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Company of the Random Encounter ('complete' 14 Nov 2004)


First Post
Re: Amberdale 0 : "An Introduction to Amberdale" by PDabble Games - Part 14

Capellan said:
Flames immediately engulf the wriggling ball, which lets out a plaintive - and feline - yowl of pain before being forever silenced.

The group looks at one another in shock as they realise that they are watching the missing Scratches - and their fifty gold piece reward - go up in smoke. [/B]

They weren't the only ones. I think my jaw dropped when I read this, and then I had to laugh uncontrollably. The things that happen in game sometimes.

Keep it coming, Capellan, I'm looking forward to more misadventures from the CotRE.

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Re: Re: Amberdale 0 : "An Introduction to Amberdale" by PDabble Games - Part 14

Sniktch said:
Keep it coming, Capellan, I'm looking forward to more misadventures from the CotRE.

I'm not sure my players would appreciate their efforts being characterised as 'misadventures' :), but this was a pretty jaw-dropping sequence of events - and probably the most talked about part of the campaign so far!

But whether they be misadventures or not, it's time for another post!


Amberdale 0 : "An Introduction to Amberdale" by PDabble Games - Part 16

"Two hundred gold!" Mantreus is incredulous, "That's robbery!"

The head priest of Pelor looks unimpressed by the adventurer's histrionics.

"It is a very reasonable price." she politely but firmly insists, "Less than we would normally charge, in fact. Your friend has been grievously poisoned, and it will take several applications of the spell in order to fully restore him."

"Surely we can negotiate?" the Padre wheedles.

"What is there to negotiate? We are the only source of the healing your friend requires, and we have already provided you with a discount in recognition of your helpful acts to this community."

"Will you accept items in lieu of gold?"

"Certainly. That is, if the items are useful to us."

Reluctantly, the group reviews its possessions. They hand over several weapons taken from vanquished foes, as well as the silk rope Ming Li found in the pit trap. However, they are still far short of the required amount and Stormstrider reluctantly offers up the potion of cure light wounds he only just gained, as well as enough gold to make up the shortfall.

With her price met, the head priest advises that Stormstrider must remain at the Sanctuary overnight, as it will take until the next morning for the priests to fully relieve the poison's effects. The group acquiesces to this: after all, they have little choice.

Returning the next morning, the group finds Stormstrider fit and hale once more. They are on the verge of leaving the Sanctuary when something occurs to the Padre,

"Are you able to identify magical items?" he asks a nearby acolyte, "We know what all the ones we have at the moment do, but none of us are able to work out what such things do, should we find any more."

The young priest shakes his head,

"We can detect the presence of magic, and sometimes what general type it is, but not the specific abilities an item may possess."

"Is there anyone else in town who might be able to do so?"

"Normally, I would have to say no, but there are some people from Mirakest who have just arrived in town. They rode in on a fancy wagon this morning and are moving into one of the houses on the southern edge of town. I heard tell that one of them was a mage."

"I don't suppose you know which house?"

"No," the acolyte deadpans, "But I imagine it'll be the one with then wagon outside it, and people moving in."

The Padre can't argue with that logic, and the group immediately sets out in search of the newcomers. As the young acolyte prophesied, there is no difficulty in finding the house in question. A number of labourers are busily unloading a finely appointed wagon, and are carrying box after box of belongings into the small house.

The Padre strides up to the open door and knocks firmly on the frame. He can see a short hallway strewn with boxes. From further inside the house come the sweet and savoury scents of fresh baking.

After a few moments, a slightly plump middle-aged man with flour-covered hands enters the hall through one of the other doorways.

"Good morning!" he greets the adventurers amiably, "Come about the feast?"

"Uh, no." the Padre and his companions exchange perplexed looks.

"Oh, I assumed you must have. I'm Gendrew - I've been hired to do all the cooking for the feast of the Harvest Festival." The man starts to offer the Padre his hand, realises that it is covered in flour, and withdraws it with an apologetic shrug, "What can I do for you folks?"

"We heard you were a wizard ..."

"Me? Oh goodness, no. You must be thinking of my wife, Andolyn. She's not here at the moment, I'm afraid. Did you have business with her?"

"We wanted to discuss the possibility of hiring her services in the future. For the identification of magical items and similar tasks."

