Chicago Gameday 42 is October 17 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL


Time: Morning and Afternoon

Game system: Pathfinder

Event Title: Ruins of Greyhawk: First Day of Camp
Wow, thanks for stepping up, Vyv! Added.

Now we just need [MENTION=492]Trevalon Moonleirion[/MENTION] to provide a description, and we're good to go.
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Unfortunately I am going to have to bow out of running anything as my mom passed last week.

I will be there as a player, but we have quite a bit of work to do here in the next few weeks that isn't
going to leave me anytime to prepare anything worthwhile :(

I'd suggest CoC, then, since we already have two Savage Worlds events scheduled.


Unfortunately I am going to have to bow out of running anything as my mom passed last week.

I will be there as a player, but we have quite a bit of work to do here in the next few weeks that isn't
going to leave me anytime to prepare anything worthwhile :(
I'm so sorry, khaleb7! My condolences to you and your family. No sweat about your event, of course.

I suck--this should have been done ages ago. Here ya go, buzz:

Title: Shadow of the Future of the Apes!
Game System: Feng Shui 2 (note, this is the sample adventure in the core rulebook)
Content Rating: Kid-friendly-ish. There’s nothing inherently more risqué than anything you’d see in a bad hollywood action movie.
Number of players: 6 pre-generated characters


You’re invited to the grand opening of the Portland Street Community Centre in beautiful Hong Kong, a gala affair with food, drinks, car crashes, gunfights, explosions, and a fanatic cult hellbent on bringing about the rise of hyper-intelligent apes. There will also be a sundae bar!*

Come join a ridiculous cast of action movie archetypes as they battle to get sucked headlong into the Chi War. Come armed with a quiver full of one-liners, ideas for gravity and death-defying stunts, the improvisational chops to turn every object your character encounters into a deadly weapon, your best bad accents, and two different-colored d6s. (The last bit is optional, as we ARE going to be in a game store.)

And remember, the worst thing that can happen to your character in Feng Shui isn't dying--it's looking bad.

*Sundaes not served to players at GM's table unless they bring their own, and enough to share.
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I suck--this should have been done ages ago. Here ya go, buzz
Thanks! Your event description has been updated on Warhorn.

Now I just need [MENTION=6789923]MrF[/MENTION], [MENTION=12254]whifflebat[/MENTION], [MENTION=6796169]willo[/MENTION]x, and [MENTION=6670165]paladinlee[/MENTION] to register on Warhorn so I can assign them as GMs. :)

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