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[CONAN] Adventures & Encounters


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Here's a bunch of handy adventure seeds I've zapped out which can be used as quick encounters or the starting point for entire adventures. Feel free to post your own!

The party attempts to cross the border into Zamora and encounters a royal fort.

As you ride for the Zamoran border, a crude fort appears on the horizon with low walls of mud-fired brick. From its single, stumpy tower, the royal colors of Zamora flap listlessly in the lazy breeze.

The party are spotted, the brass horn sounded, and a file of twenty mounted Zamorian troops issue forth to greet them.

Zamorian Customs Inspector: Noble 2 (max ranks in Appraise, Search and Sense Motive and Skill Focus in Sense Motive).
Zamorian Sergeant (Veteran): Soldier 3.
Zamorian Troopers (17 Veterans): Soldier 2.

A file of riders issue forth from the the gate of the fort, the morning light shining off helmet and armor and spear-point. One rider bears a royal banner, its long pole resting in a socket on his stirrup. Foremost among them ride a pair of officers in cuirasses of bright steel, colorful plumes nodding from the crests of their gilded helmets. As you approach, the horsemen behind the officers move from file to line formation, spreading out to block the roadway. They halt, and the officers hold up admonitory hands, signifying that you should do likewise.

"Whence come you and what is your business?" asks the leader as the other officer reaches into a satchel tied to his saddle and removes scrolls and writing materials to record your answers.

"State your name and race."

The junior officer makes a note of each person on his scroll, while the leader perhaps makes an insulting comment about the stranger's race or appearance (if they are not obviously wealthy or nobles).

Inspector: "Have you any goods to declare?"

He is required by law to ask this, even if the party are not obviously merchants carrying trade goods. Trade goods, if present, will be taxed at the rate of 10% of their total assessed value, according to the inspector's Appraise skill check.

"We must see if any of them are on our Apprehend and Detain list," the second officer reminds his leader, who glances at him in irritation.

At this point, several of the troopers begin discussing among themselves that one of you looks passing familiar, and may be wanted by the crown for a hanging offense. Zamora keeps several lists of undesirables and wanted men at each border fort: one is the "kill on sight" list and the other is the "apprehend and detain" list.

The inspector, hearing this talk, orders the PCs to be detained and brought back to the fort for questioning, so that their identities can be verified. There are several options to avoid a fight to the death here:

1. Maintain their innocence, but bribe the inspector and his patrol no less than 10 sp per man, with 20 for the sergeant and 50 for the inspector. They will allow that perhaps the party are not on their list but as they have no way to prove whether they are wanted criminals or not, the party will be pemitted to retreat back the way they came. However, entry to Zamora will be barred to them on pain of death.

2. Hypnotize the inspector with sorcery into believing the PCs have no resemblance to the wanted men in question. The PCs will be allowed to enter Zamora unmolested, and the inspector will even forget to ask for the border fees and taxes.

3. Come quietly. The accused PCs will be stripped of weapons, armor and equipment and locked into cells while awaiting the arrival of a magistrate from Shadizar. They will receive rough treatment from guards. At the GM's discretion, and based on their behavior, non-accused party members may be passed through the border, denied entrance based on the company they keep, or arrested as suspected bandits.

Anyone crossing the border is subject to crossing fees and road taxes. Those permitted entry are issued a numbered bronze border pass stamped with the seal of the crown of Zamora. The pass is issued to the leader of the PC's party, with the warning that it must be presented upon demand to any Zamoran official or guard, and that the person holding the pass is responsible for the conduct of everyone in his party. The pass must be surrendered upon leaving the country.

Border crossing fee: 2 sp per person.
Border Pass Deposit (refunded upon leaving the country): 10 sp.
Road Tax: 1 sp per person, 5 sp per mount, 10 sp per wagon.
These fees and taxes are only assessed for entry into Zamora; there is no charge to leave the country.

If the party flees, they are pursued relentlessly for up to 10 miles. If the party attacks, the Zamorian sergeant sounds his brass horn and more troops come to their aid from the fort, twenty at a time. The fort contains a total of 100 mounted soldiers, including a commander who is a level 5 soldier. The total of 100 includes the 20 who have ridden out to meet the party. Those who attack a Zamoran customs inspector or a Zamoran patrol are to be put to death. Those who commit these murders and escape are added to the national "Kill on sight" list.

If the party is imprisoned, the GM has several options:

1. Let the magistrate come so the party can prove their innocence. The magistrate takes seven to ten days to arrive and the PCs are judged guilty until proven innocent. PCs who are on the "kill on sight" list but maintain they are not the persons so charged and surrender quietly are not killed on sight but held for "official identification" after the magistrate arrives (with witnesses to identify the guilty, if possible). As the accused have no goods, they have little to bargain with...

