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Company of the Random Encounter ('complete' 14 Nov 2004)


Thomas Hobbes said:
I think paladins in parties like yours are better than ones without- Twinkle, Macwood, and Matrues all make excellent foils for someone like a Paladin, and prevent him from dominating the party, as might happen if everyone agreed (or at least, didn't strongly disagree) with his worldview.

At the very least it will make entertiaining reading. :p
I'm looking forward to it actually :D He's not going to stomp all over our desire for loot! ;)

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Clockwork Golem
Thomas Hobbes said:
I think paladins in parties like yours are better than ones without- Twinkle, Macwood, and Matrues all make excellent foils for someone like a Paladin, and prevent him from dominating the party, as might happen if everyone agreed (or at least, didn't strongly disagree) with his worldview.

At the very least it will make entertiaining reading. :p

To be honest, Khore won't truly notice if his companions disagree with him or not. He's bright enough, and relatively likeable, but he just isn't observant enough to notice the people around him doing something untoward unless they pop up on a detect evil or flagrantly shove their transgretions in his face.

Besides which, he spends far to much time on his back and unconscious to dominate anything :D


"Good Friends & Fine Spirits" by Mystic Eye Games - Part 8

"What the hell was that thing?" Briar wrinkles his nose.

Macwood coughs up a bizarre agglomeration of consonants, then shrugs when everyone looks at him,

"It's what they're called. They're dung-eaters." He pauses reflectively - an attitude somewhat spoiled by his soiled appearance, "You know, we've probably just killed the town's garbage disposal unit."

"They'll get over it." the Padre gestures back the way they came, "Looks like we try the other way."

The group heads back down the sewer tunnel, and soon passes under the kitchen of the inn, where several wide-eyed customers and staff peer in at the begrimed adventurers,

"What was all the screaming and yelling about?" Brent Birchwhistle calls down, covering his mouth and nose as he speaks. The adventurers look at one another.

"Rat." Briar pipes up, with a forced grin.

"A rat? The inn's owner looks sceptical, "But all that shouting -"

"It was a large specimen." Ming Li assures him blandly, and the adventurers move on, leaving the perplexed civilians behind.

About forty feet further down the corridor, the group finds themselves approaching a junction in the tunnel. The route they are on continues for a short distance, before ending at a rusty iron grille. Just before this grating, a grimy doorframe is set into the tunnel wall, with the rotted remains of a door hanging from one hinge. Meanwhile, on the group's left, another tunnel leads off into the darkness.

Macwood creeps forward, then lies on the ledge to peer around the corner. After staring down the tunnel for a few moments, he scrambles to his feet and walks back.

"Nothing to see." He reports, "Tunnel looks the same as this one ... it goes out of sight."

"Why did you lie down to look around the corner?" the Padre frowns.

"Old scouting trick," Macwood confides, "people never look down that low."

"We're chasing a bunch of cockroaches." Briar reminds him, "They're very short."

The Padre nods,

"If there'd been one there, it could have chewed off your face."

"Please let it start with his mouth."

Macwood glares around the group, trying to work out whose muttered comment that was. The dim light makes it impossible to tell, so he shrugs and points at the nearby doorway,

"Let's go check that out."

Without waiting to see if anyone is following him, the halfling disappears into the darkened room.


First Post
Macwood coughs up a bizarre agglomeration of consonants, then shrugs when everyone looks at him,

"It's what they're called. They're dung-eaters." He pauses reflectively - an attitude somewhat spoiled by his soiled appearance, "You know, we've probably just killed the town's garbage disposal unit.

My favorite paragrpah. From one of my two favorite characters. I will definitely be playing a small bard weilding a ridiculous weapon two handed in my next game. Huzzah!


"Good Friends & Fine Spirits" by Mystic Eye Games - Part 9

Briar mutters a curse and hurries after the reckless bard, plunging into the room despite his every instinct telling him to remain outside. The others - apparently less concerned for Macwood's safety, one way or another - follow more slowly, and do not pass through the door.

The room that Briar and Macwood have entered is small, and paved with large, unadorned stone tiles. Two skeletons lie on the floor near the middle of the room, dressed in tattered fragments of clothing, while a third is slumped against the far wall, a small chest in its hands.

"Undead." Macwood opines, with the paranoid certainty of an adventurer who is sure that everything is out to get him.

It turns out he's half right: the skeletons are perfectly mundane, but something is out to get him.

Three of the two foot long roaches drop from the ceiling. One lands on Briar, the second on Macwood. The last misses both and falls all the way to the floor, where it quickly starts scuttling up the bard's leg.

Macwood twists, slamming his back against the wall in an attempt to crush the bug that landed on him. It senses the wall in time, however, and scuttles round to his front, giving him a nasty bite as it does so.

The others quickly pour into the room, and set to the outnumbered vermin with alacrity. The mismatched battle is over in seconds, as the adventurers - finding the roaches easy pickings after the fearsome slime beast - chop and crush them with only a few blows.

"Check the chest for traps, then open it." The Padre tells Briar, gesturing at the only sign of loot in the room. As he speaks, the cleric is already heading for the exit.

"I suppose you're going to close the door as well." The young rogue remarks caustically, as the rest of the group scuttles out of the room.

"Good idea." The Padre carefully pulls the door shut, leaving Briar alone in the room, where he mutters a few choice words about the spinal fortitude of his companions.

Crouching beside the skeleton with the chest, Briar wrinkles his nose as he notices dozens of tiny abrasions on the suspiciously clean bones. It seems the roaches have feasted here before.

"Gross." He mutters to himself, "Reminds me of the time that Ivy -" his voice trails off, and he ducks his head, wiping suddenly tear-filled eyes on his shirt. He sneaks a glance at the door, and is relieved to see it remains closed.

Forcing himself to focus, he checks the chest for traps, taking extra care and attention.

"Is everything okay in there?" the Padre calls through the door, his voice muffled by the wooden barrier.

"Yeah." Briar calls back tersely, "I'm just about to open it. Don't worry: if it's trapped, I'll make sure to scream real loud."

Ignoring the Padre's stuttered response about 'practicality' and 'minimising losses', Briar sets to the lock with his tools, and quickly has the little chest open. Inside, he finds only a well-crafted dagger and a folded sheet of parchment.

Dismissing the parchment as 'wizard stuff', the rogue drops both items back into the chest and stands, stretching out the cramped muscles of his back and legs. That done, he looks silently at the door for a moment, then grins impishly.

Still grinning, he lets out his loudest and most bloodcurdling scream.

Single Malt

First Post
As far as I can tell, the humorous and discreet ways to bump a thread has all been used in various other story hours, so rather than plagiarise, I will stick with the old, reliable, boring, "will be deleted in the first pruning if not before" BUMP!!!

Whazzup Capellan? We need more CotRE!!!


Sorry for the delay between updates - work has been crazy for the past week. Things will hopefully calm down next week, and I will be home from work early enough to do more than eat and fall into bed ...

Voidrunner's Codex

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