Collected Core Handbook Errata

In the equipment section Flask (Pint?) of Oil is omitted from the Adventuring Gear table as well as from Ranged Weapons table. However, Lantern is listed in the Adventuring Gear section and Lantern's entry in the Vision and Light section (page 262, PHB, 4th Ed.) specifically lists Lantern as lasting 8 hours/pint of oil.

I have contacted customer support regarding this and here is the reply:

WOTC Customer Support said:
"There are no rules for Flasks of oil, either as items to purchase or as grenade like weapons.
Thanks for the great feedback! We’ve passed this along to the good folks that make the games and hopefully we’ll see some errata covering this situation soon. Until then, it is up to your Dungeon Master to determine how he/she wants to handle this particular situation in their campaign."

Hopefully this is remedied soonish.

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P. 28, Retraining:

It says that you can retrain heroic-tier feats into higher-tier feats, but it doesn't say the same about paragon-tier feats. The way it's written, an optimizing player would have to hold on to as many heroic-tier feats as possible to retrain them into epic-tier feats, because heroic->paragon and heroic->epic work but not paragon->epic.

EDIT: Nevermind. I should've read through the actual list of errata before posting. I was just going to comment on the dwarf with an identity crisis in the DMG but that's already been covered.

It's sad to see so much errata already. :(
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Warlord's Inspiring Word vs. Cleric's Healing Word

Healing Word's Target line:
Target: You or one ally

should it be written as Inspiring Word?
Target: You or one ally in burst

Or is the area supposed to be different?

Admiral Caine said:
IThe rule reads okay, except those at-will powers already end at the end of your next turn without this ability. Flip the page and you can confirm it. Should it be at the end of the next turn after which the spell would normally have ended? (Or some statement which is less clumsy?)
That is correct as written. You don't use the Orb on the turn you cast the spell. You use the Orb on the turn the spell is going to expire.

DMG, p.205 - Kelson the rogue.
Listed as a human rogue, but has the halfling second chance ability.
(It might be all right, of course, I suppose he could have that ability dspite not being a halfling. Or he could be a giant halfling, of course ;) )

MindWanderer said:
P. 28, Retraining:

It says that you can retrain heroic-tier feats into higher-tier feats, but it doesn't say the same about paragon-tier feats. The way it's written, an optimizing player would have to hold on to as many heroic-tier feats as possible to retrain them into epic-tier feats, because heroic->paragon and heroic->epic work but not paragon->epic.
Added. Although I wouldn't say the RAW disallows retraining paragon feats, it should at least include them in the text to make it clear.

Jimmer said:
Healing Word's Target line:
Target: You or one ally

should it be written as Inspiring Word?
Target: You or one ally in burst

Or is the area supposed to be different?
I checked a few other Burst and Blast powers, and it looks like the "in burst" was missing from healing word (rather than being unneeded in inspiring word).

Henrix said:
DMG, p.205 - Kelson the rogue.
Listed as a human rogue, but has the halfling second chance ability.
(It might be all right, of course, I suppose he could have that ability dspite not being a halfling. Or he could be a giant halfling, of course )
Good catch. It looks like he was supposed to be a halfling (given his 20 Dexterity, nimble reaction, second chance... etc.) so that is the correction until WotC says otherwise.

Does the actual book list stormcage, a spellstorm mage attack 11 power with burst 2 as having a outer perimeter of effect of 16 squares?

That's = burst 2 as under 3.5, not counting out from a central square as in 4e, giving a 5x5 perimeter.

Hambot said:
Does the actual book list stormcage, a spellstorm mage attack 11 power with burst 2 as having a outer perimeter of effect of 16 squares?

That's = burst 2 as under 3.5, not counting out from a central square as in 4e, giving a 5x5 perimeter.
Yes, and 16 squares is correct. 5x5 squares has exactly 16 on the outside, 5 to each side, but don't count the corners twice.

Efreet not in Monster Manual TOC

MM p. 3
Efreet is not listed in the table of contents. (It's the only one missing as far as I can tell.)
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