Chicago Gameday 42 is October 17 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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Huge thanks as always to our hosts, Games Plus, as well as our illustrious organizer, buzz! Extra special thanks to buzz for providing a prize to my table: a shiny new copy of the Feng Shui 2 core book!!!

To my players, thanks for an amazing game in the morning! I realized on the drive home that that mook sheet was supposed to be their total attack, not just their dice roll results--no wonder they hit so hard! Fail GM is fail!

Had an absolute blast playing Inspectres in the afternoon. Thanks to my table mates!!!


Big thanks to everyone who attended and ran games for us! And of course to our beloved venue, Games Plus!

View my photo album for Gameday 42 on Facebook

I had a lot of fun running Monster of the Week despite biffing a lot of rues, and lots of fun playing Worlds in Peril. Definitely a very PbtA-ful day, for me!

This was another small Gameday for us; there were a total of 24 attendees that I could verify. I think we were hit pretty hard by ValorCon going on the same weekend, as I know we lost at least 2-3 GMs to their recruitment efforts. We also lost a few games and attendees to illness and low turnout.

Hopefully, we'll bounce back come next Gameday. Expect to see an announcement soon, as well as me reaching out to the community for ideas on how to improve turnout and evolve Gameday.

Thanks, everyone!


Had a lot of fun playing Numenera and then destroying the world running Shadow of the Demon Lord in the afternoon.

Hopefully everyone walked away from my game with a new-found respect for dysentery, molotov cocktails and zombies.

I know I did :)




Had a lot of fun playing Numenera and then destroying the world running Shadow of the Demon Lord in the afternoon.

Hopefully everyone walked away from my game with a new-found respect for dysentery, molotov cocktails and zombies.

I know I did :)



Booyah! Thanks once again for stepping up at the last minute to run something in the afternoon. I'm glad to hear that folks in your game had fun!

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