COMPETITION: Design an Epic Monster

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The EN World kitten
Common dragons are well-known for their fecundity, siring half-breed offspring with myriad creatures. What few sages realize is that higher-order dragons share in this trait; however, such half-draconic offspring are much rarer both due to the scarcity of their draconic parents, and because few beings can successfully couple with such powerful creatures. The spawn of such unions, however, are superior half-dragons (the term is used collectively for all half-epic, half-adamic, and half-nehaschimic dragons) and can become multiversal movers and shakers in their own right. Oddly, some types of dragons should not be able to have children at all (such as void dragons), but rare instances of creatures having traits of such creatures indicate that such a thing is somehow possible.

A dark figure seems to melt out of the shadows. Dressed in nondescript black clothing, the creature is unremarkable save for two notable features. The first is the pair of large, black wings unfurling behind it, their color slowly lightening to a bloody red. The second is how, above the creature’s large, toothy grin, there are no discernable features. Still grinning at you, the monster darts forward, a dagger raised in its hand.

This example uses a gloom as the base creature, with the half-polychromatic dragon template.

Medium-Size Dragon (Augmented Monstrous Humanoid)
Hit Dice: 25d20+450 (950 hp)
Initiative: +24 (+16 Dex, +8 Superior Initiative)
Speed: 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (good)
AC: 61 (+16 Dex, +12 insight, +17 natural, +6 deflection), touch 44, flat-footed 45
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+42
Attack: +20 0.003% orichalcum keen universal energy blast dagger of human dread +63 melee (2d4+37 plus 3d6 acid plus 3d6 cold plus 3d6 electricity plus 3d6 fire plus 3d6 sonic/17-20) or claw +42 melee (1d8+27)
Full Attack: +20 0.003% orichalcum keen universal energy blast dagger of human dread +63/+58/+53/+48 melee (2d4+37 plus 3d6 acid plus 3d6 cold plus 3d6 electricity plus 3d6 fire plus 3d6 sonic/17-20) and claw +37 melee (1d8+8) and 2 wing buffets +37 melee (1d6+8) and bite +37 melee (2d6+8)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, fear gaze, legendary wings sneak attack +13d6
Special Qualities: Blindsight 60 ft., immunities, keen senses, maven, opportunist, quiescence, spell-like abilities, SR 55, DR 10/epic
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +30, Will +23
Abilities: Str 44, Dex 42, Con 47, Int 36, Wis 25, Cha 40
Skills: Appraise +13, Balance +20, Bluff +43, Climb +45, Concentration +18, Craft (all) +13, Diplomacy +19, Disguise +15 (+19 to act in character), Escape Artist +16, Forgery +13, Gather Information +15, Heal +7, Hide +44, Intimidate +47, Jump +49, Listen +35, Move Silently +64, Perform (all) +15, Ride +16, Search +13, Sense Motive +7, Spot +35, Survival +35, Swim +17, Tumble +48, Use Rope +16
Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (dagger)
Epic Feats: Sneak Attack of Opportunity, Superior Initiative
Challenge Rating: 45
Treasure: Nonstandard (just his dagger)
Alignment: Lawful evil

Garistus is the son of Tiamat, and serves as one of her most favored assassins. When there’s a being that she wants dead, Garistus is the one she dispatches, and thus far he has never let her down. Like most of her spawn, he tends to compete with his brothers and sisters for his mother’s attention, and to that end he has started plotting on his own to kill several of Bahamut’s children, without his mother’s knowledge or approval.

While few know this, Garistus’s mood can be surmised from what color his wings are at the time. He turns them black when hunting a target (anticipation), red when engaged in combat (joy), blue if brought down to one-third hit points or less (fear), white if retreating (anger), and green if not currently on a mission (boredom). He has a variety of other colors that telegraph his other moods, but those five are the most frequent.

In the hand of any other creature than Garistus, the dagger is a +6 0.003% orichalcum keen dagger. His natural weapons and any melee weapons he wields are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Garistus always tries to position himself to be able to sneak attack in melee. He’ll usually use his legendary wings power to use summon monster IX, summoning a group of elemental creatures purely to set him up for flanking attacks. Only if fighting a large group will he use the power of his wings to attack directly.

Breath Weapon (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, Garistus is able to breathe a cone of energy that deals 25d6 points of damage (DC 40 Reflex save for half damage). He may choose the type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, or fire, each time he uses his breath weapon. The DC is Constitution-based.

Fear Gaze (Su): Viewing the gloom’s face inspires terror. Creatures that meet the gloom’s gaze must succeed at a Will save (DC 37) or suffer the effects of a fear spell as cast by a 20th-level caster. The DC is Charisma-based.

Immunities (Ex): Garistus is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and death from massive damage. He is also immune to one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) chosen each round on his turn.

Keen Senses (Ex): Garistus sees eight times better than a human in shadowy illumination, four times better than a human in normal light, and has 120 ft. darkvision.

Legendary Wings (Su): Garistus is able to change the color of his wings at will (though not the pattern). Since his wings are strongly aligned with elemental energy, on his turn he can duplicate any spell with an energy descriptor of up to level 9 (caster level 25th). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells with an energy descriptor of DC 20 or less.

Maven (Ex): Garistus has maximum ranks in all the skills he knows.

Opportunist (Ex): This ability functions like the rogue class feature of the same name.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Garistus is able to sneak attack as a 25th-level rogue, dealing 13d6 extra damage.

Quiescence (Su): Garistus is constantly silent, as per the silence spell, although the area does not extend beyond him. This quality gives him a +20 racial bonus on Move Silently checks (it is still possible him to create noise, such as by bumping into something that scrapes on the floor or by sounding a chime). Garistus can lower this effect at will.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—shadow walk; 3/day—true strike. Caster level 20th; save DC 25 + spell level. The DC is Charisma-based.

Creating a Superior Half-Dragon
"Superior half-dragon" is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with 20 natural Hit Dice (for epic dragons), 60 natural Hit Dice (for adamic dragons), or 120 natural Hit Dice (for nehaschimic dragons), referred to hereafter as the base creature.

