• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Consequences of the Quill (Restored 5/13/06)


First Post
Yeah, I do read Metamorphosis, along with Wizadru and Jollydoc's Story Hours, plus the occasional one that updates less regularly. Well, besides details about the adventurers and characters, I would be happy to give more details about adventures so far, or about the unique monsters that I made, or some of the behind-the secenes table events. Really, just hearing more about your opinions on the events would be nice; like what parts people liked and disliked about the game so far. At any rate, it won't matter for long, because I plan on having a real update this weekend, but still, I always appreciate more feedback.

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First Post
The Winners

The party had defeated the dragon scout patrol, but their adventure still wasn’t over. Later that day, they finished the travel to their destination and reached Fierypyre, the capital of the dragon empire. Of course, getting there and entering the city were different things entirely. The city itself was literally one massive dragon, dozens of miles long and over a mile high, and while a sort of shanty town had built up around it, the entirety of the city proper was located inside the dragon! This meant, among other things, that the city was completely protected from attacks and can only be entered through the mouth. (Well, theoretically, there was another entrance, but that was blocked by the ground anyway!)

It was this very mouth that Tal and Danae, magically disguised as dragons, approached. The rest of the party was there as well, but they were stripped of all weapons and bound as prisoners. The party reached the mouth, and an armored bugbear at the gate examined them critically. “Who are you?” he sneered.

Without hesitation, Tal replied, “I’m here to bring these gladiators into the town for the big tournament coming up!”

Tal continued his story. He and Danae were passing themselves as lesser dragon nobles from another nearby city in the orc empire. Their story wasn’t air-tight, as they only had limited knowledge about the orc empire, but with a few thousand gold pieces and a convincing enough story that the bugbear and other guards thought they were merely shady, not outright invaders, they were able to enter the city without too much difficulty.

Once inside, they were quickly in awe of the sheer scope of the city. Most of the buildings were built for dragons, and were thus both very large and designed so that flying creatures can enter them, but land-bound creatures could not. In fact, many of the buildings weren’t even connected to the ground at all, instead being built attached to the top of the city-dragon’s body. But the size of the city was not the only impressive feature about it; the city also possessed incredible technology. The mostly Methosilang natives of the party knew that the orcs had guns from a few painful earlier experiences, but this was far more extensive than they thought. Flying ships, which didn’t seem to require magic to operate, were floating across the top of the city near it’s ceiling, and the poorer inhabitants of the city tended to travel on massive rope-based railways which lined the city’s walls and rooftops.

Of course, the party had more important things to do than gawk at the wonders around them. With some questioning by Tal and some money changing hands, the party was able to discover the whereabouts of the gladiator pens, where presumably Tsine and Elayna would be waiting for them. They immediately traveled to the pens, which were actually found below the city in a number of underground tunnels mostly inhabited by lowly humanoids like goblins and accessible through a scar in the “city’s” belly. Once the reached it, they began to case the place, getting information about how the slaves were held and the best way to get them out. This was easy enough, since the entire party was already posing as gladiators and gladiator dealers, and most of the party was quickly incarcerated while Tal and Danae got further information with the forces in charge of the pens. Unfortunately, not only did they learn something that made a standard escape attempt impossible, they might have learned it too late to prevent their friends from suffering the same fate!

“Tell me more about these slave tattoos,” Danae asked the pens administrator with what she hoped sounded like interest and not like she was terrified about her friends.

“Ah, yes, the slave tattoos. We’ve been using it for years, and have been improving the design every few years. The latest version has been crafted by our finest dragon and kobold wizards, and then permanently imprinted on a machine in the coliseum itself. Anyone who fights in the games will have to get one on before they’re allowed to fight, and it almost guarantees there will be no escapes. Even if one of them manages to leave the confines of the city, the tattoo will immediately be activated. They’re really quite brutal; they first suck the slave drive, then release a word of death, and assuming that kills the slave, and it always has so far, it then pulls the soul of the slave back to the city and permanently binds it into a gem, so we get to decide if they’re worth the cost of raising from the dead!”

Tal was also concerned about what this meant for his friends. “I’m not too certain about this. We use our gladiators for fights back in our home town as well, but they’ll be worthless to us if they can’t leave the city! Can’t we make an exception for our property?”

The administrator shook his head, but smiled. “I’m afraid not. But don’t worry; the tattoos can be removed again after your business is done in the city.”

