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D&D 5E Coming Soon - Warriors of Waterdeep: a new Free to Play D&D mobile game


Who do you mean? Ludia? They would never make the same game more than once. They wouldn't want to compete with themselves. The idea of a F2P game is to keep it going as long as possible.

Supercell made 1.8 Billion last year from F2P mobile games despite having not made a new game in years.

Or do you mean WotC? But that would be a silly question because WotC doesn't make video games.

I think if WotC/Hasbro starts to see big money from their licensing then well see more licencing opportunities, which could include games I would like to play. It's as simple as that.


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Yes it has. Previously when a D&D game was announced most people were instantly interested in it and at least followed the development as D&D stood for high quality RPGs.
But now many people dissmiss such an announcment as just another crappy game because that is what the name D&D has come to represent.

I'm pretty sure I've done that since NWN2.

Koren n'Rhys

You can add me to the subset of folks that would love to see new games simply along the lines of the old Ultima and Gold Box D&D games. The next step of Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale and NWN1 was cool, but I don't even need those. Even NWN2 started to go too far for me. I have no need for the full Skyrim experience - I MUCH prefer the turn-based style. I'd love to see they being turned out as mobile games - should be relatively inexpensive to do, even with a license to make them "real" D&D. Bonus points for web-based so I can play on my Chromebook too.

If those are already out there (even non-D&D branded), I must just be really bad at finding them.


You can add me to the subset of folks that would love to see new games simply along the lines of the old Ultima and Gold Box D&D games. The next step of Baldurs Gate/Icewind Dale and NWN1 was cool, but I don't even need those. Even NWN2 started to go too far for me. I have no need for the full Skyrim experience - I MUCH prefer the turn-based style. I'd love to see they being turned out as mobile games - should be relatively inexpensive to do, even with a license to make them "real" D&D. Bonus points for web-based so I can play on my Chromebook too.

If those are already out there (even non-D&D branded), I must just be really bad at finding them.

Yeah, I'd love some more turn-based games, too.


Yes it has. Previously when a D&D game was announced most people were instantly interested in it and at least followed the development as D&D stood for high quality RPGs.
But now many people dissmiss such an announcment as just another crappy game because that is what the name D&D has come to represent.

This, so much this, each failed and disappointing video game with the D&D and settings associated with it just damages the brand more and more making it less attractive to those who would do right by it.

Alot of positive capital was built up over the years thanks to black ilse studio, Biowere and so on, which has been squandered by following every sad fad WotC/Hasbro can find.

The suits simply don't understand what sort of games do and do not fit the IP.


What reputation? It ain't WotC or Hasbro that has taken a hit by SCL not being good... it was the company that developed the game. The D&D brand is flying higher than it ever has since perhaps the early 80s.

If any other company uses SCL as a barometer to judge success of a potential new game, the takeaway isn't going to be "Well, they used the D&D brand and that's why it failed"... it's going to be "n-Space and Digital Extremes didn't design and develop a very good game."

Probably not. D&D games almost have a reputation now of being crap, doesn't matter who develops them. I knew SCL was going to be bad just because is a D&D game.

Its like the Nintendo Wii got a reputation for shovelware but at least it had some good Nintendo 1st party. Neverwinter Nights 2 was the last good D&D game I think Torment or Baldurs Gate II was the last great one.

I played D&D on a computer before pen and paper 25 years ago that was Eye of the Beholder I and II. Also bought the HD remake of Baldurs Gate.

In effect WoTC is damaging their own brand, I more or less automatically assume any new D&D game or movie is going to be rubbish. This means I will; never preorder a game for example. Shining Force II is a better D&D game than this new rubbish coming out and its 24 years old and is a JRPG and its more D&D than the actual D&D games.


Grid based tactical combat with advanced classes if you can find the power components.

The wotc yes men here will rave if D&D gets a new game or movies, been there done that 90% chance its rubbish

Its so bad HD remakes of AD&D games are still better than the new ones.

Hell make a HD remake of Shining Force II, tweak the classes slightly and slap a D&D label on it. It would be better than anything new they can make.

Oh steam also as the original.


These games generally make the top 100 lists of best RPG games ever. If you want a good D&D game get 16 bit to Pillars of Eternity graphics and make a good game.


Shining Force I, II, Phantasy Star II,III, IV, Sword of Vermillion and Landstalker. All better than the current rubbish even with 25 year old graphics.
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Who do you mean? Ludia? They would never make the same game more than once. They wouldn't want to compete with themselves. The idea of a F2P game is to keep it going as long as possible.

Supercell made 1.8 Billion last year from F2P mobile games despite having not made a new game in years.

Or do you mean WotC? But that would be a silly question because WotC doesn't make video games.

I think if WotC/Hasbro starts to see big money from their licensing then well see more licencing opportunities, which could include games I would like to play. It's as simple as that.
Billion with a B: that's why a company making this kind of game can afford both the liscence and development costs upfront.


I think it means the opposite. Them setting more 3rd party material in Waterdeep and The Yawning Portal makes me think a book with some tie-in is MORE likely, not less.
Perhaps in the long term,but for right now, this game is explicitly separate from any book plans: stated right in the press release. Therefore, we can safely conclude Undermountain is not in any immediate book plans.

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