Size and Type
The creatures type changes to dragon, and it gains the augmented subtype. Size is unchanged. Do not recalculate base attack bonus or saves.

Hit Dice
Increase the base creature’s natural Hit Dice as follows: d20 for half-epic dragons and d100 for half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons. Superior half-dragons always gain maximum hit points per die (half-nehaschimic dragons gain double maximum hit points per die).

A superior half-dragon has wings, and may fly at three times their base land speed with good maneuverability, or as the base creature, whichever is better.

Armor Class
A superior half-dragon gains a natural armor bonus of +12 (epic dragon), +36 (adamic dragon), or +108 (nehaschimic dragon), which stacks with the base creature’s natural armor. It also gains a deflection bonus from its wings (see below) which does not stack with any other deflection bonus.

A superior half-dragon has two claw attacks, two wing buffet attacks, and a bite attack, and the claws are the primary natural weapon. If the base creature can use weapons, the superior half-dragon retains this ability. A superior half-dragon fighting without weapons uses a claw when making an attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses the weapon instead.

Full Attack
A superior half-dragon fighting without weapons uses both claws, both wings, and its bite when making a full attack. If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack and its wings and bite as natural secondary attacks. If it has a hand free, it uses a claw as an additional natural secondary attack.

Superior half-dragons have wing, bite and claw attacks, with damage as listed on Table 1-8: Universal Base Damage by Size in The Immortal’s Handbook Epic Bestiary Vol. 1. Remember that these values may be modified if the superior half-dragon has any virtual size categories. A superior half-dragon’s natural weapons, and all melee weapons wielded, are treated as being epic for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Special Attacks
A superior half-dragon has all the special attacks of the base creature, as well as the following:

Breath Weapon (Su): A superior half-dragon is able to use a breath weapon, the exact type and damage of which is determined by what kind of superior half-dragon it is. Epic half-dragons can use their breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds, adamic half-dragons can use their breath weapon once every 1d3 rounds, and nehaschimic half-dragons can use their breath weapon once every 1d2 rounds. The save DC is 10 + ½ the superior half-dragon’s natural Hit Dice + the superior half-dragon’s Con modifier.

Cometary (adamic): A half-cometary dragon can breathe a cone of temporal stasis, affecting everyone in range for 1d3 rounds if they fail a Reflex save. Opponents frozen in this manner can be attacked normally by the half-cometary dragon, but cannot be affected again by its breath weapon until the effect wears off.

Firmament (nehaschimic): A half-firmament dragon breathes a line of quarks (sub-atomic particles) that rend asunder the target’s physical being. Creatures hit by this take 1d6 points of permanent damage per 4 natural Hit Dice of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Fortitude save). Permanent damage cannot be healed, except by a limited wish (which restores 1 hit point) or wish (which restores 1 hit point per caster level).

Force (epic): A half-force dragon breathes a cone of pure force, dealing 1d4 points of force damage per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon (no save).

Nexus (nehaschimic): A half-nexus dragon can breathe a cone that has a 33% chance (roll once per individual) of shunting those within it into another universe, erasing them from every having existed at all in their native universe. Those affected by the same use of this breath weapon might be shunted into the same alternate universe.

Platinum (epic): A half-platinum dragon has two breath weapons. The first is a cone of sonic energy that deals 1d6 damage per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). The other is a cone of healing vapors that heals 5 points of damage per natural Hit Die (this harms undead creatures, who may make a Reflex save for half damage). The half-platinum dragon may inhale the latter breath weapon if it chooses, affecting only itself.

Polychromatic (epic): A half-polychromatic dragon breathes a cone of energy that deals 1d6 points of damage per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). It may choose the type of energy: acid, cold, electricity, or fire, each time it uses its breath weapon.

Prismatic (epic): A half-prismatic dragon has a prismatic spray breath weapon. The breath weapon’s cone is of the size indicated by Table D-13: Breath Weapon Size in The Immortal’s Handbook Epic Bestiary Vol. 1, not the normal cone for the spell.

Starshadow (adamic): A half-starshadow dragon breaths a line of energy that does 1d20 points of damage per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). The type of energy adapts itself as the most damaging type for each target struck (e.g. a creature with the cold subtype would take fire damage from this breath weapon). If a creature has no particular energy vulnerability, then this is treated as being force damage. Regardless of energy type, this breath weapon ignores any miss chance a target might have for being incorporeal.

Timber (epic): A half-timber dragon breathes a cone of death energy, dealing 1d8 points of damage per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon to living creatures (half damage on a successful Fortitude save). This deals d12 points of damage per natural Hit Dice to creatures of the plant type, or water subtype. It deals no damage to constructs and the undead.

Titanium (epic): A half-titanium dragon breathes a line of telluric force (which appears as a green lightning) dealing 1d10 points of damage per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon (half damage on a successful Reflex save). Targets struck by a consecutive use of the breath weapon take double the normal damage (2d10 per natural Hit Die of the half-dragon) so long as the next use occurs within 24 hours.

Void (adamic): A half-void dragon breathes a cone of annihilation, causing living beings who fail a Reflex save to lose 1 level/Hit Die per 4 natural Hit Dice of the half-dragon (this is treated as though they had failed a Fort save to remove a negative level), those who make their save suffer no damage. Creatures immune to energy drain still take half damage from this effect (no damage on a successful save).

Special Qualities
Superior half-dragons have all the special qualities of the base creature, as well as the following:

Adaptation (Ex): Half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons take no damage from any natural environment; they are capable of existing anywhere.

Immunities (Ex): All superior half-dragons are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and death from massive damage. They also have additional immunities based on type:

Cometary (adamic): Half-cometary dragons are immune to cold damage, and are healed instead of harmed by fire damage.

Firmament (nehaschimic): Half-firmament dragons are immune to sonic damage, are healed instead of harmed by fire damage, and reflect all cold-based attacks. Further, they cannot be harmed by sub-epic spells.

Force (epic): Half-force dragons are immune to all force effects.

