2000AD Check out this map of Judge Dredd's Cursed Earth

This is a two-page spread in the upcoming The Cursed Earth adventure/sourcebook (available for pre-order) depicting the Cursed Earth in 2100. There will also be a player version available separately without the journey marked.


FAQ: Why is Mount Rushmore where it is? It was moved by the Judges to be near MC-1 for preservation. (Interesting fact: Mega-City One also contains the White Cliffs of Dover!)


The Cursed Earth is a vast, radioactive wasteland filled with mutants, outlaws, and more.

Whether you're undertaking a desperate raid outside the borders of Mega-City One, or you're a Mutant trying to eke out a life in the blasted wasteland, the Cursed Earth provides endless opportunities for adventure.

Within you'll find 10 new mutant species including the Alabammy Blimp, Brotherhood of Darkness, Dog Soldier, Gila Munja, Kentucky Trog and more, plus expanded mutation tables which include animal mutations, corporeal mutations, and metaphysical mutations. You'll also find a wide range of new mutant careers, equipment, a gazeteer, and a full adventure which takes you on an epic trek across the Cursed Earth as you deperately try to deliver a vital antidote to Mega-City Two!

An essential book for those playing mutant characters or those venturing out into The Cursed Earth!

Requires the use of the Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000 AD core rulebook.

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Its right at the top of the page. The very very very first thing on the page! :)

“Buy any book, get the PDF for free!”

Ugh, yep very very top of the page. I tend to look past that stuff on top and focus on the main page or the ordering info. Wow, talk about selective reading. lol Thanks Russ. Lesson once again to scan and scan again.

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