Coming Soon for 4E - Races of Fantasy: The Elohim



The lost children of the gods, the elohim contain some fragment of their divine ancestor’s power. Elohim are a race of outcasts, having no civilization or society to call their own. Instead they exist on the fringes of mortal civilization, trying to find a place where they fit in this world while trying to also understand their divine nature. Mortals are almost universally unnerved by elohim; in educated lands they are treated as curiosities while in more superstitious areas they are often persecuted as bringers of ill fortune. This leads many elohim him to live a nomadic life, wandering from settlement to settlement as they seek a place in a world that does not seem to want them.

A new PC race for 4E. Written by Lee Hammock. Coming soon to and Paizo.

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I am glad to see LPJD doing some 4E content. Like the other things you have done and was hoping you would get into 4E. I will put this up on EN's 4E 3rd PP Wiki page soon if you have not already. (will use the picture too if it is ok with LPJ)



I am glad to see LPJD doing some 4E content. Like the other things you have done and was hoping you would get into 4E. I will put this up on EN's 4E 3rd PP Wiki page soon if you have not already. (will use the picture too if it is ok with LPJ)


It is something I wanted to try out, but Best of all it gives me a chance to work with Lee Hammock again! Lee's a great writer and a great guy to work with.


Community Supporter
What comes next, The Yahweh?


I don't know if you realize this, but Elohim is one of the holy names of god for many Jews, so sacred many don't speak it but instead say "Elokim" or something like that. I don't know what the GSL community standards are, but if things are anything like the d20STL (and I believe they are) I'd at least consider this issue.

I personally don't care at all. It can be called The Yahweh for all I care, too. But I can see people who would, and if this would be a problem under the license then it might be wise to avoid it. If not - great. I don't like pussy-stepping to avoid people's feelings, and the race definitely looks cool. :eek:

Cheers :)


The EN World kitten
Being Jewish, and having seen many game products with creatures/races called "elohim," I have to say that I'm personally not even a little offended. :cool:

'nuff said.


First Post

I don't know if you realize this, but Elohim is one of the holy names of god for many Jews, so sacred many don't speak it but instead say "Elokim" or something like that. I don't know what the GSL community standards are, but if things are anything like the d20STL (and I believe they are) I'd at least consider this issue.

Good point. And Christians should be consulted on the fact that angels are now servants of both good and evil in D&D 4E; Hindi should be at least notified that rakshasas are universally considered evil in the game despite several heroic rakshasa found in Hindi text; and pagans should have input on the use of "hag" in many fantasy games as well :mad:


First Post
I don't know what the GSL community standards are, but if things are anything like the d20STL (and I believe they are) I'd at least consider this issue.

What in LPJ's statement says that he is releasing this under the GSL? His PDF has LPJ's own 4th Edition compatible logo and nowhere do I see him mention "Dungeons & Dragons". Better ask him if he's even touching the GSL before making assumptions. :)

So, LPJ - is it GSL?


It is something I wanted to try out, but Best of all it gives me a chance to work with Lee Hammock again! Lee's a great writer and a great guy to work with.

Considering that you are running an ad that tells people to support the OGL because 4e is dumbing down the game, I find it hilarious that you are now making 4e stuff.

But I guess food on the table beats everything else.


What in LPJ's statement says that he is releasing this under the GSL? His PDF has LPJ's own 4th Edition compatible logo and nowhere do I see him mention "Dungeons & Dragons". Better ask him if he's even touching the GSL before making assumptions. :)

So, LPJ - is it GSL?

Well I guess you will have to wait and see when it comes out. ;)

Considering that you are running an ad that tells people to support the OGL because 4e is dumbing down the game, I find it hilarious that you are now making 4e stuff.
Who said I was making it? Maybe I have a friend who wanted his own imprint and I just did the layout, releasing it for him at RPGNow and Paizo and I am getting a percentage from it. Do you see a LPJ Design logo on it? How about a Devil's Workshop logo on it? You might want to read my blog on "What a writer should write for a percentage of a sales over per word rate". I have no problem with writers who want to build their own imprint with me and want to split the profits. That is a good deal for everyone involved.

But I guess food on the table beats everything else.
Hell, who does not like free money?

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