Chicago Gameday 42 is October 17 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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Glad you spoke up, it would seem like begging if I did. :D
Begging is acceptable!

Seriously, if you, [MENTION=16198]Reidzilla[/MENTION], or [MENTION=6789923]MrF[/MENTION] frequent communities where fans of your games converge, let them know about your events! I did a quick post over at, but I'm sure there are other venues in which the words can be spread. (I would't want to come off as a spammer by joining them just to pimp Gameday, though.)


Okay folks, two weeks to go! Still plenty of seats for some events, so let's all keep getting the word out when and where we can. Any efforts are appreciated!


Gameday 42 is THIS WEEKEND, folks. Woo!
[MENTION=6789923]MrF[/MENTION] I'm afraid it's time for us to consider pulling your events. Ultimately, it's up to you, but if we're not going to need a table for your games, I prefer to tell Games Plus now rather than the day of, so they can plan accordingly. You're more than welcome to jump into one of the other events if any of them interest you.

This also goes for any other GMs who feel that they have too few players in order to run. I think we're generally in good shape, but [MENTION=16198]Reidzilla[/MENTION], I see that you're still at just two. Can you run with just two people?

One wildcard we have is that I know two people have RSVP'd for Gameday, but have not actually signed up via Warhorn. I will try and reach out to them.


First Post
No problem, I was just about to tell you to cancel my games anyway.

With no sign ups, it really doesn't make sense to take up table space.

Go a head and pull both my events.


but [MENTION=16198]Reidzilla[/MENTION], I see that you're still at just two. Can you run with just two people?

No, my event requires four player to run well. I MIGHT be able to swing it with 3 but, I do not know how much fun it would be.

We could leave it up in hopes of some walk ins, cancel it, or we could switch it to a Giga-Robo playtest event. What do you suggest?


No problem, I was just about to tell you to cancel my games anyway.

With no sign ups, it really doesn't make sense to take up table space.

Go a head and pull both my events.
Done! Please feel free to sign up for something as a player if you'd like. You've run so many events for us; sit back and let someone else do the driving this time. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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