Choosing the best system for a homebrew space opera campaign


Here's the systems that I own that I'd recommend

GURPS Transhuman
Traveller (any edition or variant)
Stars Wars (d6 or SAGA)
Star Hero (Hero System)
Spacemaster: Privateers

For a really gritty game, try Traveller 2300 or 2300AD

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Super Pony

Studded Muffin
Consider Cortex or Cortex Plus. Story heavy, rules light, and easily transferable to any setting. Serenity runs on Cortex. I don't think Cortex Plus is out as a published standalone system just yet (someone more versed may need to weigh in there...but it may only be available via Smallville currently...okay stop laughing the system is awesome sauce).

The reason I suggest these as a mechanic basis for your game is that they are easy to learn, quick to prepare adventures for, and the systems are redonculously easy to divorce from published setting fluff.


First of all, you could invite me to play as that sounds really interesting ;).

But to the actual question, I was also thinking either Star Wars Saga (if you've got a group that is already familiar with d20 and/or 4E), Fading Suns, or Eclipse Phase, which can be had as a free PDF (don't have the link handy) plus they have this Gatecrashing book that could be quite useful.

I'd also take a look at Diaspora or Thousand Suns.


First Post
While I've never played it, Warhammer 40k rpg may work. It has a brutal reputation.

As someone whos playing it on a regular basis with his young nephews. No. No, absolutelly not. None of the triology, Dark heresy, Rogue Trader or Deathwatch does work well with standard space opera.

Stick to Mongoose Traveller.


I've given thought to running a scifi campaign in the distant future. I, however, plan to use 4e. Many mechanics are in place, I have to design races, classes, and equipment. That's a lot of work, sure, but it allows me to completely customize.

Having said that, I'm collecting miniatures for this game and plan on having a LOT of different alien races available. My big surprise so far is how easily 4e works as a "plug-n-play" sort of system. No playtesting yet, of course.

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