Nexus (nehaschimic): Half-nexus dragons are immune to cold damage, are healed instead of harmed by electricity damage, and reflect all sonic-based attacks. Further, they cannot be harmed by sub-epic spells.

Platinum (epic): Half-platinum dragons are immune to cold damage.

Polychromatic (epic): Half-polychromatic dragons are immune to one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) chosen each round on their turn.

Prismatic (epic): Half-prismatic dragons cannot be harmed by any light, including Evocation [Light] spells, searing light, and the various prismatic (sphere, spray, wall) spells. In addition, they are immune to any spell or effect that causes blindness.

Starshadow (adamic): Half-starshadow dragons are immune to electricity damage, and are healed instead of harmed by sonic damage.

Timber (epic): Half-timber dragons are immune to negative energy and necromantic effects.

Titanium (epic): Half-titanium dragons are immune to sonic damage.

Void (adamic): Half-void dragons are immune to cold damage, and are healed instead of harmed by acid damage.

Keen Senses (Ex): Superior half-dragons have heightened senses, as follows: half-epic dragons see eight times as well as a human in shadowy illumination, four times as well in normal light, and have 120 ft. darkvision. Half-adamic dragons see twenty times as well in shadowy illumination, ten times as well in normal light, and have 600 ft. darkvision. Half-nehaschimic dragons have sight that extends infinitely, though not to other planes, and see in the dark as well as they do in the light.

Legendary Wings (Su): While all superior half-dragons have features that are indicative of their draconic parent, all have wings that are completely identical to what their dragon progenitor would have (replacing any wings the base creature would otherwise have). They are able to use these wings to protect themselves, wrapping them around their bodies protectively, granting them a deflection bonus equal to ¼ their natural Hit Dice (for half-epic dragons), ½ their natural Hit Dice (for half-adamic dragons) or equal to their natural Hit Dice (for half-nehaschimic dragons); this does not stack with any deflection bonus the base creature may have. Additionally, each variety of superior half-dragon is able to, as a standard action unless otherwise noted (no AoO), use their wings to gain a different effect (none of which interferes with their ability to fly):

Cometary (adamic): A half-cometary dragon’s wings are grey and very translucent, being made of compressed time. By enfolding itself within its wings, a half-cometary dragon may place a safe time effect on itself. This lasts for as long as the half-cometary dragon wishes; it is aware of the passage of normal time, though time ceases to pass for it, and it may not take any actions except to move back into normal time on a subsequent round (which is a free action).

Firmament (nehaschimic): The wings of a half-firmament dragon seem to be made of light. On its turn it may choose a being within reach to become immune to. Thereafter, that creature is unable to affect the half-firmament dragon at all; its attacks, spells, actions, etc. do no damage to and have no effect on the half-firmament dragon. A half-firmament dragon may change this designation as often as it likes, but it may only ever be immune to a single being (eternals are higher beings are not subject to this power). When using this power, a half-firmament dragon seems to wave its wings through a creature, attuning itself to that creature’s existence totally.

Force (epic): A half-force dragon’s wings are completely invisible, through still tangible. On its turn a half-force dragon is able to negate all force effects within 100 ft. of it. This functions like a successful dispel magic used against all force-related spells and magic items (e.g. a wall of force would immediately cease to exist, bracers of armor would be nonfunctional for 1d4 rounds, etc).

Nexus (nehaschimic): The wings of a half-nexus dragon are composed of light, though they shine less brightly than those of a half-firmament dragon’s. By using their wings, they may “attack” the laws of physics, denying an effect from happening despite it having the requisite cause. As an immediate action, a half-nexus dragon can cause someone within 100 ft. to lose a standard action from their turn (e.g. the victim may only take a move action this turn, unless they somehow have more actions).

Platinum (epic): A half-platinum dragon’s wings are a beautiful silvery-white, and are incredibly strong. When fighting defensively, a half-platinum dragon can use one wing as an extremely potent bastion, gaining damage reduction 25/--. When using a total defense action, it uses both wings, raising the damage reduction to 50/--.

Polychromatic (epic): A half-polychromatic dragon is able to change the color of its wings at will (though not the pattern). Since its wings are strongly aligned with elemental energy, on its turn it can duplicate any spell with an energy descriptor of a level equal to 9 + number of automatic metamagic capacity feats (caster level equal to its natural Hit Dice). This ability can also duplicate any epic spells with an energy descriptor of a DC equal to the half-polychromatic dragon’s spellcraft check +20.

Prismatic (epic): The wings of a half-prismatic dragon constantly sparkle and shift colors. A creature hit by a half-prismatic dragon’s wing buffet has the light around it solidified; it is trapped inside a prismatic sphere of a single color (roll 1d8 to determine the color, re-rolling any result of 8) that takes up just that creature’s space.

Starshadow (adamic): A half-starshadow dragon’s wings are a black film, with white spots on them that make it seem as though the wings are windows into deep space. Because a half-starshadow dragon’s wings naturally aggregate magic, any opponent it hits with a wing buffet loses all magical ability for 1 round, as though that creature were in an antimagic field. This ability does not work on sidereals or higher beings.

Timber (epic): A half-timber dragon’s wings seem to have their bones made from wood, with the membranes being leaves. As its wings are incarnations of nature, they offer the half-timber dragon great defensive power from unnatural things. While fighting defensively, a half-timber dragon takes the minimum possible damage from manufactured weapons (e.g. a +7 longsword wielded by someone with Str 26 would only do 16 points of damage). Unarmed strikes and natural weapons continue to inflict normal damage.

Titanium (epic): The wings of a half-titanium dragon are composed of a dark bluish metal, and seem to almost be manufactured rather than grown. Strongly resistant to magic, a half-titanium dragon that takes a total defense action wraps its wings around itself, and is treated as having unbeatable spell resistance so long as it maintains a total defense. This does not function against sidereals and higher beings.