2. While the party awaits the arrival of the magistrate, the fort is attacked by a superior force and the PCs are either turned loose to help fight the mutual menace as a last desperate measure by the commander, or are rescued by the opposing force. The opposing force may be made of Kezankian or Karpashian hillmen, bandits (perhaps their leader is also imprisoned in the fort), or an evil sorcerer who believes the imprisoned PCs know the location of a valuable magical treasure. The PCs may have to "prove" themselves to their benefactors before being released.

This encounter adapted from CONAN AND THE AMAZON, by John Maddox Roberts.


The party are strangers in town and inquire of a street vendor where they might find lodging and a meal. This encounter is suitable for anywhere outside Zamora (or modified for use inside Zamora by removing reference to Arpad's cheek brand or changing its country of origin).

"I think men such as you will served best at the Red Eagle," the vendor says pointing toward a low stone building with one side painted with the huge, crude image of a splay-winged bird, its beak cruelly hooked. "It is the favored hangout for rogues and thieves. There are few men of any other sort in this town, but the hardest cases go to the Red Eagle."

The PCs go toward the inn.

"As you draw nearer to the building, the gathering darkness reveals lights glowing in many of its small windows. There is sufficient twilight left to see that it has ben covered with an improvised roof of thatch. A well and several ater troughs stand before the building, and a number of horses, mules, asses and camels drink there or stand chewing their cud or nudging one another in lethargic boredom."

The PCs enter the inn.

"You duck beneath the low lintel of heavy timbers and enter, descending four steps until you stand in the Red Eagle's main room. Candles and slall totches provide adequate illumination, revealing that the furnishings are of the most varied sort. There are some long tables with benches, smaller round or square tables surrounded by chairs, and low, drum-like tables for those who prefer to sit upon the straw-covered floor.

At one end of the room is a bar made of a heavy stone slab laid atop massive blocks. Behind it stands a man only slightly less massive, with tree-trunk arms and legs and a belly that strains the limits of his leather apron. His shaven pate is tattooed with brightly coloerd flowers, and an unswept mustache frames a broken nose gleaming with jeweled studs. Behind him, kegs, wineskins and clay pots are arranged on shelves amid flagons, clay cups and leather jacks.

The place is crowded, with men seated around every table. Dice rattle in cups, and the counters of a half-score games of chance change hands along with the wagers. To one side, men cast daggers at a crude woden target. The drinkers seated just beneath the target ignore the weapons whizzing over their heads.

Most of the men pause in their activities to study you, and then, satisfied, return to their pursuits. At least one, however, seems offended by you. As you pass his long table, the man leans out and makes an insulting show of studying you, his nose wrinkling in obvious distaste.

"By the eight hairy legs of Zath! What will you be allowing in next, barkeep? The goats and the asses?" He sneers loudly, making his ugly face even uglier. His scrubby beard fails to hide the mark of the thief branded upon one cheek by a Zamorian executioner.

"So long as this stranger has money to pay, Arpad, your dislike of my new guest matters not to me. But if you will fight, you must abide by the rules of my house and take your grudge outside. There will be no killing in the Red Eagle this night!" says the man in the leather apron, picking up a massive cudgel and rapping its iron-banded business end upon the bar for emphasis.

Here allow the PCs to react how they wish. To avoid a fight, the PC must successfully use his Intimidate skill to make Arpad back down. If the Intimidate check is unsuccessful, Arpad rises to his feet and demands to fight the PC one on one. Indulio, the barkeep, will force the pair outside, saying "I've no objection to men killing each other, but they must do it outside." Most of the inn will file out, form a circle around the two duelists, and place wagers on the outcome.

If it looks like Arpad will lose the fight, his two friends join in to even the odds. If Arpad is killed before they can enter the fight, they charge in to avenge him.

Arpad: Zamorian Thief, 1-2 levels higher than the PC he challenges.
Arpad's 2 cronies: Zamorian Thieves, same level as the challenged PC.

If the Intimidate check is successful...

"Arpad backs down grudgingly. You notice the Zamorian dog flashing you dark looks that intimate he will likely seek his revenge later, after he has drunk enough to become truly ill-tempered. His villainous looking companions are clearly chafing him for his unmanly avoidance of a fight he had picked, and their raucous chiding clearly grates on the man's nerves."

Arpad's desire to assuage his wounded reputation will become overwhelming within an hour of the incident, if the PC is still present. If the PC is absent, Arpad will wait until the next time he sees him again, and this time, he will not be intimidated.

