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Clockwork, Steam & Sorcery - Episode 2

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Aery sat in the shop, chewing on a snack and contemplating his latest contraption, just a simple music box.

Just as good as any of the other peddlar's stuff, he thought to himself, but if I could just mellow out the pitch a bit I could outsell the lot of them!

Problem was, with such a compressed device you had to use smaller strings than the original instrument, which messed up the sound. Blast, this is driving me nuts, he thought, checking the clock.

OOC: I was waiting to see if loxmyth would advance the time before he left but I guess not. I suppose if Badger's around we could just assume that some time has elapsed and make them meet up in the bar as they planned, so we can have them chat a bit in the interim.


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Closing the heavy tome, Lartis looked around the library and tried to rub the ache from his temples as he did so. He had been here for several hours pouring through the journals of field priests from yester years, and with each turn, found more respect for his fallen, as well as retired, brothers in faith.

Standing slowly, as the pain in his knee had increased the longer he had stayed seated, Lartis gripped his staff tightly and began heading for the exit.

~I hope I have not stayed so long in the past that I have missed my present...~


Living EN World Judge
Froud leaves class after the lecture, determined to tell Forge of his reslove to become an Adventurer !


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Frustrated, Aery eventually gives up as the time for their meeting draws near. He drops off his toolkit in his room on the way, and grabs his lute from the corner.

Maybe if the lads and lasses are on their best behavior, I'll play them some tunes tonight. Anything's better than listening to that god-awful poet again... he thinks as he heads out the door and off to the Hatted Badger.
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Eventually Miriah transcribes the spell correctly. After class, she and Mouse go to a meeting with her advisor. The meeting goes about as well as expected, considering Miriah has done very little since the last session, and all three leave after an hour feeling nothing was accomplished. Miriah and Mouse go back to the dorm and Miriah tries to do some more work on the magic behind technology.

After puttering around the room for a while and neither not really doing anything meaningful, Mouse says gently, "Perhaps we should get something to eat?"

Miriah glances at her. "I'm not hungry."

Mouse jumps on her shoulder. "You may not think you are, but I most definitely am." There is a pause, and then she continues. "Perhaps we could go to the Badger . . . I understand that those boys involved in all that adventure often go there."

Miriah shrugs and gathers her things to go, but Mouse can tell she is more interested than she is letting on.

Adventure! Miriah thinks. Plus maybe the chance to grill that gnome about his technology . . . She smiles as they walk toward the Badger.


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Aery steps into the Hatted Badger. Place looks dead, I must be a little early. He orders a glass of wine if they serve wine, otherwise he'll take an ale and get comfy in one of the booths.


Miriah enters the Badger cautiously, as if she expects something or someone to jump out at her. Mouse pushes her forward mentally, and the two eventually get entirely through the door. They both look around quickly, and Miriah frowns slightly. "They're not here," she says. "Are you sure this is the place?" Mouse looks at her, and Miriah sighs and says, "Okay." They walk over to a corner table and Miriah orders some stew and wine.


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Lartis - The Badger

While the walk had began pleasantly enough, by the time Lartis neared the Badger, his patience, much strengthened by his faith, had almost been pushed to the limit.

His cloak had been discarded after a cobbler had "accidentily" emptied his chamber pot above Lartis' head as he passed, and while the shocked look on the man's face when he saw Lartis' priest ensignia did help some, it did not mend the wound completely.

Finally, the comforting feel of the door of the pub was underneath his hand, and Lartis pushed it open and looked around.

While it was still early, he had expected more people to be out and about taking advantage of the weather while they could, but perhaps it was the weather that prompted them to look elsewhere for their entertainment.

~Perhaps the gods will grant us all a reprieve and send that dandy of a poet elsewhere as well...~

Lartis knew his thoughts were not charitable ones, but even the wisest of priests were still but men at heart, and with that truism in mind, he looked for Aery and spotted him sitting comfortably in a booth. Trying to navigate the tables as smoothly as he could, Lartis nodded when Aery saw him and approached the booth where he sat.


First Post
Aery motions to Lartis. "Come, pull up a seat and raise a glass to Arcos; Orma will forgive you in the morning."

Hmmm, what's that smell? Aery thinks, sniffing.

"Lartis, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but you smell like someone emptied a chamber pot over your head. Best visit the washroom; I'll order you a drink and get us some supper." He does this when Lartis goes, and while he's waiting for him to return he notices Miriah at her table.

Never seen that dame in here before.

Voidrunner's Codex

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