Void (adamic): A half-void dragon’s wings are utterly black, being wing-shaped holes in the fabric of reality. A half-void dragon’s wing buffet attacks are always touch attacks, and ignore all hardness and damage reduction. Moreover, they deal permanent damage. Permanent damage cannot be healed, except by a limited wish (which restores 1 hit point) or wish (which restores 1 hit point per caster level).

Maven (Ex): Superior half-dragons have maximum ranks in all skills they know.

Omnicompetent (Ex): Half-adamic and half-nehaschimic dragons know all skills.

Spell Resistance (Ex): A superior half-dragon has spell resistance equal to its Challenge Rating +10 (half-epic dragons), +15 (half-adamic dragons), or +20 (half-nehaschimic dragons).

Superior half-dragons gain ability increases as follows:

Half-epic dragons: Str +12, Con +10, Int +10, Cha +10.

Half-adamic dragons: Str +30, Con +24, Int +24, Cha +24.

Half-nehaschimic dragons: Str +72, Con +50, Int +50, Cha +50.

Challenge Rating
As base creature +20 (half-epic), +36 (half-adamic), or +70 (half-nehaschimic)

As base creature or dragon variety.

Level Adjustment
As base creature +30 (half-epic), +54 (half-adamic), or +105 (half-nehaschimic)

Adventure Ideas
Mid-Epic: Tiamat has targeted the PCs for termination due to them having defeated an evil dragon sometime in the past. Now, Garistus is stalking them, planning to kill them at their weakest moment.

High Epic: Kliga, an advanced (72 HD) half-infernal half-void dragon, appears on the PCs world. She claims to be the child of Siva, the Vedic god of destruction, and the Mother of Nothing, better known as Atalia (a great great great void wyrm), and wishes to summon her mother to the world so that they may destroy it together.

Low Cosmic: An incredibly powerful (200 HD) pseudonatural half-cherubim half-nexus dragon emerges into the PCs reality. Divinations reveal that it's the beacon for a flight of nexus dragons, necessitating that it be destroyed before it can lead them to that universe.
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The EN World kitten
I don't know why the above idea didn't occur to me sooner. We've got new, incredibly powerful dragons thanks to the IH Bestiary, so of course it makes sense that we'd also have to have a new iteration of the half-dragon template!

Coming up with a template that can cover three different types of dragons (epic, adamic, and nehaschimic) was pretty hard, especially considering each type had several different kinds of dragons in it. Further, I didn't want this to just be the half-dragon template with the numbers ratcheted up and identical breath weapons (though I tried to make the breath weapons less powerful than the parent dragon types). To make it unique, I had to introduce new powers thematically based off the existing dragon types. Since the biggest physical change the half-dragon template makes is, IMHO, the addition of wings, I decided to give each breed's wings special powers. Hopefully, they captured the feel of the parent dragons while still being unique.

And of course, I had to include Paradox42's new dragons here also. They were just too good to ignore. :)

EDIT: I was looking back over Garistus's stat block, and noticed that his spell resistance was so low as to be useful against opponents who were anywhere near his CR. I went back and added a line to the template that boosts spell resistance to a level that should hopefully make it relevant again.
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First Post
...Wow. I am deeply, deeply impressed. I'd toyed with the idea of figuring out what half-dragons of the Bestiary dragons might be like, but somehow the thought of a MM-style general template never occurred to me at all. And with the superlative work above, I now have no reason to!

I even have a way to immediately use the first Adventure Idea given in the listing above; my PCs took out a Polychromatic and several of his clones not too long ago. This was the last "big adventure" they had before they started pursuing their own individual agendas while going for divine ascension. It's a textbook setup for an assassin (they're all separated except for the two who are going after the Teamwork Portfolio, which I may post in the custom thread someday soon since it's such a unique idea). Thanks Alzrius!

Alzrius said:
Coming up with a template that can cover three different types of dragons (epic, adamic, and nehaschimic) was pretty hard, especially considering each type had several different kinds of dragons in it. Further, I didn't want this to just be the half-dragon template with the numbers ratcheted up and identical breath weapons (though I tried to make the breath weapons less powerful than the parent dragon types). To make it unique, I had to introduce new powers thematically based off the existing dragon types. Since the biggest physical change the half-dragon template makes is, IMHO, the addition of wings, I decided to give each breed's wings special powers. Hopefully, they captured the feel of the parent dragons while still being unique.
I have to say you succeeded, and that using wing types is something I wouldn't have thought of myself. It's a great addition. I'd only have one suggestion, and that's to figure out a way to work in the characteristic of Adamic dragons that they're never one-headed. In other words, would their half-dragon offspring be multi-headed in a similar manner? But I can also see a good reason not to add that; it makes the CR adjustment of the template too difficult to figure out in a general manner (even if we do have the Multi-Headed Creature template to work from for the addition). Plus, would that mean a Half-Void Dragon has no head at all, and if so how does that affect its power level?

Alzrius said:
And of course, I had to include Paradox42's new dragons here also. They were just too good to ignore. :)
You honor me, sir. I bow to you gratefully.


The EN World kitten
paradox42 said:
...Wow. I am deeply, deeply impressed. I'd toyed with the idea of figuring out what half-dragons of the Bestiary dragons might be like, but somehow the thought of a MM-style general template never occurred to me at all. And with the superlative work above, I now have no reason to!

Thanks! Ironically, I would have posted this several days ago, but I was trying to make Kliga (from the second adventure idea) for the sample monster. However, advancing her according to the rules in Ascension, and making sure to add Intermediate deity-level abilities (since a 72 HD advanced Outsider would have a +14 divine bonus; stronger than a normal Intermediate deity, but not at the level of a Greater god), and then applying the half-void dragon template on top of that was taking me way too long to do. In the end, using a half-epic dragon template on a monster that didn't need to be advanced to receive it (e.g. a gloom) was much simpler.

I even have a way to immediately use the first Adventure Idea given in the listing above; my PCs took out a Polychromatic and several of his clones not too long ago. This was the last "big adventure" they had before they started pursuing their own individual agendas while going for divine ascension. It's a textbook setup for an assassin (they're all separated except for the two who are going after the Teamwork Portfolio, which I may post in the custom thread someday soon since it's such a unique idea). Thanks Alzrius!

