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City of Doors, City of Lies - Planescape


Thanks Horacio, for the good words as always.

The primary part of the campaign takes place in Sigil, dealing with plots and intrigue. I let that be the stable background, so that when they leave and go out into the planes, they seem that much more magnificient.

And yes, MasterofHeaven, things can be a bit insane at times. Quinn is most definitely chaotic, as you'll find out. Killian? Well, he just mean and vindictive. And he's one of those guys who believes fire won't burn them, again and again. Wait until you see 'the List'...

Next: A mission to the Outlands, and sparring with the cambion...

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[ Spar 24th – Day 14 ]

The morning finds our cutters at the Armory, preparing for a match between Quinn and Ely. A few Doomguard factioneers have an inkling of what is going to transpire, so they turn out to watch. A square has been drawn on the floor of the weapons practice area for the two of them to fight in. Both are hardy individuals, so they agree to hold no punches until one yields or falls. Quinn chooses to use short swords in the battle; Ely chooses an oddly-curved blade (non-magical he assures Quinn) that he wants to try out.

The two face off against one another. They each feint a few times, then rush in with a crash of steel. Quinn presses the attack, taking any ground he can. Ely proves to be very nimble and incredibly strong. After several blocks and parries, each lands a decisive blow: Ely cuts up into the minotaur underarm, forcing Quinn to stop using his secondary sword; Quinn catches the blade of Ely’s sword on his pommel, and wrenches it out of his grasp. Disarmed and impressed, Ely prepares to fight with his hands. Quinn, trying to appear an honorable (if not arrogant) combatant, suggests that Ely retrieve his weapon. Ely chooses to forego the curved blade, instead grabbing a traditional longsword from the rack. The combat continues.

Disarming Ely was Quinn’s highlight of the fight, because after that, the cambion turns up the heat. He bursts into a flurry of action, striking with one weapon just as often as Quinn does with two. Quinn is pressed back and wounded several times by Ely, until finally he raises his open hand and submits. Both warriors have sustained a number of smaller injuries, blood running down their arms and through rents in their shirts. No potions of healing or anything of the sort are passed out – this is the Doomguard, and their philosophies of entropy go against their use. Ely is impressed with Quinn’s performance, and makes a few recommendations to improve his fighting style.

Tira mentions interest in a spear made of mithral that she could purchase. Ely tells her that it would most likely have to be crafted and it would be expensive, but he can make the arrangements. Killian speaks with Spragg while the others are occupied with the fight and weapons purchases. They speak vaguely of dissent within the faction, pertaining to the rumors of Factol Pentar’s new plans and attitudes. The two gauge each other’s true motives, but no plans are made by either. Quinn cleans up some and the trio leave the Armory.

They move out of the Lady’s Ward and to the Exchange. Felinca gives them another job, starting with a meeting with a cutter by name of Solastor at the Fat Candle Pub. The new mission will take them to Faunel, gate-town to the Beastlands and also Tira’s place of birth. Seems that an expedition out to a new set of ruins near the burg has disappeared and they’ve hired the Blades to find them. They head out to the tavern and meet up with Solastor, a wily, somewhat charismatic fighter. He definitely makes an impression as he shakes Killian’s hand and uses the grasp to flip him over onto the floor. He drives the point home that he will not be trifled with, and then turns to buy them drinks. The group, confused as usual, plan their exit from town. Solastor is not actually their employer for this mission, but instead a journeyman for the Bleak Cabal. He needs to travel through the Outlands to Faunel, and paid the Blades a nominal fee so that he could travel with their group.

The group returns to Tivvum’s Antiquities to retrieve another gate key from Alluvius Ruskin. She remembers the group and provides the neccesary key for a modest price. The key this time is a small, spherical lodestone. Once again, Killian examines the defenses of her shop, looking at it more as a burglar instead of a patron. He notes that the ‘keys’ she keeps in the higher level of this cylindrical building are worth more: gemstone baubles instead of shavings of soap and bent spoons. Time will tell if he ever chooses to make the attempt.

The characters make their way through the town into the Clerk’s Ward and to the portal itself. The front door of an office two buildings over from the Scriptorium serves as a portal to the Outlands. Tira knows of this portal because it is the one she used to enter Sigil originally. She knows of another, more accessible portal directly from the burg to Sigil, but it is heavily regulated by the Sign of One. They did not want that faction minding their business, even though it would have been a quicker jaunt. They activate the portal and step through, depositing them out into the flats of the Outlands. They note their location and leave most of the navigation to Tira, since she is a native to this area of the Outlands. It is an interesting time, as it is the changing of the month. The last day of Spar marks the ends of the oppressive stormclouds. On the horizon, they can see the clouds breaking up, and a reddish sky filtering through. The month of Hecatomb is nearly upon them.

