Class Advancement


First Post
My group will be doing the zeitgeist campaign soon and I am helping folks create their characters stats. I really like the classes outlined in the guide but can't for the life of me find stats like saving throws, BAB and outlined descriptions of spells and abilities. Where can I find these things or should I just play using the regular classes and slightly modify for the theme?

For example Gunsmith would be Gunslinger
Yerasol Veteran would be Barb/Fighter

Any ideas on what to do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Yep, that's right. They're not classes - they're themes which you add to your character. Your character will have a regular class, and the theme modifies it a bit.

I assume you're playing the Pathfinder version? If you are, then the character themes are just additions. You could be a gunslinger gunsmith, sure, but you could just as easily be a druid gunsmith, or a wizard martial scientist, or a barbarian technologist. Some of the weirder combinations probably deserve a good explanation for how your character learned that particular set of skills ("Sure, my dwarf cleric worships a god of the earth, but when he was a kid he got in trouble for breaking into the house of an old skyseer, and his parents forced him to do chores for the old guy as punishment. Over time I came to like the guy, and he taught me some of the secrets of the skyseers. If not for him, I'd probably stay underground most of my life.")

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