ZEITGEIST Complete Pathfinder 2E Conversion of Zeitgeist First Act!

Anyone considered running Zeitgeist with 13th Age? Just curious as it shares many premises with 4e while possibly hastening combats at high levels (considering running Zeitgeist with my group in 1d6 months and definitely wanting to get the best of the great combat encounters from 4e Zeitgeist)?

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Anyone considered running Zeitgeist with 13th Age? Just curious as it shares many premises with 4e while possibly hastening combats at high levels (considering running Zeitgeist with my group in 1d6 months and definitely wanting to get the best of the great combat encounters from 4e Zeitgeist)?
Just use my PF2 conversion, it's not that far from the 4e design :) 13th age is FAR LESS supported.

hi @mirtexxan

I'm busily going through this material to put together a consolidated players' guide for a new campaign I'm running. As I've been putting it together, I'm (of course) tinkering with it a bit to better fit my style (because no content survives contact with a DM!).

For instance, I'm reworking the Themes to use the Free Archetype rules space instead of the Background rules space, mostly so it will work better in FoundryVTT (where I'll be running my game) which already has architecture for that. I'm happy to share when I'm finished, so people can use whichever system works better for them. I'd love to make a derivative work (or branch) of this if that's alright with you.

I'm currently DMing literally my second PF2 game ever, so I have no idea how balanced these are, but I applaud the effort. Minor notes:

In context of Lanjyr, Devas are very unlikely to have "the memories of a hundred lifetimes", even less so for a thousand ones; the race was present in the world for 500 years total. On the other hand, if all the devas can tap into the memories of all the other devas... This can be interesting from the lore standpoint.

What was the reason for Eladrin Thaumavore feat? I can't remember any magic devourers besides Inatch Hex-Eater in the campaign.

Special: The party’s Prestige with Flint starts at 2 instead of
Typo ("1" is missing)
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Aid
Do you mean that the circumstance bonus from Aid is one more than usual (in that case you should probably omit "circumstance" from feat description, same bonuses wouldn't stack) or that the check required for a successful Aid action gets +1 bonus?
Martial Scientists, unlike most others in the world, know the game mechanics of Pathfinder. They will throw around scholarly terms like "Armor Class" and "Hit Points" when discussing fights. If you want to be able to talk in-character about Actions and Saving Throws and Spell Slots, this is the theme for you
No comments, I just love this approach.
If you have missed with all of your Strikes this turn, you may attempt something experimental.
Can I miss with my zero Strikes this turn? I.e., can Experimental Strike be used as a first action in a turn? "Press" tag may be more appropriate if you want this to be a second/third action choice, but I'm not sure it's needed.

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