D&D 5E Chronicles of Eberron Is Keith Baker's New D&D Book, out now!

After a few days of teasing, Eberron creator Keith Baker has announced his new book -- Chronicles of Eberron! By Keith and Imogen Gingell, the 200-page book will be available on DMs Guild in December. Hektula is the Scribe of Sul Khatesh, the Keeper of the Library of Ashtakala, and the Chronicler of the Lords of Dust. Her treasured tomes hold arcane secrets still hidden from human and...

After a few days of teasing, Eberron creator Keith Baker has announced his new book -- Chronicles of Eberron! By Keith and Imogen Gingell, the 200-page book will be available on DMs Guild in December.

Chronicles of Eberron.png

Hektula is the Scribe of Sul Khatesh, the Keeper of the Library of Ashtakala, and the Chronicler of the Lords of Dust. Her treasured tomes hold arcane secrets still hidden from human and dragon alike. What lies beneath the Barren Sea? What powers does Mordain the Fleshweaver wield within Blackroot? Who are the Grim Lords of the Bloodsail Principality? All these secrets and many more can be found in the Chronicles of Eberron…

  • Chronicles of Eberron is a new 5E sourcebook from Eberron creator Keith Baker and designer Imogen Gingell.
  • This book explores a diverse range of topics, including lore and advice for both players and DMs, along with new monsters, treasures, spells and character options.
  • Chronicles of Eberron will be available on the DMs Guild as a PDF and print-on-demand.

But that's not all! There is a collaboration with Hero Forge and new T-Shirts!

Screenshot 2022-11-22 at 9.50.20 AM.pngKeithBakerPresentsShirts_TwogetherStudios.jpg

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5e Freelancer
IMHO, it's mostly hypothetical.
Yeah, I definitely wouldn't change them now. It's probably too late to make a change that big to the setting, unless Keith Baker decided to do it. I might do a change like that at my own table, and while Eberron fans certainly seem more open to changes to the setting during edition updates (Daelkyr Dwarves), they still aren't fine with major changes (most of the 4e changes).

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't change them now. It's probably too late to make a change that big to the setting, unless Keith Baker decided to do it. I might do a change like that at my own table, and while Eberron fans certainly seem more open to changes to the setting during edition updates (Daelkyr Dwarves), they still aren't fine with major changes (most of the 4e changes).
Honestly, with the exception of them trying to shoehorn Baator into the cosmology for whatever reason, I was pretty much okay with 4e's take on Eberron.

Frankly, if i wanted the Dhakaani or orcs etc to have some dragonmarks (which does make eminent sense) I'd just invent new ones. Give them the Mark of Fire, or the Mark of Erasure, or the Mark of Time or something, and just say they'd had it all along and have kept it secret or perhaps it's a recently stabilised aberrant dragonmark. Just makes things easier without having to reorganise all the existing material completely.


5e Freelancer
Frankly, if i wanted the Dhakaani or orcs etc to have some dragonmarks (which does make eminent sense) I'd just invent new ones. Give them the Mark of Fire, or the Mark of Erasure, or the Mark of Time or something, and just say they'd had it all along and have kept it secret or perhaps it's a recently stabilised aberrant dragonmark. Just makes things easier without having to reorganise all the existing material completely.
Wouldn't that ruin the "13-1" part of the Dragonmarks?

Wouldn't that ruin the "13-1" part of the Dragonmarks?

Meh, I can live with that. Hell, add another complete set of 13 dragonmarks if the symmetry is important (and if you don't run out of ideas and spells by then!) Or even two sets - the 'original' dragonmarks are linked to Siberys, perhaps the other two creator dragons have their own marks too. Give a mark to the drow, and one to the sahuagin, the changelings, etc etc etc


I agree with these changes. One issue, however, is that fans and players don't necessarily like change to their setting when it comes to lore like this. I like the idea of goblinoids getting House Deneith, but there is probably some PC human heir to house Deneith character out there who becomes invalidated by the retcons. So it's always a delicate balancing act. It may add something to goblinoids but it potentially takes something away from a pre-existing campaign or player character, which is never fun if you are on the side that loses something or a fan of that House as is.
It's not going to be something anyone is really going to have to worry about any time soon, I don't believe... because I would not expect WotC to produce a new Eberron book to go along with the 2024 updates. So any dragonmark changes would be on a DM's individual personal front and/or Keith writing a Dragonmarks blog post of his where he decides to update some of the marks.

Maybe some time in the future WotC could release a new ECS book and decide to do some moves around the houses to new/different species... but even then I wouldn't be surprised if it was mentioned in those section of the book both the "classical" species mark, and the "new" species mark. It's not going to be anything any player with a Human Deneith or Vadalis marked character is going to have to worry about or deal with for years upon years I wouldn't imagine.

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