Clowns as villains


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I haven't seen an honest clown in the media for twenty years. Alas! Poor Bozo!

I could see a 'gazebo' situation arising out of this... a plain old circus comes to town, party immediately slays all the clowns during a performance. Irate parents sue for damages to their childrens' psyches.

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Liquid Awesome
Piratecat said:
Sorry, Maldur, but clowns fundamentally disturb me.

In this regard, we are of like mind, sir.

I may be a rat bastard DM, but I draw the line at evil clowns (or clowns of any sort). I'll throw undead babies at the party any day. But clowns? I'm just not that evil.



First Post
Did it but it was the little circus of horrors, was very funny, with clowns, super-strong man, the Diviner (using a detect thought medallion), the knife thrower ...

Also I recommend a movie named "Santa Sangre" shooted by a man called Jodorovsky (work as a scenarist for many "comics" books in France)
not easy to find (even in France), but if you've got the opportunity it's a good pick !


First Post
If you're going to do a circus, though, don't forget the sideshow freaks... the gator-men, the conjoined twins (consult some choice kung-fu movies before using), the mermaid in a tank, a two headed woman (a sorceress with twice the firepower?), savages from more primitive countries, etc.


Yes our DM had 2 sessions with clowns as the main enemies!

They came out of a wagon so small that you could fit a halfling on them. And 10 of them came out!

Guys that threw pies with different things in them:Oil, razors, poison, all with touch attacks

Guys with flowers that squirted stuff: Fire, Acid, Grease, that would set you on fire after the pie guys oil you!

Mime's who cast everything silently so silence spell didn't work!

Jester's that through cue balls at you with deadly accuracy and could interupt range spells by doing opposing spellcraft check (you) as their to hit roll! Nasty!

And then their boss! The big 30ft round clown head that laughed at you (tashas' hideous laughter) and his clow hair had 20ft reach that would smack you when you got near for 4d6+15 pts of damage!?!?!?!

I friggin hate clowns now!!

Clown - what a great idea for a monstrous prestige class... picture a beholder clown...

Or maybe a monster that actually wants to entertain kids, but just really sucks at it, like any of the large goblinoid races, like bugbear, or maybe ogre. "Me make kids laugh. LAUGH DANGIT!!! GRRRRR...."

Voidrunner's Codex

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