The PCs order for food and drink, and Indulio the barkeep takes the opportunity to come sit with them and inquire of their travels and of any news they might have. He will pay in room and board for news he can resell to other adventurers, local criminals, or other interested parties.

"Your meal is brought to one of the low tables and set before you by a slave girl with an iron ring encircling her neck. She sets a a platter of smoking beef ribs upon the table. A second slave brings cheese, fruit and a stack of flat, tough loaves."

This is a good time to introduce new NPCs you may want to hire or join the PCs, who will be impressed with the PCs ability to kill Arpad. The Red Eagle makes a good "home base" while staying in the town; Indulio is friendly (but brooks no nonsense or trouble-making) and a good host. He knows much of the local gossip, but charges fairly for it (or deducts it from the PCs room and board if they are getting it free). Fights between disgruntled or boastful patrons occur outside nightly, and the PCs can make a few silvers from wagering rightly upon the outcome. Enemies of the PCs can seek them out in their rooms there, as well, for a midnight assassinations. Or perhaps a lovely femme fatale (see my class for game mechanics) sets her sights on one of the PCs as a likely champion, dupe, or thrall.

This encounter adapted from John Maddox Roberts' CONAN AND THE AMAZON, where the Red Eagle is located in the thief-town of Leng along the Brythunian border near Zamora.


The PCs are interested in a bit of fun, looking for information, or in need of drink, food or lodging. They enter the Wyvern, a gathering place for local scum. You can place this encounter in any large city or town.

"All conversation ceases as you enter the Wyvern. Scarred, branded, and tattooed faces turn toward the landing where you stand. The one-eyed, slit-nosed and earless watch with close interest. After a moment sizing you up, the men turn away from you and conversation resumes.

This looks like an ill-advised place in which to turn your back. If you wish a table where you may keep your back to the wall and your eye on the rest of the patrons, there are vacant seats at a rear corner table. The three men sitting there are look no more verminous than the rest, and appear to be dicing in good spirits."

If the PCs approach the table, the men pause their gaming to look up warily. The rule in such places is that one must politely ask to join a party first, and not just sit down, else they invite a swift death for their presumption of companionship, no matter how villainous or disreputable. If the PCs ask if they mind if they join them, the men smile and indicate that they should take a seat.

"A man with a black spider tattooed on his brow and one with a copper nose strapped over a gaping hole where once there had been a nose of flesh and cartilage look at you, then look to a third man. This third man is even more colorfully mutilated than the others. One of his legs protrudes stiffly, its knee mangled beyond use. One armends in a wrist stump that is neatly patched and cauterized. You judge it to have been lopped off for theft in some land where that punishment is favored. The man is also wry-necked, his head canted at a permanent angle so that his right ear almost touches his shoulder.

"Join us," he says in a surprisingly deep, rich voice. "We are honored to have a new face at our table." He rattles dice in a cup and grins crookedly, revealing blackened teeth. "The game is Shemitish Suicide. The wager is two silvers. Are you in?"

Shemitish Suicide is played with four dice, each side marked with icons of blue stars on three sides, red daggers on the fourth and fifth, and a golden eagle on the sixth. The object is to roll as many golden eagles as possible. Each player gets one throw per game. A roll of four eagles is a perfect throw and is traditionally called "The Goddess" or "Ishtar's Claws." A roll of four daggers is the worst throw, and is called a "Shemitish Suicide." The game was developed in the Shemite city-state of Eruk (known as "The Eagle") many years ago and has gained in popularity until it is a fairly common sight throughout Shem and surrounding countries.

HOW TO PLAY: Either have each participant roll 1d20 and add their Charisma modifier to the result, with the highest roll winning (a 20+ is considered a "Goddess" throw, and anything less than a 6 is considered a "Shemitish Suicide"). Alternately, you can have each player roll 4d6. 1-2 counts as a dagger, 3-5 as a star, and 6 as an eagle.

WINNING: At this table, an opening bet of two silvers can win you six plus two per additional player. The men give the PCs first toss. They expect the PCs to play more than one hand, and will become angry if the PCs win and refuse to allow them a chance to win back their losings. This can escalate into a fight if the GM wishes. All three men are experienced thieves and cut-throats and will attempt to flank PCs for sneak attacks. Their levels are whatever you feel may be appropriate, but probably between 3rd and 5th.

One of the men introduces himself and his two friends, neither of whom seems overly interested in engaging in conversation not directly related to the game.

"That is Spider," says the wry-necked man, managing an angled nod toward the tattooed Zamorian, "and that is Copper-Nose," indicating the other, a Hyborian---Kothic---by the look of him. "I am called Falx the Lucky, formerly of Shem."