What age was the polychromatic? If your group was able to overcome it at any age older than young adult (CR 44), then Garistus might not be a sufficient challenge for them. Of course, if he's going after them when they're alone, and at less than optimal readiness, he might be more of a fight than they're expecting (especially if you decide to give him backup :] ).

I have to say you succeeded, and that using wing types is something I wouldn't have thought of myself. It's a great addition.

I was pleased with the idea, particularly since I've seen dragons in other mediums use this idea, but I had a moment's panic when I realized that cometary dragons don't have wings! Luckily, I managed to dance around that little hurdle. Whew!

I'd only have one suggestion, and that's to figure out a way to work in the characteristic of Adamic dragons that they're never one-headed. In other words, would their half-dragon offspring be multi-headed in a similar manner? But I can also see a good reason not to add that; it makes the CR adjustment of the template too difficult to figure out in a general manner (even if we do have the Multi-Headed Creature template to work from for the addition). Plus, would that mean a Half-Void Dragon has no head at all, and if so how does that affect its power level?

I didn't have the option of using the Multi-Headed template (from Savage Species) because it's closed content, and would have violated the rules of this competition.

That said, I did think of giving the half-adamic dragons multiple heads, but discarded that idea quickly. I wasn't entirely sure what the benefits should look like for that (bonuses to various senses? Multiple actions per round, maybe?), and that uncertainty increased when I thought about trying to make the number of heads be a factor in what benefits it applied. Throw in the part about void dragons having no heads at all, and that seemed like more trouble than it was worth.

I also wanted the template to show a clear step-progression, in terms of power, between the epic, adamic, and nehaschimic half-dragons. Each is more clearly powerful than the preceding type in terms of what this template offers (only the Adaptation power doesn't have a lesser equivalent for the half-epic dragons). As such, giving such a special power to the half-adamics, without having an even greater power for the half-nehaschimics, didn't feel right. While I could have tried giving the latter half-dragons some lesser version of the extra-dimensional power (since that seems to be the most thematic to nehaschimic dragons), that seemed to be a bit much.

All in all, it just seemed easier to eliminate the multi-headed aspect from the half-adamic dragons altogether (particularly since those who want to can easily use the aforementioned Multi-Headed template to add that aspect back in). I originally had planned to insert a line saying something to the effect of such creatures having only one head because their offspring take more after their non-draconic parent (since the dragons themselves are such esoteric beings, meaning the more "earthly" parent sets the body type), with the largest physiological change being the addition of wings (hence why they have special powers). Unfortunately, I couldn't work that line in there (though saying it here now is probably close enough ;) ).

You honor me, sir. I bow to you gratefully.

It was a pleasure to have such great materials to work with. :D
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Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost
Large Magical Beasts (chaotic, extraplanar)

HD: 33d10 + 330 (660 hp)
Initiative: +18
Speed: 80 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect)
AC: 48 (+10 Dex, +29 natural, -1 size) touch 19, flat-footed 38
BAB/ Grapple: +33/+51
Attack: Headbutt +46 melee (2d6+14 plus 3d6 electricity plus stunning/19-20/x2 plus electrifying horns)
Full attack: Headbutt +46 melee (2d6+14 plus 3d6 electricity plus stunning/19-20/x2 plus electrifying horns), and 2 hooves +41 melee (1d8+7 plus 3d6 sonic/19-20/x2 plus thunderous hooves)
Space/reach: 10ft./ 10ft.
Special attacks: Electrifying horns, thunderous charge, thunderous hooves
Special qualities:Darkvision 60 ft., DR 15/ epic and adamantine, energy resistance to acid, cold, and fire 25, From Beast to Feast, immunity to electricity and sonic, regeneration 20, SR 38
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +34, Will +21
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 30, Con 31, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 17
Skills: Balance +25, Escape Artist +21, Intimidate +14, Jump +45, Listen +14, Spot +14, Tumble +21
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (headbutt and horns), Improved Initiative, Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Dire Charge, Epic Reflexes, Superior Initiative
Environment: Asgard (Thor’s Realm)
Organization: Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost or Trio (Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost and Thor)
CR: 27
Treasure: nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

There are two massive goats that stand before you, one is brown the other white. Their eyes burst with electricity and the clicking of their hooves on the ground produce loud noises.

Legendary goats of Thor. Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost pull Thor’s chariot throughout the planes. They also serve (or are served) as food to hungry heroes whenever Thor wills it so.

They stand 6 ft. tall at the shoulders, 9 ft. long and weigh 1,200 pounds each. They do not speak but understand Common language.

Combat: First off, Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost act separately. They both love to start off the battle with a thunderous charge, before entering melee combat with their horns and hooves.

Electrifying Horns (Ex): Though you can’t tell from looking at them, Tanngrisnir’s and Tanngjost’s horns discharge electricity upon contact, thus, they deal an extra 3d6 electricity damage whenever they successfully strike a creature with their horns. On a successful critical hit, the targeted creature must succeed a Fortitude save DC 40 or be paralyzed for 1d6 + 4 rounds. DC is Str-based.

From Beast to Feast (Ex): Once per day, Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost can willingly choose to serve as a feast for hungry heroes. At this point they can be slain by a coup de grace attack, which is automatically successful. Upon being slain, Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost produce a meal, which is identical to the heroes feast spell, except they heal up to 300 points damage. Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost rise up automatically the next morning with full hit points. If they are slain unwillingly, they do not produce a heroes’ feast effect and they do not raise automatically the next morning. If the latter happens, they can be raised normally.

Regeneration (Ex): Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost take normal damage from epic and adamantine weapons. They also take normal damage from lawful spells.

Thunderous Charge (Ex): When Tanngrisnir and Tanngjost charge, they bring with them a cacophony of sounds. They deal 6d6 + 42 points of damage with their headbutt plus 10d6 points of sonic damage. Those hit, must succeed a Fortitude save DC 40 or be deafened for 5 minutes. The creatures who are not targeted, but stand with 30 ft. of the charge, must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 40 or be deafened for 1 minute. DC’s are Str-based.

