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Chicago Gameday is March 15th: Aftermath...


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I want to thank Buzz for his superior organization skills, as usual, and Curt for having all of us.

I also want to thank the folks who showed up for the Squirrels Ahoy and the following game of Squirrel Attack! The Boardgame.

From Left to right: Donna, Daniel, Troy and Natalie (although I kept wanting to call her Natasha and she seemed o.k. with that).

My son, Theoden, and wife Linda joined us although Linda was kept busy making sure Theoden behaved. Thanks to all the players for being so understanding about having a 3 year old at the table. Both Linda and I appreciated that very much.

Finally, my players from last Gameday where I said I would write it up but somehow it got away from me. They are pictured here as they fight their way through horribly mutated and infected monsters at a base that has called for help a bit too late.

Thanks again to everyone and hope Fenril Knight enjoys his copy of Roma Imperious True20! Thanks to Mark for the Picture.


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Ahhh, Game Day. Just think, out last Game Day before 4th Ed comes out (right? I think that is right).

Thanks to Buzz for organizing and Games Plus for hosting and for having so many great things to buy. :)

Thanks to Le Peeps Breakfast Club great conversation before the games started. Even if it did take Buzz 30 min to drink coffee and wake up. :)

Thanks to McGuffin for running the 4th Ed. Shadowrun game. Its great to now be part of the Rich and Famous!

Thanks to Vyvyan Basterd for running that crazy high level Book of Nine Swords game. What a hoot! I now know where you got that 2nd part of your name from. :)

It was very fun to see those BoNS game concepts in action. Though I think I messed up at least one thing every round! Wild and crazy.

It was great fun, even if we did have to talk over that dang Ghostbusters table. And I kept wanting to watch the Squirrel game. :)

Till next time!



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The battle to end all battles - or something like that

I first want to thank everyone involved in Gameday. I always have a great time and I look forward to them.

I enjoy many of Mark's games, but this was an especially good time because I got to game with Curt. He's been the man behind the counter since I was begging my parents to drive me over to the old Games Plus location. I've wanted to game with him for some time and I'm happy to say that it was everything I had hoped for. He runs a mean cleric (especially when he has a griffon mount and a squad of golems!)

On to the battle...

The sun rose that fateful day to witness a horde of vile, evil creatures sailing into our peaceful harbor. They were intent on creating a beach head and driving through the pass into the comfortable human and elven lands found past the rocky shores. The only thing standing in their way was a small dwarven hamlet, a crazy elven priest who was holed up in the pass, and some human rangers. The horde came charging up the shore and after having one of their flying abberations shot out of the sky by some dwarven archers, decided they would have an easier time against the humans. They tore into those rangers like a wolf into a rabbit. The rangers fared well against the pests and cannon fodder the enemy threw at them, but broke under the assault of their heavier, shock troops.

Meanwhile, since the horde was frightened of the dwarves, they sent their fearless undead into the hamlet and it was time for the dwarves to stop drinking and start fighting. They pounded into the undead and then the second worst offense was committed. The enemy had spilled dwarven blood on dwarven land (the worst offense is, of course, spilling a dwarf's ale). With berserk fury, the dwarves pushed back the undead legion and they broke and ran back towards the beach. By now, our allies and good friends, the halflings from beyond the pass had answer our call to arms and formed up with the crazy elf's golems to create an amazing L shaped defense. After harrying the enemy, they fell back into a firm line and held against attack after attack by the shock troops. It was truly amazing to see the little fellows holding back the tide of evil with such high morale.

With the undead on the run, the dwarves did a quick feint to reinforce the pass only to come screaming out at the enemies flank to relieve some pressure. Leaving a score of rag tag humans to hold the hamlet and fall back to the pass if needed. Seeing the fearful dwarves leave the hamlet to the humans, the undead legion counterattacked and the humans ran (typical). Now surrounded on three sides by the undead, the horde's fliers and beastly animals, and their shock troops; the dwarves formed up into their dreaded square defensive position and prayed to Dwarven God of Chance - Lucky Stones.

The golems pounded on the shock troops, the halflings kept harrassing them and the dwarves fought bravely on. Breaking the fliers and then the beastly animals, the dwarves fell upon the undead with unmatched savagery. Flanked by golems on one side and the dwarves on another as the bearded folk separated the enemy, the horde's lines quickly fell apart under the murderous hammer and anvil tactics. Encouraged by their allies success, the halflings rushed the remaining enemy with the human riff-raff in tow (it is a credit to the halflings' leadership for rallying those humans) and chased down the last of the enemy.

Sadly, the day was won but at a heavy cost. ...(begin sorrowful bag pipe music)... Many halflings died in the forest that day along with two of the cleric's creations. But 'tis the dwarves' passing that we feel so much grief. Raise your mugs, for we toast the six fine dwarves that died that day on the hard rock shores of our hamlet. After the humans routed instead of guarding their flank, the dwarves were too heavily outnumbered. May Lucky Stones welcome them into his halls.

(Oh, and the humans lost like 40 or 50 men, but they're like cockroaches, you kill one and there are 10 more hiding about somewhere. I mean, how fast do they breed? It takes ten of them to match a dwarf in killing, drinking, or working anyway so they got off easy.)

Tim C Koppang

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Vyvyan Basterd, Buzz, et al,

Thanks for the kind words. I had a great time playing with everyone in the Hero's Banner game. Everyone was contributing and enthusiastic. I can't really ask for more.

Same goes for everyone I played 1001 Nights with -- it was lots of fun. Thanks to Dave for organizing the event and feeding us.

I'll be posting the pictures I took to my Flickr account tomorrow. Expect a link and some actual play threads to follow.

- Tim

Vyvyan Basterd

Mark said:
Nice pics. The transition helps us keep in mind why we do this, doesn't it? :)

Except you guys always manage to get the pics that remind just how little hair I have left. :p

I think my home mirror is glamered. I see much more hair on my head when I look into it.

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