If the players inquire as to how someone so badly mutilated could be termed "lucky," Falx replies:

Falx grins and taps his twisted neck. "Had you been hanged and lived to tell of it, you would count yourself lucky, too."

If things go congenially, these three can also be hired as bravos to carry out dark deeds for the PCs (or their enemies) at a rate of 20-40 sp per man per night (half upfront). They have no code of honor but will attempt to perform their assignment to the best of their ability and report back; however, if badly wounded, they flee before superior foes and abscond with their downpayment without bothering to report back.

These three men know a fair bit of local gossip and rumor, but are close-mouthed unless several rounds of drinks (or a bottle) are bought to loosen their tongues. They do not part with important information for less than is considered fair market value, and the PCs will need to make successful Bluff or Diplomacy checks. The men do not respond to Intimidation except with violence. Spending a night drinking and dicing with them costs the PCs 1d4 x 10 sp and 4 + 1d4 hours of their time (depending on their luck) but adds a +3 bonus to Gather Information checks.

The three are in need of a name for their band, and will ask the PCs their advice, offering them a free mug of ale if they come up with the best name that the three can mutually agree upon. Copper-Nose favors the "Copper Heads." Spider suggests "The Spiders." Falx supports the "The Lucky Men." Have the PCs make a name suggestion and roll a Diplomacy check against each man. The highest roll is agreed-upon as the name the three will adopt for their band. If the PCs are villainous looking enough, and pass a Diplomacy check, the three will offer them a position in their fledgling band. From there, the group can be hired for some nefarious task of the GM's design---kidnapping, slaving, assassination, theft---leading to more adventures. The three will gleefully betray each other or the PCs if the right opportunity to "cash in and check out" comes along, but otherwise make agreeable companions in villainy.

This encounter adapted from CONAN THE ROGUE by John Maddox Roberts. Embellishments to the dice game and opportunities to expand the encounter beyond gambling are my creation.


This encounter can take place in any upscale tavern or inn in any large city, but I have set it in Zamora. To use it elsewhere, simply swap out the Zamorian references.

"At once, you see a likely prospect to sate your wenching lust this eve. A young beauty of no more than twenty winters, with brass-dyed hair and gilded brass breastplates. Her round eyes of twinkling brown set in pale flesh tell of her Hyborian ancestry mixed with conquered races. A necklace of rubies---garnets, more likely---hangs between her breasts. She sits alone, the pink tip of her tongue wetting her lips, and smiling seductively at your approach."

The PC and the girl, who gives her name as Kiliya (Hyborian femme fatale 3), flirts outrageously, feigning the utmost enthusiasm and interest for the PCs's stories, as she tries to get him to buy her more wine. She allows him to place his hand on her thigh, which sweats deliciously under his hand. She knows men, having been made a woman at fourteen and plucked from the streets by a fat merchant of eight and forty. Her fortunes have slipped a bit since his death and she was cast out by his wife. Her current lover, Kagul, an officer of the City Watch was younger, with better prospects than most his age, and his virility still on him. She wrestles with whether or not to dump him for the PC if he looks to be more virile and with better prospects. She is waiting for her lover now, and seeks to pass the time pleasantly with some "harmless" flirting and free wine.

Just when the PC thinks he is going to get her to go share a room with him, she says:

"Every night, some men of the City Watch come here. I think we shouldn't be here when they do---"

At this point, some men of the City Watch appear, including her lover, Kagul, their leader (Zamorian soldier 3).

"You see Kiliya's gaze flash toward the door, where a half-dozen City Watchmen have appeared at the bar. The corseleted, helmeted leader has a fancy dragon-headed hilt rising above his sword sheath and swaggering black moustachioes beneath his long nose. Tall, lean, lithe, not ugly though blade-marked upon one cheek, the watchman sees you, seems to recognize the girl, and approaches angrily in his gold-purfled blue tunic.

"Ho there, dog!" he snarls in challenge, "That is my woman, and where is your hand? If you would depart with both hands, put them in sight and explain yourself."

The man's hand rests on his dragon-hilt meaningfully and he studies you with the experience of a practiced swordsman, looking for weakness."

Kiliya pits the two against each other, but quickly sides with Kagul if he is injured and screams for Kagul to kill the PC! More watchmen will tramp in 5 rounds after the fight starts. Regardless of the outcome, Kiliya will have nothing more to do with the PC. If Kagul is killed, the PC is arrested for murder. If Kagul is merely knocked out, a retired general named Stahir sitting in the crowd comes to the PC's aid, calling off the Watch and placing the blame on the young hothead Kagul, who he promises will be punished for provoking the fight.

