Chicago Gameday 42 is October 17 at Games Plus in Mt. Prospect, IL

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Nev the Deranged

First Post
So, it's a bummer, but every year I have stuff going on every weekend in October, and every year my bosses decide we're working every Saturday in October. So if I make it to Game Day at all, it won't be until second slot. I know it's last minute but probably somebody can run something in my morning slot. Sorry.


So, it's a bummer, but every year I have stuff going on every weekend in October, and every year my bosses decide we're working every Saturday in October. So if I make it to Game Day at all, it won't be until second slot. I know it's last minute but probably somebody can run something in my morning slot. Sorry.

That sucks! Well, life happens; no sweat.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Hey, I see the email went out saying that registration was live, but it doesn't appear to be over at Warhorn. I don't see anybody else signed up for anything either. Is anybody else having trouble?


Yup, should be fixed now. Please accept my apologies; I suck!

For some reason, in the past there was just one delay I had to check in the con setup screen to clear everyone; but I guess that didn't work this time. Now I had to check a bunch of thingies.


Hiccups aside, looks like we've managed to fill up four events already: Feng Shui 2, Monster of the Week, Inspecres, and Conan!

Now we just need to find some Pathfinder and Earthdawn players....

Voidrunner's Codex

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