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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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Rae ArdGaoth said:
Quarion returns to the tavern after a week of absence. This time the elf has a large, gray wolf in tow. He orders a glass of wine after introducing himself, "Quarion Holimion, druid of Verdante," and his wolf, "And Garma, my friend and companion." He asks for a bit of tough meat for the wolf to chew on. A frightened barmaid delicately tosses the food towards the wolf. Garma snatches it out of the air savagely, and then calmly returns to Quarion's side and rips the meal to shreds quietly.

"Our employer has not returned yet, has he?" Quarion asks.
Mordik's eyes widen as the wolf enters the inn as he almost falls out of his chair...He takes a seat slightly further away from the wolf, mumbling lowly Mangy beast...

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Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

The door to the Red Dragon Inn opens. A feline humanoid enters. She is a little over 3 feet tall and 3 stones. She has green catlike eyes, and rusty brown fur. Her legs are fairly cat like, but stable to stand on with more human like feet, and leathery pads on the bottom. Her torso is a bit more cylindrical than some humanoids, but is still has some shoulder and pectoral proportion to it. Her arms and hands are very human like, though with slightly thicker fingers and a leathery palm. Her head is a bit wider than a normal human's, with a more cat like maw, nose, and eyes, but definitely drawn out in a somewhat human way, and her head sits perched on a fairly normal humanoid neck.

"Hello again Joe," she purrs, and sits at a table.

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

Quarion politely replies to Rathan, "No, he is not friendly. The opposite, in truth. He is a vicious warrior, his instincts are all towards violence. It took me many years to teach him to suppress them. I thank Verdante for granting him long life so that I do not have to teach another wolf how not to hunt. However, he will not bite you if you do not threaten him. Or me."

When the cat-woman enters the tavern, the hairs around Garma's neck bristle. The wolf rises up on his haunches, growling aggressively. Quarion turns his attention quickly to whatever has caught his companion's eye, and he gives the feline humanoid a cursory look before he says, "Anshal, Garma. Anshal." Garma looks at Quarion, almost angrily, but reluctantly returns to eating his meat. The wolf's eyes follow the cat-woman wherever she moves.

Quarion stands. "Forgive my friend, lady. Garma is still a creature of Verdante, as are we all. I am Quarion, a druid of the Greenman. Will you do us the honor of revealing your name?"

Sylvan Translation:
Down, Wolf. Down.


First Post
Rathan would place his heafty hand on the pommel of his equally hefty mace at his side as the wolf would start it's motions of a hunter.... he thought to himself his healing abilities would be needed more sooner than he expected... yet once the druid calmed the trained pet... a sigh of releaf came to the priests lips..... he looked over the cat like woman once then twice not having seen anything like her before.... he was a simple priest from a woodland area... seculded would be a good term for his mindset.... again his attention would fall back to druid... then spoke as he extended his hand in proper greeting....

My name is Rathan Hawthorne... priest and healer of Hyrag.... and you might be?" he would ask innocently as he kept his hand extended for the druid to accept...

as he waited he also noted Mordik..... and nodded his head softly.... if anyone was paying any attention to what Rathan happened to be wearing or what he carried... both his shield and vestments bore the symbol of his god.... he wondered to himself as he had a bit of time to... if there were others that followed his gods faith here in the city....
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B4cchus said:
A stocky man walks into the inn without as much as lookin at any of the current occupants.
His clothes seem like a mundane traveling outfit but a trained eye could see they are very well made and expensive.
He walks straight to Joe and murmles with him for a while.
After a short while Joe points to the messageboard. The stocky man drops some coin on the bar and walks straight to the messageboard.
He hangs up a piece of parchment and leaves the inn as if he is in a hurry, again without making eye contact with any of the occupants.

The parchment reads the following text:
Lord Graven calls out to all brave adventurers.
His Lordship seeks brave souls who would depart on a glorious mission to find long lost hidden treasure.
The rewards are great and the perils are not to be taken lightly.
More information and enrollment will be presented at this very inn at noon one week from today.
All who whish to embark on this heroic journey should be ready to depart right after enrollment.

ooc: this is an adventure hook intent for a party of level 3 characters. I will wait for reactions untill monday or tuesday next week.

ooc: candidate list:
first choice:
Eanos, human monk 4
Mordik dwarf rogue 3
Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid 3

second choice:
Odno human psion 1
Aletheia human cleric 1

The same man who hang up the notice on the board enters the Inn again. He is dressed in the same clothes as he was before and seems equally hurried, maybe even irritated, as before. Again, he walks straight to Joe and after a short talk he drops some coins on the bar and settles himself at a large empty table. He leans back looks around the inn, giving everybody an appraising look. He gets served a drink, empties it and then loudly clears his throat and speaks loudly across the Inn: "Hear ye, hear ye! I bear word from Lord Graven who posted a call for adventurers some days ago. All applicats who are interrested in this commission may join me at may table. I will answer questions and enroll those who are fit for the job." After this he signs for a maid to get him another drink and leans back again, arms crossed and carefully examining the other occupants of the inn.

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

Quarion takes Rathan's offered hand and gives it one quick, firm shake. "Quarion is my name. Forgive me, but I have business to attend to." Quarion steps away from Rathan, nodding towards the cat-woman with respect, and seats himself at the table with Lord Graven's man. Garma follows, meat in his mouth, still glancing warily at the cat-person even as he walks. The wolf finds a place under the table and curls around Quarion's feet.


First Post
B4cchus said:
The same man who hang up the notice on the board enters the Inn again. He is dressed in the same clothes as he was before and seems equally hurried, maybe even irritated, as before. Again, he walks straight to Joe and after a short talk he drops some coins on the bar and settles himself at a large empty table. He leans back looks around the inn, giving everybody an appraising look. He gets served a drink, empties it and then loudly clears his throat and speaks loudly across the Inn: "Hear ye, hear ye! I bear word from Lord Graven who posted a call for adventurers some days ago. All applicats who are interrested in this commission may join me at may table. I will answer questions and enroll those who are fit for the job." After this he signs for a maid to get him another drink and leans back again, arms crossed and carefully examining the other occupants of the inn.

Mordik walks over to the table and plops down at a random chair. Let's get righ' to it: whatcha need and whatcha payin'?

OOC: Eanos, I'm not sure how much gold I have but I'll check and throw some in for the party healing wand. It's much cheaper than a raise dead.
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Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

Rae ArdGaoth said:
Quarion stands. "Forgive my friend, lady. Garma is still a creature of Verdante, as are we all. I am Quarion, a druid of the Greenman. Will you do us the honor of revealing your name?"

Sylvan Translation:
Down, Wolf. Down.

"Nirrassa is my name," she says.


Not much before the man who posted the announcement returns, Odno is back, wearing this time a leather armor that saw better times. "I visited one of my acquaintances and, following your advice, in re that violence is seen with disturbing regularity, I borrowed these items from him" he says, showing a crossbow. "I've done some practice with it, and I shall say that as long the target remains immobile, I'm a quite good shot"

he signs for a maid to get him another drink and leans back again, arms crossed and carefully examining the other occupants of the inn.

Odno approaches. "Greetings. My name's Odno Hibas, scholar and mage. I possess extensive knowledge of historical and magical matters; based on those alone, it's my opinion that I'm qualified for the task."

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