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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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Devlin sips his drink and quietly watches the interplay of the inn's other patrons, a sly smile occasionally playing across his lips.

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Ximix watches the strange behavior of the inn's patrons, trying to remember if it was this . . . animated ... when last he sat in the Inn.
As he opens his mouth to answer Rinya's rhetorical question he is met with the sight of the Katara. Watching the interaction between the drunk and the feline humanoid the Elf is genuinely fascinated. Turning back to his dining companion Ximix simply smiles, which seems out of place on his normally reserved countenance.
"Have you ever been to a halfling carnival?" The priest inquires, his face still quite expressive.


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KriticalFailure said:
"I was not always like this..." Munchin trails off, looking to the past; not for the first time and certinally not for the last.

Mearran follows the gaze of Munchin, but doesn't find anything of interest there. A polite cough attemps to bring the inebriated human back to the present. Are you ok?


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LogicsFate said:
A polite cough attemps to bring the inebriated human back to the present. Are you ok?

Munchin jumps slightly and his vision snaps back into focus. "Oh, my apologies. I seemed to have been reflecting on the past of late." He replies sadly. "And this," indicating the clay jug as he rose it slightly. "is a recently acquired habit, one of which I am trying to break. Alas, it seems to be my only compainion of late." Shifting in his chair, He resituates himself. "Enough about me, tell me about yourself good sir." Asks the monk, clearly trying to change the subject away from his pitiful state.


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About me? About me... About me. Hmm, well I'm Mearran Longtail. Mearran's long black tail twitches at the mention. I've been here before, and I just returned. Did some travelling, tried to help a human girl find a school, but I don't know about all that wizarding stuff, so I left her in capable hands and wandered a bit. Got bored and here I am!


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LogicsFate said:
I've been here before, and I just returned. Did some travelling, tried to help a human girl find a school, but I don't know about all that wizarding stuff, so I left her in capable hands and wandered a bit. Got bored and here I am!
"Wizarding is beyond my knowledge as well. Actually, I have no skills whatsoever in the arts where magic is conserned. Instead, I devoted my time to honing my body and spirit instead." Munchin replies as he indicates his Monk garbs. "I am a former Monk of St. Augustine Monestary. This happens to be my first time inside the famed Red Dragon Inn."


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Aaron Wright, Druid

Ximix said:
Seemingly distracted, the Elf has been staring off towards the door for a few moments when he looks at the man on the floor, then back to the paladin.
"In my homeland there is constant vigilance, constant warfare, sniping, traps, bloodshed...
I am quite content to spend some time at peace, even if this is not the idyllic woodland meadow you likely picture my kind considering peaceful. I am more at home among books and arcane theory than trees."

Aaron responds in Elven, "I have known and learned from enough elves that I would not make the mistake of lumping them together. If anything, there may exist an even greater variety in the temprements and cultures of elves than of humans. I too spoke of your stated affinity towards the pursuit of the arcane."

Ximix said:
Ximix watches the strange behavior of the inn's patrons, trying to remember if it was this . . . animated ... when last he sat in the Inn.
As he opens his mouth to answer Rinya's rhetorical question he is met with the sight of the Katara. Watching the interaction between the drunk and the feline humanoid the Elf is genuinely fascinated. Turning back to his dining companion Ximix simply smiles, which seems out of place on his normally reserved countenance.
"Have you ever been to a halfling carnival?" The priest inquires, his face still quite expressive.

This time in common, "A carnival of haflings...I have not attended one. Does it compare to this madhouse?"


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A young human walks in. He wears a red leather armor and a nice looking rapier hangs
by his left side. He is clean, shaven, his hair finely combed. It looks like he has recently
been pampered... A faint smile doesn't leave his young face.

He looks around with satisfication, walks to the counter, nods to the barman and orders
a beer. Aaah.. think about it Jallembo.. three weeks ago.. you still had to use these
old tricks to survive.. ah ah ah!
he thinks before turning around to check the room.

He notices a familiar figure. A broad smile comes to his face.
He raises his voice and says to the elf seated at the table: "Hey, on my seven lives!
are my eyes betraying me?? Isn't that the old Ximix? The one and only?"

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