"Well, I can't say for sure if she will be interested, but perhaps if you come back after the festival you can talk to her. We'll both be very busy with preparations until then." Gendrew suggests, "Now, I've left some scones in the oven and I really need to get back to them. Excuse me!"

And with that, he ducks back through the doorway from which he emerged.

Left alone on the doorstep, the adventurers shrug and head back to their lodgings at the inn. It seems they are once again at a loose end.

That feeling only lasts for the time it takes to reach the inn, however, for as soon as they arrive at the inn, Brent Birchwhistle hurries over,

"I'm glad you're back! Come through to the back so we can talk in private. I have a job for you."


Amberdale 0 : "An Introduction to Amberdale" by PDabble Games - Part 17

"Grave robbers struck at the town cemetery last night." Brent explains, once the group has gathered in the privacy of his back room. "The groundskeeper saw three men break in and loot some of the graves."

"He didn't try to stop them?" Ming Li asks, dubiously. "Or alert the guards?"

Brent shakes his head,

"There were three of them, and he was afraid to attract their attention. He did get a pretty good look at them, though. Said they were rough looking types, and that all three had a tattoo of a snake on their forearm."

"So what is it you would like us to do?" Mantreus already has his eyes on the cash prize.

"We think the thieves might come back again tonight. With the festival coming up the guards have their hands full looking after the living: they don't have time to protect the dead." Brent pauses, "You are the closest thing to guildsmen in town at the moment. If you stop these men from repeating their robbery, we'll pay you three hundred gold. What do you say?"

The group says yes, resoundingly.

They immediately set off to the cemetery to see the lay of the land. The graveyard has a neat picket fence around it, no more than waist high on a man. The graves themselves are arranged in orderly lines, except for one larger mausoleum, presumably a relic of some wealthy family that once lived in the region.

For some reason it does not occur to the group to seek out the groundskeeper and ask if he has any further information. Instead they toy with the idea of hiding inside the mausoleum, so as to surprise the robbers. Mantreus already has his thieves tools out when it suddenly occurs to them that they are clearly visible from the nearby road, and would be likely to be observed in any attempt to break and enter.

Deciding that it would be counter-productive to break into a mausoleum in order to prevent a grave robbery, the group instead takes the time to search out excellent hiding places, and they are soon concealed around the cemetery, ready for any robbers that might appear during the night.

Sure enough, about an hour after midnight, three shadowy figures slip up the path toward the cemetery gates. Two look like small, lithe men, while the last is larger and slower-moving. The adventurers hold their breath, hoping their concealment will be sufficient for them to surprise the enemy.

Both Mantreus and Rose have hidden themselves near the entrance of the graveyard, planning to spring on their enemies from behind. Rose's small frame and camouflage skills make her all but invisible in the darkness, but a particularly sharp-eyed observer might just be able to pick out Mantreus' silhouette.

No-one moves as the robbers move through the gates, passing close enough to the two rogues for them to reach out and touch them. Only when he clearly sees the last man's back does Mantreus feel confident that he has passed unobserved.

At which point he slips out of hiding and guts the robber from behind.

The man crumples with a choked off scream. The noise alerts his companions that they are in danger but Mantreus and Rose move faster than either, both dashing forward to slash at the larger of the two remaining men.

Using his superior reach, the man succeeds in fending Rose off with his shield, but Mantreus' sword bites deep again, drawing a thick flow of blood. The man grunts in pain, but does not fall.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the group unleash a barrage of missile fire at the third robber, who is just far enough away to be a safe target. The dim light seems to be ruining their aim, however, as only one shot strikes home.

Finally reacting to the threat they face, the target of the missile barrage tries to move around behind Mantreus, but his path is blocked by a gravestone and he has to pass dangerously close to the human rogue.

Mantreus sees the opening and takes it: he half-spins, slashing backhand with his sword, swiftly finishing the job that an arrow had already started (DM's note: the player's dice were hot - don't you hate that?).

With a growl, the remaining robber slashes at the death-dealing rogue, finally treating him to a bit of his own medicine. Mantreus wisely decides on discretion over valour and steps away from the bigger man, rather than continuing to fight toe-to-toe.

