Classic D&D of All Eras Back In Print

Print on Deman Anyone else notice that WotC snuck a few titles up as Print-On-Demand at DMs Guild? (I purchased three of them, both to support the initiative but also cos I cant help collecting hard copies of D&D material :) )

Print on Deman

Anyone else notice that WotC snuck a few titles up as Print-On-Demand at DMs Guild?

(I purchased three of them, both to support the initiative but also cos I cant help collecting hard copies of D&D material :) )

In a move that has the entire Old School Revolution community and Classic Dungeons & Dragons fans around the world buzzing across social media, Wizards of the Coast and DriveThruRPG bring material from all iterations of the World's Most Famous RPG back to print. They did so quietly, but that only means there's a lot more planned.


Fans of every iteration of D&D have long clamored for WotC to relent and make their favorite materials available in print again. As the publisher re-established its relationship with DriveThruRPG (going so far as to launch a fully-branded separate site, the Dungeon Masters Guild), the call went out across the various networks -

"DriveThru knows how to do print-on-demand, so use that system to let us buy print versions of the D&D stuff we love!"

Challenge accepted, at long last, it would seem. Although they've done so very quietly, OSR sites and fans all over the world are buzzing about it like a bomb went off. Wizards and DriveThru were likely waiting until they had more materials prepped and ready for sale before they were going to make a big deal out of it, but savvy fans saw it coming together and jumped on it right away.

Interestingly, not only is the approach making pre-editions and 1st-4th stuff available for print purchase, it would seem they're willing to use this to print things they'd otherwise not go through the process for. To whit, the Elemental Evil Player's Companion - normally a free PDF - is now available as a $10 print book.

D&D Classics are now available for print options on both DriveThruRPG and Dungeon Masters Guild.

Note that I use affiliate links in all my posts as a way to generate additional revenue for my efforts; I make my Picks and other article choices, however, based on the desire to share a wide variety of things with you. Thank you for your support. ~SPF

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I've noticed that and am sorely tempted to purchase a hard copy of Dragonlance Adventures.

If you wanted, you could buy an original copy from ebay for about $20. Personally, I'd rather have the original version if the price premium wasn't too much.


Yeah, I saw Den of Thieves available last night.

Very cool WOTC!! Now please just kiss and make up with whoever it is so I can get the orginal LBB.


I've noticed that and am sorely tempted to purchase a hard copy of Dragonlance Adventures.

You can find used copies of Dragonlance Adventures in very good condition for a lot less than that price. I see them every once in a while at the local Half Price Books for $8, and you can find them on Amazon right now for around that price.

Some of the other books though are harder to find. I don't think I've seen a beat-up copy of "Uncaged: Faces of Sigil" selling for less than $25 in a while. That is a crazy selection of initial products though - I have to believe that it's more about the format they had them in and how easy it was to convert them to POD and look good than demand.

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