[ DM Note: Quinn takes no healing potions? Back at this time we were using 2nd edition rules and Quinn’s high constitution (20, I believe) granted him a minor bit of regeneration. So his wounds would seal up over hours of time. We still play some with this, since having it heal him over hours hasn’t affected balance that much. And now with a healer in the party, it rarely matters. ]

[ Also, my campaign uses a variant of the Outlands Year calendar, which can be found here: ( http://mimir.net/outlands/calendar.shtml ) on the Mimir website. I may make a post later with the months, the six days of the week, and all of that compiled information. I originally helped design the javascript applet on the page that determined the Outlands date for you, but as you can see it’s broken because it wasn’t Y2K compliant. Oh well. ]
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Ashy said:
Top shelf and tarmy, blood! Keep it up! :) Also, if ya get the chance, drop ol' Ashy a line, please! :)

Ho ho ho, so the ol' tiefer wants to take another poor writter into his staff...

I accepted his offer and sold my soul to his barmy/tarmy (it depends of the point of view) Planewalker project, and now I'm too involved to quit, the Planewalker syndrome has infected me, as sure as Mechanus has cogs. Be careful, RuinedOne, he will offer you fame and fortune across the planes and you will finish like me, being one of his workers... :p :D

Oh, well, forget it, accept his offer, join to the Planewalker network and someday soon I will be translating your Story Hour to Spanish and putting it in my Planewalker-es site. That will be tarmy, by the Lady!


Ooh, writing projects. Always good thing to tackle.

And translating my story into Spanish? Wow, that'll be very cool. Not that I'll understand a word of it, but still. Just be forewarned, you're looking at a _lot_ of material, Horacio. I've got lots to put up here, and when I edit it, it just seems to grow and get more detailed...
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The Year of the Broken Wheel
[ Hecatomb 1 – Day 15 ]

From their starting location, Tira knows that the trip will take about three or four days. She does mention that travelling at the beginning of Hecatomb is a bad omen, as it is the month that most reflects the nature of Baator. The skies have adopted a hellish red color, pink early in the morning fading into a deep blood-red as night falls. Their path leads them into a lightly-populated forest, which she explains will gradually change into swamplands.

The change of atmosphere seems to scare the locals back to their lairs, and so this day’s travels go without incident. Hunting proves to be difficult, so they eat hard rations that they had brought with them. The woods provide a comfortable place to camp for the night.

[ Hecatomb 2 – Day 16 ]

As the characters move through the woodlands, they come to an area where trees have apparently been struck in Spar’s stormy weather and fallen over into the path. This doesn’t hinder the group, but it provides a distraction in which they are ambushed. Breaking from the trees are quick moving birds that are similar to ostriches in size – abrians. A group of three rush up behind Killian and Solastor, striking out with incredibly strong legs. They only stay for a moment, then rush off as the party recovers and ready weapons. As Tira launches a spear at the fleeing attackers, another group rushes to the front of the group, and catch the characters unprepared.

The group quickly divides to handle the ‘guerilla tactics’ of the abrians. Solastor finds himself in dire straits as two of the birds return and team up on him. He defends as best he can with a dagger, but their crippling kicks push him farther back into the woods. Quinn connects with one of his swords, leaving a bloody hole in the abrian’s side. The creature pecks at his face, trying to gouge out an eye, but misses and earns a spiteful headbutt from the Minotaur. The abrian collapses into a heap.

Killian tumbles away from an abrian and tries to use the trees as a shield of sorts. It works to his advantage at first, with Killian slashing into the abrian’s wings. The bird-creature angrily squaks at him, and then Killian is struck from the rear. He realizes that the birds are communicating, coordinating their attacks. This situation could get bad…

Tira also maneuvers to get a better advantage. After getting kicked by one of the abrians, she takes off down the path, seemingly running from the combat. She can sense that one of the birds is bearing down on her, so she takes a spear in hand. At the last second, she pivots and places the butt of the spear into the ground, and guides the point directly towards her pursuer. The abrian has no time to correct its path, and slams into the spear and into Tira. The spear impales the creature, and snaps under its weight.