The Padre moves forward, shouting a command for the robber to "Die!". Although the big man sways as the magical compulsion sweeps over him, he stays up - but only for as long as it takes Stormstrider to charge into the melee. One glittering sweep of the ranger's scimitar is enough to bring the group's final foe crashing to the ground.


Lemme guess...

They've just killed the mayor and two of his guard captains. That's how it always seems to go. :)


You have a nasty, suspicious mind dpdx. I like you :)

Nah, the PCs 'done good' this time. No inadvertant mayor murders here. Just feline flambe!

Next part's ready to go - we're close to the end of the first adventure (second session) now.


Amberdale 0 : "An Introduction to Amberdale" by PDabble Games - Part 18

The group moves quickly to check the condition of the robbers, hoping to secure at least one prisoner, rather than three corpses. Only the last to fall still lives, and the Padre quickly binds the man's injuries, stabilising his condition.

"Hopefully we'll be able to find out what they were up to." He remarks, as he finished, receiving a nod of agreement from Ming Li.

"I am surprised that the town guards could not have dealt with this themselves." The monk remarks, watching as her companions move quickly to loot the bodies of their vanquished opponents.

"Earrings." Mantreus cups the aforementioned articles in his right hand, "One on each of the little guys. Ought to be worth a few coins."

The Padre gestures and speaks several arcane words.

"More than a few." He reports as the detect magic takes effect. "They're enchanted. So is the shield on the big guy. Looks like one of them is carrying a potion of some sort, as well."

These items - plus a small selection of coin that the robbers are carrying - are soon gathered up. Then, with Elspeth and Stormstrider carrying the unconscious robber between them, the group heads back into town.

At the guard barracks, Captain Jarrek wastes no time in taking charge of the prisoner.

"Well done." He congratulates the group. "That's another dangerous job yer saved my boys from doin'. Brent Birchwhistle has yer reward. Get it from him in the mornin'. Now, I expect yer checked these robbers pretty good for coin and such?"

The affirmative answers are delivered cautiously, with an air of suspicion that almost brings a smile to the captain's face.

"Don't mind yerselves, I ain't tryin' to take 'em from yer." He pauses. "There's not many in town who can help yer with such things, but if yer found any potions, yer can try Tally'oop, a gnome that lives on the west side of town. Yer can't miss the place - there's a crooked iron chimney and a weather vane."

The next morning, having claimed the three hundred gold reward from Brent, the group sets off to find this Tallyhoop: a process which proves very easy as his ramshackle house not only sports the ornamentation mentioned by Jarrek, but also appears to have been built by patchwork, with many mismatched components used in the construction.

Suddenly a gout of smoke jets out of one of the lopsided windows, carrying with it the scent of burned food, laced with a hint of sulphur.

"In Glittergold's name!" a bandy-legged gnome staggers out of the building, his face and clothes spattered with some kind of grey goo. Despite his appearance, he is chortling to himself, "That girl! Whatever will she do next!"

"Are you alright, sir?" Ming Li inquires, regarding the strange little fellow with puzzlement.

"Oh, quite fine, I assure you. My niece just put thunderstone in the cook pot this morning." Against all expectations, the gnome beams with pride, "There's porridge over simply everything."

"Uh ..." the group look at one another in bemusement. Finally, it is Stormstrider who speaks up,

"We came to get a potion identified." He produces the vial in question, "That is, if you are Tallyhoop?"

"Yes, that's me." The gnome uncorks the vial and takes a quick sniff, "Potion of Hiding." He hands the vial back without ever breaking from his contented chuckles. "Whoosh!" he suddenly waves his arms in wide circles, "Porridge everywhere."

Pleased to have their potion identified, but more than a little confused by the gnome's peculiar behaviour, the group withdraws as quickly as they can, leaving Tallyhoop to his chortle over plans for revenge on his niece.


Some Clarification

Ok, just to clarify things here. We aren't as "three stooges" as young Capellan makes us out to be... much :)

It is proving to be a most enjoyable campaign. Myself and Stormstrider (my son) can barely wait for the next one!


Clockwork Golem
I wouldn't worry Mantreus. I think it's just a low level character thing.

I'm sure you'll look less Stooges and more Stalwart Hero as the level count increases.

Besides, Capellans prepping to be thrown into one of the more...well, lets say disfunctional...adventuring parties I've seen.

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