharmed on his feet. The goblin's concentration at staying up distracts it from the real threat, the deadly two-handed blow from Kazim's longsword. The blade bites deep into the goblin's gut, and the way his wound pulses in time with the humming of the longsword means further pain in is store. After the wounding the goblin, Kazim returns to a one-handed grip on his weapon.

[sblock=Actions]Move to (-I,-3). Use earthshock power. Miss: 10(not expended). Roll Lookup
Attack with booming blade. Crit! 13 damage, 8 more if the goblin moves away from me. Roll Lookup

Speed 6

Hit Points 24/29
Bloodied 14
Surge Value 7
Healing Surges remaining 8/10

Armor Class 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 13

:melee:Booming Blade (Longsword +7 vs AC, 1d8+4, if opp moves away 1d6+2 thunder damage)
:close:Sword Burst (Longsword +4 vs Ref, Burst 1, 1d6+4 to all enemies in burst)
:close:Aegis of shielding(minor action, close burst 2): Target is marked and takes a -2 to attack targets other than me. If marked creature attacks and hits a creature, I can use an immediate interrupt to prevent 7 damage from that attack.

:close:Earthshock(reliable), Close burst 1, +4 vs Fort(con based), 1d8 damage and knocks prone
:close:Flame Cyclone, Close blast 3, +4 vs Ref, 1d8+5 fire damage[expended]

:melee:Frost Backlash(Immed interrupt, a creature hits you, Longsword +7 vs reflex, 3d8+4 cold damage, miss: half damage [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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