Thunderous Hooves (Ex): Tanngrisnir’s and Tanngjost’s hooves produce a loud noise as soon as they come into contact with something. They deal an extra 3d6 sonic damage with each successful attack of their hooves. On a successful critical hit, creatures must succeed a Fortitude save DC 40 or be deafened for 5 rounds. DC is Str-based.
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First Post
Here's something I cooked up as a big brother of my beloved Mirror Golem

Mirror Golem, Greater

Size/Type: Large Construct (Lawful, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 40d10+180 (400 hp)
Initiative: +15
Speed: 70 ft. (14 squares)
Armor Class: 50 (-1 size, +15 Dex, +22 natural, +4 haste), touch 28, flat-footed 35
Base Attack/Grapple: +30/+54
Attack: +6 mithral golemblade +60 melee (6d10+30/17-20) or slam +53 melee (4d10+20/19-20)
Full Attack: +6 mithral golemblade +60/+60/+55/+50/+45 (6d10+30/17-20) or 3 slams +53 melee (4d10+20/19-20)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities, total reflection, trap living
Special Qualities: Magic immunity, construct traits, damage reduction 30/epic and adamantine
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +38, Will +20
Abilities: Str 50, Dex 40, Con —, Int 25, Wis 25, Cha 25
Skills: Concentration +43, Hide +54 (+74 in front of or otherwise around mirrors), Jump +81, Listen +52, Move Silently +58, Sense Motive +50, Search +50, Spot +52, Tumble +60
Feats: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness (×5) Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (golemblade), Legendary Leaper, Lightning Reflexes, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (invisibility purge), Weapon Focus (golemblade)
Environment: Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus
Organization: Solitary (sentinel) or pair (gemini defenders)
Challenge Rating: 35
Treasure: One +6 mithral golemblade (large)
Alignment: Always lawful neutral
Advancement: 41-120 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment:

What stands before you looks like a sleek-waisted, broad shouldered 9 feet tall silhouette with two arms and two legs, created from head to toe of very carefully wrought metal, its gleaming surface possessing a consistency of a flawless mirror. Many creatures seeking the riches and the artifacts of the ancient Mechanus ruins have fallen before these illustrious, intelligent constructs. They laughed as their powerful blades punctured the automatons' effulgent husks, and died, with the smile of victory etched on their face.

Ancient offshoots from the lawful neutral realm of Mechanus remain hidden in the most elusive parts of the clockwork Nirvana, still guarding, forever guarding the treasures of their masters' forebears. They wield fantastic mithral golemblade greatswords that are almost as reflective as they themselves. Mirror Golems are not very bulky; they look like they have been built with every facet of battle in mind, both strength and speed. Greater mirror golems are warriors of epic proportions, standing 9 feet tall, weighing about 1,000 pounds and having a sleek, fully reflective frame. They can easily jump twice their height and rely upon extreme mobility in combat.


Magic Immunity (Ex): A mirror golem is immune to all magical and supernatural effects, with the sole exceptions of spells dealing sonic damage, the shatter spell and the iron body spell, which functions as a heal spell upon a mirror golem, allowing them to use said spell to heal themselves. Mirror golems can willingly ignore their own magical immunity in order to reap the benefits from spells cast by themselves and other mirror golems, such as shield other.

Total Reflection (Su): As long as you cast a reflection upon a mirror golem's skin, the damage of any physical attack that you make against it is reflected upon you, without damage to the mirror golem. Extra magical or energy damage dealt by such attacks (such as the extra 1d6 fire damage of a flaming weapon) is not reflected back. Total reflection does not apply against invisible creatures and creatures with concealment miss chance against melee attacks. Total reflection works only in environments with light, and when the mirror golem and you have line of sight. Any spell that sufficiently impairs or completely removes line of sight, like darkness, obscuring mist or solid fog can defeat total reflection. When total reflection is down, the mirror golem can be damaged normally.

Hasted (Su): A mirror golem is hasted. Its base land speed increases by 30 ft, it gets a permanent +4 haste bonus to attack rolls, Armor Class and Reflex saves and can make one additional attack at its full attack bonus per round. Furthermore, its natural weapons are keened.

Trap Living (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, a greater mirror golem may attempt to trap living targets within itself. During the round that the mirror golem uses this ability, anyone within 30 feet of the mirror golem that looks at its mirrored surface and sees itself reflected on it must succeed in a DC 37 Will save or be trapped within the mirror golem's body. The save is Charisma based. This ability functions like a mirror of life trapping and a greater mirror golem can have trapped within itself a maximum of ten creatures at any time. If more creatures that can still be trapped by the mirror golem fail their save, the ones of least Hit Dice are trapped first. If there is a tie, the one that rolled the lowest saving throw result is trapped first. If there is a tie here as well, make Wisdom checks to see who gets trapped first. The mirror golem may voluntarily release a trapped creature, but otherwise the only ways of releasing a trapped creature is by casting a freedom spell upon the mirror golem or destroying it. The use of this ability is equivalent to a move action.

Spell-Like Abilities (Su): At will—contingency, greater dispel magic, invisibility purge, shield other, spell immunity. 10/day—iron body. Caster level 35th. DC 17 + spell level

Skills: Mirror golems have a +20 circumstance bonus to hiding amidst mirrored walls and surfaces, and can furthermore hide in plain sight amidst them.

Tactics Round-by-Round: Single Mirror Golem

A sole mirror golem typically opens combat by using its spell-like abilities, attempting to neutralize potentially hazardous situations before they occur.

Prior to combat: contingency tied with invisibility purge set to activate when the mirror golem takes damage from an invisible opponent. Then, it will use its trap living ability if the enemy is in close enough quarters.
Round 1: When faced with one or more potent spellcasters with specific spells that can hurt them: spell immunity. Then use the rest of the round to close in with one of the characters, preferably an unarmored spellcaster.
Round 2: Full attack against enemy.
Round 3: Full attack against enemy or greater dispel magic against concealing effects. Mirror Golems always have a quickened invisibility purge ready should it be necessary.
Round 4: Repeat ad nauseam.

