Chicago Gameday XVI: the aftermath!

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Okay, Peoples, anybody who wants a sneak peek at the Crisis Guard from my M&M event can find them here. (It's one large-ish .bmg image; I dunno if that'll suck too much for dial-uppers or not... ..and Yes, they were all made with HeroMaker, and a bit of fiddling with plain ol' MS Paint. :p )

At GameDay I'll have more complete descriptions and backgrounds to go with the character sheets. :cool:
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Ninjacat said:
Okay, Peoples, anybody who wants a sneak peek at the Crisis Guard from my M&M event can find them here.
N-cat, I added a link to this in your event description, FYI.

Tim C Koppang

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Well, it looks as if my other plans have fallen through. So could you please sign me up for Agon in the morning and Don't Rest Your Head in the afternoon? Much appreciated. And I'm looking forward to it.

- Tim Koppang


Tim C Koppang said:
So could you please sign me up for Agon in the morning and Don't Rest Your Head in the afternoon?
ADDED! Very cool to see that you can make it, Tim.

See, Nev? Not only do you have a player, you've got an indie darling. ;)


First Post
Hey Buzz,

I've just got to admit I'm a sucker for classic cartoons, so sign me up for Slot 1, Game 4. I look forward to bashing heads, defeating evil, and just maybe learning a special lesson about life by the end of the session.

pvt. patterson

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hey buzz! YAY! i got my internet back up... umm sign me up for game 1 morning and game 4 afternoon please. thanks....!!

Thanks again,
Pvt. Patterson

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