Their plans suddenly changed, Tal and Danae quickly excused themselves and left to find their friends. Meanwhile, Galeron (who was getting sick of being imprisoned at this point, considering this was his third time in a row,) Thorrun, Err, Robin, Sinael, and Keth had better luck, despite their imminent branding. They soon discovered that Elayna and Tsine were indeed staying in this same pen, and were able to reunite with their old friend and Galeron’s mother.

While there, Elayna and Tsine explained what happened to them. “After I was captured by the orcs,” Elayna explained, “I was taken here for questioning. I refused to show them where Methosilang was, of course, and was soon going to be executed as an example to others. However, nearly before I was going to be executed, I was able to escape my cell and retrieve some of my old equipment. I was later recaptured, but not before taking down some orcs,” she said with some satisfaction. “Instead of executing me, they decided I deserved a more worthy death, or at least one that was more entertaining for them, so they forced me into slavery as a gladiator.”

“But that was years ago! I tried to find you, but all attempts to scry you failed!”

“That’s not surprising,” she replied. “These pens generate an anti-magic field, and the arena itself is protected against all scrying, presumably to prevent anyone from watching for free.”

Tsine’s story was less complicated. “I don’t know where I got that magical disease at,” he began, “but I think it was related somehow to Dragovigis or that “dungeon” we investigated there. Anyway I apparently became completely mad for a while there, and managed to escape Methosilang. I remember just a bit about what happened, but I think I was wondering the forests around the surface for days before orcs captured me. It turns out that I had a price on my head. I mean, we all do by now, but they were looking for me specifically. Remember that orc captain that we fought at the Shrine of Life? Well, we killed him, but apparently someone had him raised, and he’s wanted revenge against me and Rudyard in particular. Now, Rudyard is dead, but they still had a chance to get revenge on me, so he personally had me forced into the gladiator games, and wanted to lead what they are sure is the final battle against me.”

Meanwhile, Tal and Danae arrived to try and get their friends out of there before it was too late, but it was, well, too late. Imperial guards arrived at the pens to specifically escort the party, both captors and captives, to meet someone they called, “The Savior.” With little choice, they agreed.

Soon, both groups were ushered in the noble district at the top of the city. They soon were led before a female half-dragon, half-human woman. She nodded at her “guests,” and told her personal guards and the imperial ones that brought the party here, “Excellent work. Now leave me. I want to speak with our guests personally.”

They complied, and The Savior’s haughty tone suddenly changed, becoming much less arrogant. “It’s about time you got here,” she said. “I was worried you wouldn’t make it in time.”

The party looked understandably confused, prompting the woman to suddenly shudder, as her entire shape changed. When it ended, an entirely different woman stood before them.

“Venym!” Tal gasped, as he recognized the succubus that helped them fight the Nightmare Prince. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think? After your celestial friend forced me from your city, and by the way, I’m very grateful you didn’t bring him here, I didn’t have anywhere else to go. Bas still wanted me dead for my part in killing one of her Strife Masters, and I couldn’t leave the plane, so I took my chances with the dragons and orcs. It wasn’t too hard to fool them. Killing the Nightmare Prince actually gave the dragons a big victory in their war with Delaspie, since he was hindering their forces while Phellis Mune hindered Delaspie’s. I was able to convince them that I was responsible for this victory, which you have to admit was largely true. And then I helped them discover the Bas forces in their own kingdom. All this help made me into a heroine for them, hence the nickname.”

“If things are so good, then why were you looking for us?” Tal asked, as most of the rest of the party was too disgusted to even talk to such an evil creature.

“Well, I tried to get the orc empire to mobilize against Bas, but they’re too slow-moving to make decisions, and now it’s too late. You have to understand, Bas has been manipulating the orc and undead empires into greater hostility for a while now, and it’s about to descend into total war. The undead will hit the orc empire soon, and hard. I want to be out of here before it happens, so I made sure there were a lot of those flyers that I’m sure you found, and that they were very specific with who was fighting. I knew it would lure you here. And I want you to again honor your agreement with me, and take me back to Methosilang with you.”

“Why should we?” Galeron gruffly responds.

“Well, if you don’t think the original deal is enough, how about because I can get you and your mother out of here safely?”

“How do you propose you get them out of here before the fight?”

“Oh, I won’t be able to do that, but I can get you into that fight, and make sure they don’t know how strong you really are until it’s too late. You fight back against your opponents, and win, and we’ll be able to get them back into the tattoo machine to get them removed while we’re there. They’re free to leave, you teleport home, and I come with. And I can even make sure that the rest of you get fake tattoos, so that you can at least escape if something goes wrong. That’s already better than the position you’re in now.”

“And if we refuse?” Galeron, who didn’t want to make any more deals with demons, asked.

