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CONAN LIVES! Info on the new Conan RPG

Water Bob

By the way, I apologize in advance for any wrong usage of the languaje. But you have to think that the majority of the people on the internet are not english or has it as a mother-tongue.

I removed that part of my comments once I posted, before you replied. When I re-read what I wrote, it sounded mean, and I didn't intend it that way. So, I took it out.

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Pickles III

First Post
You obviously don't understand the term "meta-game" as it is applied and used in RPGs.

From This Link:

"Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to the game universe outside of the game itself. Metagaming differs from strategy in that metagaming is making decisions based upon out of game knowledge, whereas strategies are decisions made based upon in-game actions and knowledge.

In simple terms, it is the use of out-of-game information or resources to affect one's in-game decisions."

And, looking at all the new, low level posters, why do I feel as if Modiphius is trying to get people in there to support their meta-game mechanic?

It must be disappointing to have a setting you love implemented by a set of mechanics you desperately do not like I feel your pain, well we all do as you will not stop going on about it ;)

However that does not make the mechanisms in question bad or not role-playing merely not to your taste. In fact I I don't think you are supposed to say things like that around here.

Meanwhile while I agree with your assessment that the threat mechanic is metagamey, it does not fit with the definition you posted quoted above. The threat mechanic is definitely in the game & uses in game knowledge to make the decisions. What it does not do is use in character knowledge.

Metagame thinking is certainly frowned upon by a lot of folks but was a characteristic of classic player vs DM gygaxian D&D. Loads of the monsters & abilities from 1e are pretty much metagame solutions earwigs, mimics & rust monsters for example.

Anyway I am pretty neutral on metagame mechanics. They can give players agency in situations where they may not have any & can make for more of a shared story telling experience, as contrasted to a world exploration type simulationist experience.
They give players some mechanical buttons to press even if they can work to undermine immersion.

(not a Mophidius shill, Pickles I & II linked to defunct email accounts from the 3e spoiler days)

You obviously don't understand the term "meta-game" as it is applied and used in RPGs.

From This Link:

And, looking at all the new, low level posters, why do I feel as if Modiphius is trying to get people in there to support their meta-game mechanic?

I work for Modiphius but have long been a member here. I'm on the fluff side of Conan, though. My only question is why you seem to hate the game so much. It seems personal. You can play it or not play it as you like. I can tell you that Modiphius doesn't astroturf, having worked for them for some while. But when you are so vehement in your dismissal of a game that isn't even out yet, you have to expect people who've put hours of work, and in the case of the company, considerable money into the game would want to respond. Caring about your work isn't a conspiracy.


When is this game suppose to be out? I am interested in seeing the final product. The threat mechanic sounds interesting.


And, looking at all the new, low level posters, why do I feel as if Modiphius is trying to get people in there to support their meta-game mechanic?
I'm a Modiphius employee - I'm in charge of games development for all 2d20 system games (though I didn't design it - that credit belongs to Michal Cross and Jay Little), which includes Conan. My attention was drawn to the discussion because my boss wanted to double check some rules-side answers he was giving, and I chose to get involved myself.

I hardly think games developers getting involved in discussions about the games they've developed is cause for paranoia.


I hardly think games developers getting involved in discussions about the games they've developed is cause for paranoia.
But you are posting on the interwebz and encouraging badwrongfun type gaming with your heretical 2D20 Threat mechanic nonesense - this must be resisted at all costs! :)

Water Bob

It must be disappointing to have a setting you love implemented by a set of mechanics you desperately do not like I feel your pain, well we all do as you will not stop going on about it ;)

You mean this as a dig, but it really does hit the nail on the head. When I first heard about the new game, I had a big smile on my face. Then, when I heard all of these wonderful people would be working on the game, that grin turned into a big, ear-to-ear toothy grin.

Then I saw the awful, gimmicky, meta-game mechanic that is so rooted in the system.

My disappointment, as it dropped, could be heard on the other side of the planet.

I play a lot of games, and I like all sorts of mechanics, both crunchy and slick-n-easy. I typically like roll high, but I've played some roll low systems that were well constructed. I've played and like the simple percentile system of FASA's Star Trek. I love Classic Traveller, with it's simple D6 based mechanics. I think WEG's STAR WARS game, based on D6, is flat out incredible. Top Secret/SI has a dynamite system. The old James Bond RPG by Victory Games has a cool, unique system that uses multiplies--and is very, very cool. And, of course, all of you know that I love Mongoose's take on the d20 3.5 System for their Conan RPG.

So, I would have been happy with any well-made system for the new Conan game. My tastes in game systems is quite wide.

That silly Threat Mechanic, though, is a deal breaker.

My only hope is that Modiphius publishes a second version of the same game using better mechanics, following the lead of games like Primeval Thule.


First Post
I hope they don't. And I have to repeat myself: bad system FOR YOU and your tastes.

I think this mechanic suits perfectly (awesomely) to Conan style adventures.

Water Bob

I hope they don't.

Why? Then, we'd both enjoy the new game. Not just one of us.

I think this mechanic suits perfectly (awesomely) to Conan style adventures.

A poster on another forum gave a good example of why the Threat Mechanic is an inferior game rule.

Role play out the above example from the Conan movie :

1)Normal way - GM rolls, rolls good and Valaria dies. Can't do much about that except say - Good roll GM

2). 2D20 rules - GM states he is using Threats from the pool that the PC's contributed to to roll for his bow shot - he rolls good and Valeria dies. PC's are connected to her death because of the threat - maybe they could've rolled better, done some actions differently - Valeria may of lived!

Which makes for a better experience? Which one realistically plays out more dramatically?

It's clear that the Threat Mechanic can also promote friction between the GM and the players in some groups.

"Why'd you kill off my Valeria character? Why didn't you use the Threat Points for something else?"

Players don't like it when they feel like the GM is picking on them.

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