Quinn sees that the creatures have Solastor on the ground, trying to retreat. He tackles one of the abrians, sending it rolling onto the ground. Solastor is freed to act, and from his crouching position he moves his hands and brings forth an arc of flame. The flames burn the creature and force it to back away from the fallen mage. The abrian that Quinn struck stands and trades blows with the minotaur. Quinn can feel the crunch in his ribs as he is kicked one good time. He forces himself to ignore the pain and lashes out again and again with his short swords until the creature lies fallen before him.

Killian dodges and tumbles his way past the pair of creatures attacking him. He does a defensive retreat, until he hears a thud and sees an arrow sprouting from the neck of one of the abrians. Enraged, the bird turns and charges towards Tira, who has now taken out her bow. Two more arrows fly, stabbing into the bird until it falters and falls at her feet. Killian’s sword finds his opponent once more, after which the bird decides to flee. As it moves, the last one attacking Solastor joins it in running from the scene. Killian takes his new chakra, the disc purchased from Ely, and hurls it at the abrian. It connects, although it fails to drop the beast. The disc ricochets from its target and among some trees, but comes nowhere near close to Killian’s outstretched hand. It takes a little time, but he retrieves the errant weapon.

Feeling fortunate to be alive, the group gathers and moves on, knowing that their destination of Faunel is still a few days ahead of them.


theRuinedOne said:
Ooh, writing projects. Always good thing to tackle.

And translating my story into Spanish? Wow, that'll be very cool. Not that I'll understand a word of it, but still. Just be forewarned, you're looking at a _lot_ of material, Horacio. I've got lots to put up here, and when I edit it, it just seems to grow and get more detailed...

Oh, don't worry, I have a group of translating bloods working in the pw-es project, I know someones who would love to translate such a nice story :)


I knew this part would take a little bit of time. This was a point when I didn't take good notes of the campaign. We were testing a new rules system, and there were many headaches involved, almost enough to make us quit the campaign. Fortunately, wisdom prevailed.

[ Hecatomb 4th – Day 18 ]

The group reaches Faunel by afternoon on the fifth day of their journey. As Tira warned, the locale has devolved into a series of swamplands. Faunel turns out to be very different from what the others expect. Instead of an organized, densely packed burg like Rigus or Fortitude, this gate-town is spread out over a vast area. The buildings all appear aged and worn, and roots and trees have grown up amongst them, splitting the stone in places. Wooden walkways stretch from one building to another, providing a solid surface to walk over the marsh.

Once they arrive in town, Solastor bids the group adieu and thanks them for their assistance. leaving to attend to other tasks. They take in the city, noting what Faunel has to offer, with Tira as their guide. As always, they decide to split up to do some investigating and carousing. Killian goes to look for things that might interest him. Faunel doesn’t strike him as a place of poverty, but he sees little that he would be inclinced to steal. After speaking with a young local, he hears of Wrath, the ‘guardian’ of the portal. Intrigued, he goes to investigate.

Tira and Quinn go by Tira’s house, a modest house built amongst the roots of a large sequoia tree. The house is very quiet, and after knocking for a while, they determine that her father is away (Tira’s mother passed away years ago). Tira takes Quinn to meet Elder Gentry, the aging next-door neighbor. Gentry is over sixty cycles in age, an easygoing man who spends his days vinting wines and predicting the weather. He invites the two of them in, gauging this new ‘beast-man’ that his god-daughter travels with. Gentry makes them relax, telling them not to worry about manners and such garbage. When Tira asks about her father, he says that he has gone to handle business as he always had. Tira nods, knowing it to be the truth. They drink for a while, exchanging tales into the night. When they leave, Gentry gives them some heartwine to take with them.

Killian follows the path out to a small lake surrounded by an overgrowth of trees. Killian sees a large monolith rising nearly fifteen feet in height. Near the top of the granite structure is a carved humanoid face with eyes that glow a cold blue. The monolith rests at the edge of the lake where the path ends. He can sense a foreboding presence from the statue as if it were alive. But Wrath does not respond to his questions, no matter what he says or asks. He decides not to tempt fate, leaving the statue in silence.

Quinn and Killian get rooms in the Fallen Stag, a local inn. Tira is able to get into her house and sleep there for the night, reliving memories of her youth.

[ DM Note: Solastor was a PC, but the player didn’t stick around to continue. He was a great player and a good friend, but business carried him out to California, and so regrettably he dropped from the campaign. We never got a chance to develop the character, so I left him out of the PC listing at the start. ]

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