“Well, I don’t have to do anything, but I could just reveal that the lot of you are frauds, so all of you are forced to spend the rest of your lives as gladiators, and you’ll be condemning your mother and friend to die.”

The group quickly discussed this plan, and while Galeron and Thorrun refused to actively help Venym in any way, they did reluctantly accept the plan itself.

And so it was that a few days later, the entire group, including Elayna and Tsine, were at the coliseum a few days later, ready for the battle for their freedom. As per arena regulations, none of them were allowed to magically pre-enhance themselves before that battle, but they had their tactics ready for when it was time. Galeron, Thorrun, and Elayna in particular were excited about this, because Galeron had used a specific item he had been saving for just such an occasion earlier that morning…

The arena itself was an impressive affair. It was massive, and while the battle arena itself was only a hundred feet long or so, the seating and the rest of the coliseum stretched hundreds of feet more in every direction, and even farther straight up! Above their heads, the arena was partially enclosed, but there was still a lot of room to see the typically darkened skies. However, their view was blocked a bit by the dozens of dragons of every size and color that rested on special perches, watching the fight. Finally, it was time for the games to begin. The arena’s announcer, an orc with magically-enhanced voice abilities, read off the names of the heroes (or the heroes alias’ in the case of those who already were known to the orcs,) with obvious boredom. Of course, his excitement rose greatly when he first announced Elayna and Tsine, who received the expected boos and insults, and then even more when it was time for the arena favorites.

“And in this corner,” he began, “we have Criostix!” A huge, imposing frost giant entered the arena. “A favorite in this arena, he has been hand-picked by the team’s leader to back him up and prove to the world how much more powerful our empire is than these…elves.” The crowed roared, literally in the case of the dragons.

“Next up we have Zenithor!” A nervous-looking hobgoblin, dressed in traditional cleric garments and wearing a strange holy symbol, arrived. “The personal cleric of the team’s leader, he also personally brought him back from the dead to challenge those who killed him the first time!

“The team’s personal mount will be Sulfistat,” the announcer continued, as a very strange dragon entered the arena. It looked mostly like a red dragon, except it had two heads, and the second head was clearly green! “A product of the empire’s research to make ourselves even more powerful, he contains the best aspects of two of our most powerful draconic citizens!”

“Aaaaaaand finally, the leader of the team. You know him, you love him, I give you Khat’Shir’Mol!” A familiar orc entered the arena, and climbed onto the back of the dragon. “Butchered by these inferior beings, when he was just trying to save his sick and dying chief. A man so willing to save his hero that he was willing to call a truce with these savage just so he could be cured, only for them to break a truce with him!” The crowd was in an uproar. “But now, at last, he shall get his revenge!”

With that, both sides had entered the arena, and only one person was missing from the games for it to begin. The crowd began to chant his name, quietly at first and then louder and louder. “Ka’Drylog. Ka’Drylog! Ka’Drylog!! KA’DRYLOG!!!”

And, on cue, the Head that Rules the Claw, the emperor of orcs and dragons, entered the arena and sat on his personal throne. He was being guarded by two of the oldest of dragons, and even let Venym sit on his royal enclave during the fight. He also was no longer an orc, exactly, but rather a massive, twelve-foot tall metal creature, carved in the shape of a massive orc. He looked at the arena below him, and in a metallic but brutal voice, shouted out “Let the games begin!”

Before the fight itself, though, both sides were allowed a few moments to prepare some enhancement magic, which they happily used. Before the first attack, both sides were largely flying, hasted, protected were various energies, and far more. And then, what was going to be the most epic fight the arena had ever seen began!

Or at least it was supposed to be the most epic fight. It certainly appeared that way to Sinael, who was the first to respond when the fighting officially began. When he saw the dragon and giant charging at him, he lost his nerve and immediately fled to the edge of the arena, where he remained for the entire fight!

For Galeron, Elayna, and Thorrun, however, things looked a lot less bleak, for one simple reason: that morning, Galeron burned an incense of meditation while they prayed for their spells. Since all three worshipped the same goddess, all of them were affected, and this soon proved to be devastating to their enemy. While Robin, Danae, Tsine, and Tal focused their energies on taking out Zenithor the cleric before he could start healing his companions, the three clerics unleashed an endless rain of heavenly fire, which was all enhanced to maximum power by the incense, on the unfortunate frost giant. Between their power and the attacks of Err and Keth, both Criostix and Zenithor were dead before they could even swing a weapon or cast a spell!