Tactics Round-by-Round: Gemini Defenders

Two mirror golems are a renowned force of cooperation. They combine their great strength to their fullest in battle.

Prior to combat: Both mirror golems cast shield other on the other. Whether the enemy focuses on one of the mirror golems or attacks full force against both, either of them have maximized their effectiveness in battle and both will last as long as possible. Then, both will use their trap living ability as soon as the enemy is in close enough quarters.
Round 1: One of the mirror golems focuses on the spellcasters that have spells that can damage them and uses spell immunity. He readies to assault what he feels is the most annoying spellcaster full force. The second relegates attention to combat oriented foes and tries to use its superior speed in order to move in between and isolate the spellcaster the other is fighting.
Round 2: Full attacks against enemy.
Round 3: Full attacks against enemy or greater dispel magic against concealing effects. Etcetera.
Round 4: Repeat ad nauseam.


A mirror golem's body is constructed from alchemically treated mithral components that fit together apparently seamlessly and allow for extremely fluent motion. Raw materials need to be of extreme purity, and are valued at 500,000 gp. Alchemical substances to be applied to the construction cost an additional 500,000 gp. As a first step, the metal needs to be treated alchemically, to allow the mirror golem to capture the essence of reflection, requiring a DC 60 Craft (alchemy) check. Assembling the body requires a DC 60 Craft (metalworking) check. After the body is sculpted, the mirror golem is animated through an extended magical ritual that requires a specially prepared laboratory or workroom, during which time a sentient core is injected into its body, granting it its intelligence.

CL 37th; Craft Construct, bull's strength, contingency, haste, imbue with spell ability or mnemonic enhancer, mirror image and spell immunity. Item's required: Mechanus core. Price 2,500,000 gp; Cost 1,250,000 gp + 100,000 XP.

Note 1: Without a Mechanus Core, the mirror golem has Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1 and does not have any spell-like abilities. Reduce the CR by 5.
Note 2: If the crafter is unable to or chooses not to apply the alchemical step, the resulting construction takes a -10 penalty to Strength, a -5 penalty to natural armor, a -5 penalty to its damage reduction and does not gain a haste effect, the trap living ability or total reflection. These impaired constructs are called 'faux mirror golems' and carry a +3 mithral golemblade. Decrease the CR by 10.
Note 3: If both aforementioned conditions apply, decrease the CR by 12.
Note 4: The 'golemblade' weapon is a greatsword with the custom golem blade enhancement; a golem blade weapon's base damage has its damage dice increased two steps, and is then doubled. The golem blade weapon can only be wielded with a Strength of over 25, and the golem blade enhancement has an effective enhancement bonus of +10.
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Colossal Outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar)

Cosmic Rank: 17 (20 in Mt. Etna)
HD: 73d8 +2,044+80 (2,708 hp)
Initiative: +22
Speed: 100 ft., Fly 160 ft., Swim 100 ft.
AC: 95 (+23 deflection, +14 Dex, +20 insight, +36 natural, -8 size) touch 59, flat-footed 81
BAB/ Grapple: +73/+119
Attack: Bite +99 melee (16d6+38 plus 3d6 unholy fire plus poison/19-20/x2), or claw +95 melee (8d8+15/19-20)
Full attack: 10 Bites +99 melee (16d6+38 plus 3d6 unholy fire plus poison/19-20/x2), and 2 claws +97 melee (8d8+15/19-20), and tail slap +97 melee (8d6+15/19-20)
Space/reach: 30ft./30ft.
Special attacks: Breath weapons, constrict, improved grab, poison, spell-like abilities, swallow whole, bolt of hatred (SCA), searing storm wind (SCA), typhoon (SCA), volcano (SCA)
Special qualities:Darkvision 240 ft., DR 50/ epic, good, and adamantine, DR 35/-, energy resistance 65 to electricity, and sonic, fast healing 45, immunity to ability damage, ability drain, acid, cold, energy drain, disease, fire, mind-affecting effects, petrification, poison, and polymorphing, multi-headed, SR 78, telepathy 1000 ft., true seeing
Saves: Fort +66, Ref +58, Will +65
Abilities: Str 70, Dex 39, Con 66, Int 37, Wis 42, Cha 57
Skills: Balance +90, Bluff +99, Climb +106, Concentration +104, Escape Artist +90, Hide +74, Intimidate +99, Jump +134, Knowledge (arcana) +89, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +89, Knowledge (religion) +89, Knowledge (the planes) +89, Listen +92, Search +89, Sense Motive +92, Spellcraft +89, Spot +92, Survival +92, Swim +106, Tumble +90, Use Magic Device +99
Feats:Awesome Blow, Cleave, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Endurance, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Greater Weapon Focus (bite), Greater Weapon Specialization (bite), Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite, claw, tail slap), Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Multi-attack, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multi-attack, Power Attack, Snatch, Weapon Focus (bite), Weapon Specialization (bite), Whirlwind Attack
Epic Feats: Dire Charge, Epic Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Reflexes, Epic Toughness (x4), Epic Weapon Focus (bite), Epic Weapon Specialization (bite), Epic Will, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Superior Initiative
Environment: Mt. Etna (Carceri)
Organization: Solitary (unique)
CR: 70
Treasure: Nothing
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

A towering creature stands before you. It stands a terrifying 70 ft. Where a head should be, there is instead a mass of 10 snakeheads. Each snakehead’s eyes burst with flames, while dark flames exude from their mouths. It walks on 2 powerfully muscled scaled legs. Its arms are muscular and its hands are clawed. Behind this creature is a long, thich scaled tail, which wades in the air. Sail-like wings sprout out along its back and tail, similar in appearance to a brass dragon. This creature is the legendary Typhon.

Typhon is the last son of Gaia with Tartarus. He once attempted to kill Zeus, but failed and was imprisoned in Mount Etna, which lies within a few miles of Mount Orthrys where the imprisoned titans lead by Cronus make their homes.

