• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



Col_Pladoh said:
All I can say is that I hope those that watch the episode will at least be mildly amused. I had a good bit of fun reading the script ans speaking my few lines :D

Oh it's not an interview? You're actually roleplaying on tv from a script? Did they hand you a copy of Tomb of Horrors and ask you to read some passages from it? :p I gotta see this!

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Gary Gygax
Oryan77 said:
Oh it's not an interview? You're actually roleplaying on tv from a script? Did they hand you a copy of Tomb of Horrors and ask you to read some passages from it? :p I gotta see this!
It is a VO role where I play myself, not dissimilar to my part in the Futurama program, only the likness of me on the Code Monkeys show will be far less "realistic."



Code Monkeys is The Office meets 8-bit Theater about video game developers back in Atari age. Funny show that is all sorts of wrong in so many ways, which just makes it funnier. That is so cool that they made a D&D episode with you, Gary. I won't miss it!


Joël of the FoS said:
What is the Code Monkeys?

TV or Net? Do we have that in Canada?

G4/TechTV. (yeah, we have AotS and anime(!?), but we also still have Leo Laporte. Nyah, nyah! And X-Play rules. Though I'm not a fan of Morgan's hair-color change...)


Gary Gygax
Any Guisarme Hero can not be all bad, althogh a Glaive-Guisarme Hero or Voulge-Guisarme Hero is more complex :lol:

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Jason Bulmahn

I just saw this commercial about half a dozen times while watching some old code monkey episodes on G4. Gary, you are mentioned quite prominently...

I look forward to it.

Now.. if we could only get your character back on the new Futurama...

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager


Gary Gygax
IuztheEvil said:
I just saw this commercial about half a dozen times while watching some old code monkey episodes on G4. Gary, you are mentioned quite prominently...

I look forward to it.

Now.. if we could only get your character back on the new Futurama...

Jason Bulmahn
GameMastery Brand Manager
It would be a blast doing more Futurama show work, but...

SAG would surely make me join, and there in initiation fees and annual dues would go all the money I earned. At this time I am non-union (guild as it were) because I work about once every year or so.



Col_Pladoh said:
It would be a blast doing more Futurama show work
Yeah my wife loves the episode that you appeared in. She thought it was hilarious that you rolled dice when responding to other characters.

That would make for an interesting D&D character. A Rogue who always rolls dice to determine what he's going to do :p


Gary Gygax
Oryan77 said:
Yeah my wife loves the episode that you appeared in. She thought it was hilarious that you rolled dice when responding to other characters.

That would make for an interesting D&D character. A Rogue who always rolls dice to determine what he's going to do :p
If I were playing such a character I would demand loaded dice!


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