If Khat’Shir’Mol was worried about this, neither he nor his mount showed it. Sulfistat the dragon charged right at Err and Keth, brutalizing both with his double heads full of razor-sharp teeth and unnatural strong claws, wings and tail. Meanwhile, Khat fired upon them both with his gun, a magically enhanced version that he had been specially trained in ever since his death. It was enough to wound both the half-dragons, but it was too little, too late. The party followed through from their first incredible round with a wave of green slime from one of Galerons’s spells, which sucked much of Khat’s strength away, and a ray of dark magic by Danae, weakening him further. The rest of the party closed in around the dragon, beating him down with weapons, of fired on it or Khat from a distance with arrows and magic. The duo got one last chance to respond, but even then, the dragon was forced to waste the stronger of his two breath weapons to destroy the green slime on his master (who was magically immune to fire at the moment and thus otherwise unaffected by the breath,) and barely damaged the heroes around it with the other. The party continued to hammer it with attacks, until it finally died.

And then exploded.

In a move that shocked everyone, the dragon immediately entered death throws upon dying, and released a massive blast of both fire and acid on everyone near it. Only Err and Keth were close enough from the hero’s side to be affected, but while Err’s draconic nature let him resist most of the effect, Keth wasn’t so lucky. Wounded heavily already from the dragon attacks, the fires of the blast consumed him, killing the unfortunate creature. However, in a twist of irony, Khat’Shir’Mol was also fatally wounded by the acid of the blast. As he died, he gave the party a look of utter contempt and hatred, and though he died that day, the party knew that a creature with as much power and resources as him would be able to get revived, and that he’ll never stop trying to kill the party.

It was about this time that the party noticed something else unsettling. The crowd didn’t seem to be reacting to the fight at all. There were no cheers for when their champions attacked the party, nor were there cries of outrage and sorry now that their heroes all lied dead. Instead, they were murmuring nervously to themselves, and looking around, and especially up. The party also looked up, and realized exactly what was making everyone so worried. The coliseum, and potentially the entire city, was under attack.

OOC Notes: Wow, it feels kind of good doing this again! Sorry about the cliffhanger, but don’t worry. The conclusion to this story and the denouement after the climax will be dealt with later this weekend, probably on Thursday. This will be a one-time thing, though, so don’t expect me to start going back to mid-week Story Hours all of a sudden. Anyway, I was pleased with how this one turned out. Maybe writing fairly regular fiction for a month helped me get more into the spirit of writing these than I was before.


First Post
In the Wake of the War

Above the coliseum, the sky was even darker than normal as a result of the battle being fought above. Hundreds of undead creatures, from spectres and wraiths to truly powerful entities like bats made entirely out of darkness and destruction, were flying into the coliseum, and the upper levels of dragons flew up to fight them. However, many of the incorporeal undead simply ignored them, and even the mightiest of dragons were being checked by their magical threats. Soon the entire stadium was in chaos. The Head that Rules the Claw was on his feet, fighting back swarms of undead with magical beams of light, and he was so distracted that he didn’t notice The Savior fleeing as fast as she could. An undead that resembled a mournful elf maiden floated through the audience, wailing in agony, and all around her dropped dead as she passed. Meanwhile, a skeletal figure riding one of the bats pointed a finger at the battle arena itself, and a beam of green energy struck something invisible midway down. The protective barrier of force that originally protected the audience from the combat down, swarms of undead began to fly straight towards the surviving members of the party. Leading the group, however, was perhaps the most repulsive creature of them all. It was little more than a sphere, but it appeared to be made entirely out of hundreds of corpses!

Not surprisingly, the party decided this would be the ideal distraction for them to use to find and use the tattoo removal machine. As they fled, the floating sphere shuddered, causing dozens of bodies to dislodge and plummet towards them. To make the entire scene even more horrific, the bodies were enchanted to scream in fear and misery as the fell! A few of the heroes were struck by falling bodies as they fled, but they realized time was of the essence, and continued. The undead were just about ready to get on their feet and pursue them when the party made out of the arena floor.

As they got closer to the machine, things just kept getting worse and worse around them. As they reached the nearby building it was enclosed in, they saw a blue dragon flying about wildly, apparently burning from the inside out by a fire spirit that possessed it. As they ran into the building and towards the machine, the stable doors burst open behind them, as a morbidly obese zombie-like undead dashed out, looking for its next meal. As they passed the armory, six of the swords seemingly rose up by their own power, and then began to spin around in a whirlwind, as another undead in the center possessed them. Finally, they managed to reach the machine, and Tsine and Elayna got their tattoos removed while the rest of the group stood guard or prepared to teleport everyone away to safety. As they stood guard, however, Tal noticed a strange book strewn on the floor. Tal took it for later perusal, and before the undead could reach the room, the tattoos were removed and the party was ready to go.

