Collected Core Handbook Errata

Simon Marks

First Post
Flazzy said:
Under the strige sample encounters: 2 bonecrusher skeletons (level 7 soldier) - no such monster exists.

No, it doesn't.

My MM lists a level 7 encounter with spiders and a level 12 encounter with flesh golems. Do you have the PDF? Because the PDF is riddled with errors.

MOD, my reading is that there is no attack for this effect, it just happens.

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First Post
Thanks for this informative thread.

I have only one concern: The white text is nearly unreadable on the PHB style of the board. Also the text disappears if you want to print the page. Maybe another color would be better?


Herr Doktor
In the category of "unhelpful references".... :cool:

DMG p 145: "Campaign Handout: Keep a copy of the handout you made for your players (page 25)."
Page 25 just mentions handouts for clues to an adventure and suchlike, it says nothing about giving the players a piece of paper with the outlines of your campaign (which is what's implied on p 145).

DMG p 182: "Power Source: This information sometimes interacts with other game rules. See page 54 of the Player's Handbook for more information."
This got me all excited: was there some crunch I had missed on my first read-through? Sadly, no. The text about power sources on page 54 (and 55) of the PH is pure fluff, there is nothing at all about interacting with other game rules.


First Post
Oldtimer said:
Regarding the illustration on page 281 in PHB, it was debated and not resolved in the errors thread. As the one who debated against it being an error, I think it shouldn't be included. However, some statement on how to calculate the area of a burst in the presence of obstacles would be nice. In the absence of such a statement, I've assumed you use the same method as for movement (expect that it's stated that the first square counted can be around a corner). Using movement rules, the illustration of the burst is correct.
Additionally, using the rules under "Counting Distance" on pg 273, it is quite clear that the diagram is correct. The square in question is 3 away by the counting rules. If there is some issue with the square near the statue containing the monster, the statue is simply terrain, not an obstacle that completely fills it square. Very simple, and no need to confuse people about it, and I am not going through 18 pages of that other thread either ;)


First Post
Underage AOLer said:
Here are all the core handbook errors we have collected so far. This post is only for listing the errors themselves, discussion about what things "should have been" should stick with the already going Core Handbook Errors thread. If I missed something, didn't credit something right, or have any other errors of my own, please let me know here.

Thanks for all the hard work everyone, especially Underage AOLer. As one of the guys working on Updates, I'll be monitoring this thread frequently.

Underage AOLer

First Post
ripster0 said:
Additionally, using the rules under "Counting Distance" on pg 273, it is quite clear that the diagram is correct. The square in question is 3 away by the counting rules. If there is some issue with the square near the statue containing the monster, the statue is simply terrain, not an obstacle that completely fills it square. Very simple, and no need to confuse people about it, and I am not going through 18 pages of that other thread either ;)

From the 'Origin Square' section of 'Area Attack' (p.271): "For a target to be affected by an area attack, there needs to be line of effect from the origin square to the target."

From the 'Burst' section of 'Areas of Effect' (p.272): "A burst affects a target only if there is line of effect from the burst’s origin square to the target."

From 'Line of Effect' (p.273): "You can target a creature or a square if there’s an unblocked path between it and you—that is, if you have line of effect to it. If every imaginary line you trace to a target passes through or touches a solid obstacle, you don’t have line of effect to the target."

Looking at the picture, the upper right corner of the origin square has clear line of effect to the upper right corner of the square in question (A2 using Battleship coordinates) which is the only thing it needs to affect the square. As far as counting the distance goes, even if we were to use those rules to determine affectedness it seems to me that the square is only two squares away, as follows.


o = unaffected, x = affected, # = physical obstacle, @ = origin square, 1 and 2 = counting the distance

Thusly, I believe the picture is in error.

MerricB said:
I can't read your thread. Pretty colours don't help for those on other backgrounds.

So, you admit that they are pretty! :)

WotC_GregB said:
Thanks for all the hard work everyone, especially Underage AOLer. As one of the guys working on Updates, I'll be monitoring this thread frequently.

Thank you for your hard work putting out a game that I would spend the effort to fix. Not that it's broken or anything... ;)

Any chance you could give us the "Official Word" on any of the errors that need clarification? I'd hate to incorrectly have something listed and have it be seen as wrong when it is actually right.


First Post
Underage AOLer said:
As far as counting the distance goes, even if we were to use those rules to determine affectedness it seems to me that the square is only two squares away, as follows.


o = unaffected, x = affected, # = physical obstacle, @ = origin square, 1 and 2 = counting the distance

Thusly, I believe the picture is in error.
From page 273 "The first step in choosing targets for an attack is to check the attack’s range." So Line of Effect is not even an issue until that square is in range. Further along "When counting the distance
from one square to another, start counting from any adjacent square (even one that is diagonally adjacent but around a corner)", which would be square 1. We can't go straight to the square in question because "and then count around solid obstacles that fill their squares" which works just like moving at this point. So you have to go around the corner, making the square in question a distance of 3.

Underage AOLer

First Post
ripster0 said:
From page 273 "The first step in choosing targets for an attack is to check the attack’s range." So Line of Effect is not even an issue until that square is in range. Further along "When counting the distance
from one square to another, start counting from any adjacent square (even one that is diagonally adjacent but around a corner)", which would be square 1. We can't go straight to the square in question because "and then count around solid obstacles that fill their squares" which works just like moving at this point. So you have to go around the corner, making the square in question a distance of 3.

So, what you're saying is that I should just stick to cataloging, not interpreting?

The whole "count around solid obstacles that fill their squares" thing didn't make any sense to me. In fact, it still sort of doesn't. Whose squares are "their"s? Bah.

Voidrunner's Codex

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