This encounter can end with the PC fleeing for his life, making new friends or employers, or anything else the GM can dream up.

This encounter adapted from CONAN AND THE SORCERER by Andrew Offutt, which takes place at the Shadiz Inn in Arenjun, Zamora.


This encounter can be used anytime the PCs try to join a mercenary company (also known as a Free Company). Mercenaries are often referred to as Free Companions or Freelances.

One possible adventure set-up involves Prince Ivor of Koth seeking to usurp King Strabonus with the backing of Turan. Ivor is popular, and has Turanian gold to field three thousand mercenaries, becoming a thorn in the king's side in the outlying provinces of Koth. Ivor promises land and commissions to those who help him topple the tyrant. He has many different, rival bands of mercenaries working for him. Most of these number around 100 troops.

"You come between two rows of tents, to see before you a square-based, pyramid-topped pavilion where hangs the banner of a gold axe on a black field. Three ruffians loiter in front of the canopied entry to the tent---hard-looking men all, half-naked in the afternoon sun, and each with a weapon ready to hand. Sullen-eyed, they watch your approach."

If the PCs inquire as to if the leader is inside, one of the men answers rudely:

"No, he is not. Hundolph is away. I am Stengar, commanding in his place." He tosses a severe look at his companions, then faces you again. "What would you have with our captain? State your business."

The PCs state they are looking to hire on as mercenaries. Stengar and his fellows eye them critically, and, as an audience of their fellows slowly gathers, put forward the belief that the PCs are not worthy of joining Hundolph's band.

"We have a good reputation here; to put it another way, we of Hundolph's are the best. A posting with Hundolph's troop is so highly prized, even by footloose ruffians such as you---because, out of all those who seek to join our band, we accept only half." Stengar folds his arms across his chest and gazes around at his companions with a self-satisfied air, as if he has explained something. Finally, he turns to you and repeats himself: "One half, and one half only---the survivors!"

Stengar throws up an arm and beckons to someone outside your field of vision. "Come forth! Here is your match!"

You wheel to the sound of thuding footsteps and a low, inarticulate yell as the crowd of onlookers raises a lusty cheer and wagers are made.

At this point, a number of would-be mercenaries (soldiers equal in number to the PCs wishing to join) attacks them in earnest. One, a Kothian ex-woodcutter named Lallo, wields a greatsword (power attack, weapon focus) and challenges the party's toughest appearing warrior.

Hundolph, a graying Brythunian mercenary captain (late of the internal wars between city-states of Corinthia), steps in to stop the fight after a number of rounds (preferably before anyone is killed) and fines all his men five coppers for the unauthorized fight. If the PCs acquitted themselves in battle well, they are hired on the spot---earning the enmity of Lieutenant Stengar and his two companions, sergeants in the Company.

Adapted from "Conan The Renegade" by Leonard Carpenter, which details the struggle for power between the rebellious Kothian prince and his king.

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First Post
You amaze me, Iron Chef.

You have been putting out some real great Conan material.

Thanks for your efforts!



First Post
Glad to help! :cool:

I've read twenty Conan pastiches since January and found at least one or two mini-encounters/springboards like this in each book. With so many Conan novels and comics available, there's really a near-endless supply of ideas to mine for your Conan game. Visit your local used bookstore for Conan paperbacks for only a couple bucks apiece, or find them online. Even if they don't always match up to the high quality of REH's original stories, the pastiches provide extra bang to GMs for a very low cost.


Iron_Chef said:
I've read twenty Conan pastiches since January and found at least one or two mini-encounters/springboards like this in each book. With so many Conan novels and comics available, there's really a near-endless supply of ideas to mine for your Conan game.

Man, I agree. I ran my two past Conan campaigns by doing that. I'd take a pre-printed adventure from DUNGEON and combine it with ANY given Conan comic or non-REH novel and always come up with a spankin' good time!

Great work.

Jay Hafner



First Post
Iron_Chef said:
I've read twenty Conan pastiches since January and found at least one or two mini-encounters/springboards like this in each book.

Hmmm... so they are good for something after all. ;)

I'm doing something similar though, I'm raiding old Savage Sword of Conan comics for ideas. :D



Bill Scott

First Post
Yokiboy said:
Hmmm... so they are good for something after all. ;)

I'm doing something similar though, I'm raiding old Savage Sword of Conan comics for ideas. :D



There is some good stories in those SSOC magazines. I have nearly every issue plus issues #70 until cancelation of the Conan the Barbarian comic. I also have complete runs of the Conan Saga and King Conan books.

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