Typhon stands 70 ft. tall and weighs 20 tons. He speaks Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Dragon, Giant, and Infernal languages.

Combat: Typhon’s natural attacks are treated as chaotic, epic, and evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Breath Weapons (Su): Typhon can spew forth flames and acid from each of his 10 fiendish serpent heads. Each of his serpent head can use one of the following breath weapons, meaning Typhon can use up to 10 breath weapons in a single round (1 for each head). Afterwards the head must wait 1d6 rounds before using another breath weapon.

Acid – Typhon spits forth a 160 ft line of acid. The acid deals 20d10 points of acid damage. Reflex save DC 84 halves damage. DC is Con-based.

Dark Flames – Typhon spews forth black flames of hatred from his mouth in a 90 ft. cone. The flames deal 25d12 points of violated fire damage (half fire/half unholy). Reflex save DC 84 halves damage. DC is Con-based.

Constrict (Ex): When Typhon constricts with his tail he deals 24d6+45 points of constriction damage each round he maintains a hold.

Improved Grab (Ex): If Typhon strikes a creature with his tail slap he can attempt a grapple check. If successful, he can constrict. Also, if Typhon strikes a Large or smaller size creature with his bite he can attempt a grapple check. If successful he can swallow whole.

Multi-headed (Ex): Typhon has ten snakeheads. Each snakehead can be used to do one of the following in any given round: bite or a breath weapon. The snakeheads cannot use a salient cosmic ability or cast multiple spells. Only Typhon himself can use a salient cosmic ability or spell-like ability, thus he can make use of these abilities once at any given time instead of multiple times. Even if Typhon uses a salient cosmic ability or spell-like ability, his snakeheads can still perform their actions. The snakeheads also provide Typhon with protection as they constantly flail around. Typhon can never be flanked or flat-footed, and he gains a +20 insight bonus to AC.

Poison (Ex): Injury; bite; Fortitude save DC 86; 3d6 Str and 3d6 Con drain. DC is Str-based.

Spell-like Abilities: CL 90; DC 40 + spell level
At will – chain lightning, chaos hammer, contagion, control winds, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect chaos, dispel good, fire storm, gaseous form, greater magic fang, greater teleport (self and 1000 pounds), incendiary cloud, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, obscuring mist, restoration, unhallow, unholy aura, unholy blight, wall of fire, wind wall
9/day – bigby’s crushing hand, control weather, destruction, disintegrate, earthquake, greater restoration, slay living, storm of vengeance, whirlwind, word of chaos
6/day – power word kill, symbol of weakness, wail of the banshee, wish

Swallow Whole (Ex): Typhon can swallow up to 10 creatures of Large or smaller size in a round. Swallowed creatures take 25d8 points of bludgeoning damage plus 100 points of acid damage per round from his stomach. The creature can cut its way out, using piercing or slashing weapons, by dealing 150 points of damage to the stomach (AC 45). Once the creature exits, a muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed creature must cut its own way out.
Typhon's stomach can hold up to 16 Large, 64 Medium, 256 Small, or 1024 Tiny or smaller creatures

Bolt of Hatred (Salient Cosmic Ability): Typhon had once battled the great Zeus and managed to steal his thunderbolts. Though, he has long since lost Zeus’ thunderbolts (which Zeus had regained through defeating him), Typhon can create bolts of black lightning, which are filled with his hatred of Zeus and the Olympians. 20/day, Typhon can throw a bolt of hatred up to 17 miles as a standard action. The bolt is 10 ft. wide and deals 65d10 points of violated electricity damage (half electric/half unholy) to all creatures in the bolt’s path. Reflex save DC 86 halves damage. Creatures hit by the bolt must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 86 or gain 5d6 negative levels. If the save is successful, the victim instead gains 2d6 negative levels. DC’s are Str-based.

Searing Storm Wind (Salient Cosmic Ability): 25/day, Typhon can cause a sudden gust of searing, blistering winds to rush forth out of nowhere. The gust of wind is 300 ft. wide and 1,700 ft. long. It deals 55d8 points of slashing and fire damage plus 3d6 + 3 Con damage. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. The winds are so hot that they can cause fatigue to all within range. Those within range (except Typhon) must also succeed a Fortitude save DC 79 or become fatigued for 20 rounds. Those who fail their save by 10 or more points are instead exhausted foe 30 rounds. DC’s are Cha-based.

Typhoon (Salient Cosmic Ability): 30/day Typhon’s name means typhoon, thus, he is no stranger in creating one. As a full-round action, Typhon can create a typhoon to ravage the land around him. The typhoon is 30 ft. in radius and 200 ft. high. For 17 rounds, the typhoon whirls around at 60 miles an hour (500 ft.) each round. The direction of the typhoon is controlled by Typhon himself, thus he cannot be affected by it even if he's standing right in the middle of it. It is identical to a tornado (Dungeon Master’s Guide pg.95), except it deals 45d12 points of damage and the DC to resist its effect is Fortitude DC 86. DC is Str-based.

Volcano (Salient Cosmic Ability): 20/day, As a full-round action, Typhon can cause molten lava to burst forth from the ground. The burst of lava is 30 ft. in radius and 100 ft. high. Those in range take 44d10 points of fire damage. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. Even if successful, all creatures within in range are knocked prone for 1 round. If Huge or smaller victims fail their saves by 10 or more points, they are launched 100 ft. into the air. They crash into the ground, in the following round, taking an extra 10d6 points of falling damage. Upon doing so, they must succeed a Fortitude save DC 79 or be knocked prone for 1d8 + 2 rounds. Flying creatures are automatically knocked from the sky, taking 1d6 points of falling damage for every 10 ft. they fall. They too must succeed a Fortitude save DC 79 or be knocked prone for 1d8 + 2 rounds. In the round after the lava bursts forth from the ground, the lava falls back down to the ground in a 90 ft. radius. All creatures within range take 30d6 points of fire and bludgeoning damage. Reflex save DC 79 halves damage. DC’s are Cha-based.

*Note: the lava doesn't affect Typhon in any way.
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