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Choose your weapon!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
From Lawgivers to Lightsabers, from Excalibur to Sting, what's your personal favourite hand-held weapon from science fiction or fantasy?

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Staff member
Light sabers are very cool.

However, I always liked the discs from Tron, the telescoping rods the Rangers carried in Bab5, and the hyper-spatial arsenal carried by Milla Jovovitch in Ultraviolet.


Mod Squad
Staff member
There are many cool weapons out there. But, the first that really gripped my imagination was "The Soft Weapon", from Larry Niven's story of the same name.

Then, of course, there is Excalibur. Because, well, it is probably the foremost named weapon in all of fantasy.


Lightsabers. But I also like the telepathically operated guns from Harry Harrison's Deathworld Cycle. And I have a soft spot for Vera.


I always liked Ulysses' pistol from Ulysses 31, which could operate as either a pistol or lightsaber as needed, and I do like the design of the Star Trek TNG / DS9 Type II Phaser for being an unusual yet practical design for a recoilless hand weapon.

However, for sheer hours-of-fun factor, my favourite would have to be the Zero-Point Energy Field Manipulator from Half-Life 2, better known as the Gravity Gun.


Hmm, I don't really have a favorite. Lightsabers struck me as an accident waiting to happen, especially when checking the batteries.

I've got several Trek phasers, I suppose those are nice.

I like katanas. Nice blade length and weight.

the Portal gun is handy.

Pop one end on the side of sky scraper before a fight, then keep opening the other end on the ground under your enemies feet.

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