Chicago Gameday XIV: Aftermath...


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Yort said:
All right, I've been avoiding this thread simply because I couldn't make it and it's too painful to see everyon as giddy as school girls over something I can't attend.

Well that changes *NOW* people!

Thanks to the ever-changing tides of fate (which flows like sand through the hour glass...) this Saturday has become free. So Buzz, if you could sign me up for Slot 2, Game 4 The Iron Heros game, it would be much appreciated.

I'll probably make the morning sessions, but that's still knee-deep in the tides of fate, so I don't want to make any commitments that might be messed. Worse case, I've got Killer Bunnies should anyone want fluffy death for breakfast.

Later all,
Beware the ides of fate...

Or something like that.

Glad to see you can make it for, at least, part of the day.

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Reidzilla said:
<Bucket Lad>
Run Shadowbane2! Run while you can!!!!
</Bucket Lad>
Bucket Lad! Returning from post 76! I love it! Can't wait to super-hero it up with you, Reid...

If there's a hero named Bucket Lad, I got dibs.

pvt. patterson

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darn you reid

since reid is quitting on me!(darn you people! reid is godly dm :p:p) but since no one joined his evening game, can you sign me up for: Game 5: Gaelic Sunrise. thank...


First Post
Yort said:
All right, I've been avoiding this thread simply because I couldn't make it and it's too painful to see everyon as giddy as school girls over something I can't attend.

Well that changes *NOW* people!

Thanks to the ever-changing tides of fate (which flows like sand through the hour glass...) this Saturday has become free. So Buzz, if you could sign me up for Slot 2, Game 4 The Iron Heros game, it would be much appreciated.

I'll probably make the morning sessions, but that's still knee-deep in the tides of fate, so I don't want to make any commitments that might be messed. Worse case, I've got Killer Bunnies should anyone want fluffy death for breakfast.

Later all,



Yort said:
Thanks to the ever-changing tides of fate (which flows like sand through the hour glass...)

..isn't that the voice-over lead in to one of the soaps? 'As the world turns' or something?


..Yort, buddy, lay off the daytime TV and come back to your family, your true home... ..the gamers. Even if that's NOT a soap opera tagline, it sounds like one... ..what HAVE you been doing?!?

*stifles evil laughter*


Glad to hear you're making it after all; see ya this weekend! :D


First Post
Ninjacat said:
..isn't that the voice-over lead in to one of the soaps? 'As the world turns' or something?

That would actually be "Days of Our Lives."

FCWesel has a 16 ranks in his Knowledge: Pop Culture Skill.


pvt. patterson said:
since reid is quitting on me!(darn you people! reid is godly dm :p:p) but since no one joined his evening game, can you sign me up for: Game 5: Gaelic Sunrise. thank...


First Post
With regrets.. I am not going to be able to make it to the game day this weekend. I will be in MN till sunday because of House shopping and Fathers day. My Dad has had some bad times in the last few months.. Part of the reason I am moving north once again. He now has a broken hip and has to stay at a nursing home for a while for rehabing and is extremely depressed. So the family and I are going to try and cheer him up. My deepest regrets as I wanted to make it to the game day. The good news is that god willing I will make it to future game days tripping back from MN just to do so! :) I have made to many friends at Games Plus not to do so! :)

My life has been hectic to say the least in the last 6 months as Curt can attest to. I miss the gang at GP and plan on coming there again this week hopefully if nothing happens between now and then. I just wish things would start normalizing somewhat again :)

I will check here periodically though to see how the game day went.. Good luck and have some fun ok!!
I insist! :)


TracerBullet42 said:
Bucket Lad! Returning from post 76! I love it! Can't wait to super-hero it up with you, Reid...

If there's a hero named Bucket Lad, I got dibs.

Actually, you get to make your own hero by choosing from over 40 templates and customizing him.

You can have your own, personal, Bucket Lad. Someone to be your friend, now and then. :)

Song reference anyone?

Or you could just make your own superhero to join the ranks of...

the Gameday Guardians

Fourteenth Man – A Hero with the strength, speed, and appetite of fourteen men!

AcetaminoPhoenix – A fiery heroine who thwarts evildoers with her numbing flames of justice.

Bucket Lad – A spirited young man with the eerie affinity with pails of all sorts.

Note that the Gameday Guardians and all references therein have nothing to do with the actual Jupiter City #1 adventure. :p


First Post
It might be too late now but another good idea for a prize would be 7 days trials to DDO (Dungeons & Dragons Online) - Stormreach.
I have been playing DDO for nearly 2 mos. now and I am addicted! It's the closest thing you can get to an old fashioned paper and pencil game apart from the real thing!

On the marketing front, I have notified the Chicago, Wheaton and Aurora Meetup groups about Gameday. Hopefully, there will be enough walk-in's to fill the empty spots here and there.

Chicago Meetup:

Aurora Meetup:

Wheaton Meetup:

The Chicago group gets the most traffic and activity so I am hoping for the most hits there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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