Chicago Gameday 36 is October 19th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

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Before I give the usual thanks, I want to make it known that we may broken a record this time around. There are roughly 57 signups on the sign-in sheet, plus at least one more walk-in of which I was aware. In addition to this, [MENTION=6709920]Isawa Hochiu[/MENTION] brought in way more players than were signed up; he's going to send me a complete list shortly. That means that, at 58+bunch attendees, Gameday 36 was very likely the largest Chicago Gameday on record. The previous record was held by Gameday 17 in July '07.

(In lesser news, I'm also pretty sure that the pre-Gameday-36 breakfast was the largest Gameday breakfast ever.)

It means a lot to me that, more than a decade since Gameday's inception, we can still occasionally manage to pack the Games Plus back room to the rafters. :cool:

Many, many thanks to everyone who attended, to our volunteer GMs/facilitators, and to our gracious hosts, Games Plus.

Special thanks to my fellow crew members in Monsterhearts and all of my victims in Dead of Night.

I also hope that all of our first-timers had fun and will consider coming back and gaming with us in the future. ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!

Cheers, everyone; enjoy the upcoming holidays and the celebration of the New Year. Stay tuned for news about dates for Gameday 37 in 2014.

P.S.: My terrible Gameday 36 photos on Flickr:

Isawa Hochiu

First Post
Great job Buzz, and a great event too!

As promised here is the list of players who came in for Dawn Patrol:

Jim McIntyre
Eric McIntyre
Blll Connely
Morgan Merchant
Jeff Lemmon
George Henion
John Melton
Harley Yoder
Bruce Yoder
Jim Barber
Jim Quinn
Vakis Polamaikos
Jeff Manjarrez
George Mohoi
Ken Stull
Jon Paulson
Scott Casper
Mike Carr

I was so pleased to see them roll in from Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, and even Jim Barber came up from St. Louis! Thanks guys! That HAS TO BE the largest Illinois gathering of Dawn Patrol players in decades, easily!

Again, thanks Buzz for making space for us. Thanks to Kurt and the gang at Games Plus for being able to accommodate that large of a crowd too. I look forward to the next event!

Mark Stevenson (Dawn Patrol attendee #19)
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Great job Buzz, and a great event too!

As promised here is the list of players who came in for Dawn Patrol...
Thanks for posting that, Mark!

If my calculations are correct, that means at least 67 people attended Gameday 36, officially making it the biggest Gameday on record.


First Post
Good times! Tried out two new systems this time around and had much fun!

Special thanks to PhilK for the Edge of the Empire game in the morning. Who'd have thought a mutinty could be so much fun? (Trick question...EVERYONE thought that. Well, except for the captain.)

More special thanks to Buzz for the delightful, tension-filled romp in Dead of Night. Seems like a very cool system!

And as always...MOST special thanks to the crew at Games Plus, Earth's greatest game store.

Looking forward to the next one! I plan to return to the GM seat...prepare to stay late.

Voidrunner's Codex

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