Of course, before they could leave, they did have one semi-unwelcome arrival. “Are we ready to go?” Venym asked. “See, I told you this would be a really unpleasant place to be very soon.”

Galeron tried to protest, but Danae wouldn’t hear it, and she was the one doing the teleporting! Soon, everyone, including Elayna, Tsine, and Venym, were safely on the outskirts of Methosilang, where unofficial members like Venym could be transported in through physical means without being affected by the divine protection of the city.

So ended the adventure, but for two notable events. The first came when Tal read the book he found. It appeared to be a standard history book, perhaps left there by the machine’s operator to alleviate the boredom, but the minor coincidence that led them to find the book turned out to be more like fate when they actually read it. It was actually a book about the times of the founding of the two empires and Methosilang, and the arrival of the dark moons. According to the orc scholars who wrote it, Bha-Ael, the head goddess of the pantheon, was once a mortal who willing absorbed some of Nerull’s power to become a goddess. She used this power to form a new pantheon, opposing Nerull with his own strength. However, if that was true, that means that their goddesses and the god of death are inherently tied together. That could mean that if the undead empire was truly defeated and Nerull lost his dominance on this world, their goddesses could be lost as well!

The second notable event occurred that night. Galeron and Tsine, though with the results of the rescue, were troubled about what they learned from the book. They were so troubled, in fact, that they were visited that night by Lady Memory again! She told them that she was indeed responsible for letting the party find the book, and wanted to reward Galeron and Tsine by offering them the chance to serve her directly as more than mere mortals! Both Galeron and Tsine, though initially reluctant, chose to serve her. Though happy to see his mother again, Galeron’s faith in his goddess was shaken by all the strange things he learned about her, and he no longer believed they could truly be the salvation of his people. As for Tsine, he had to admit that he never really felt he was part of this world, as demonstrated by the way he was torn between his martial and magic talents, and the months of illness and captivity just made things worse.

The next day, the party awoke to learn of the loss of their two friends. Though the church and Tsine’s family were devastated, the members of the party who were also visited by Lady Memory years ago could sense that they were someplace where they were happy.

OOC Notes: This was a very important game, which featured the end of three characters (four if you count Tsine, who had reached NPC status by now,) and two players. The characters were Keth, who died and whose player opted not to revive him, since he was so similar to Err, Sinael, whose player was getting bored with a rogue at this point, hence his lack of activity in the major battle, and Galeron. Galeron’s player unfortunately had to move after this game, which was why the game was a little rushed. Originally, there was going to be a preliminary arena fight before the main event. And as you might have guessed, the undead fight was rushed as well, as most of the undead mentioned were going to be in the way of the party as they fled and would have had to be fought en route.

The other player to leave left due to lack of interest and inter-party conflict. He played Damien and Roryn before, but had to leave the group for a while, and never could really get back into the game afterwards. As a result, expect some new players fairly soon into the plot.

As for the game itself, well, the arena battle went much more easily than I thought it would. Just as a general hint? Incense of Meditation is very overpowered for its cost! The original plan was for at least a few of them to be left when the undead showed up, forcing the party and the survivors to form a brief alliance, or at least a three way battle, to survive. The undead monster at the end, called a Granfaloon, was borrowed from the video game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. And though I couldn’t use one in battle this time, expect me to give it a few more tries later!


First Post
Neurotic said:
I've tried it. We don't usualy play D&D but GURPS (GULLIVER rules) so mechanics are somewhat different but still.... If you don't put their noses to it, they won't see it ;)

Anyhow, great work LordVyreth. I tried something similar to Quill of Destiny, but my players were much more mundane. One asked to become High Priest of Mask and didn't specify timeframe, another just asked for lots of gold, again not specified and third refused a challenge :(

They were mostly newbies (all played for less then 5 sessions) but still...

Btw, Neurotic, how did this game turn out, anyway? How did you turn the requests into the campaign world? And what challenge was refused, exactly? One of mine or did you add your own?


First Post
TIE's Trap: Roivas Manor

For a few days after their successful mission at Fierypyre, the heroes of Methosilang just relaxed, and took care of unfinished business. This included the now routine task of selling the treasure they managed to earn during their last journey, and the purchase of new equipment. This time, they also had to settle the accounts of Tsine and Galeron, and do their best to comfort their friends and family, and show them that their loved ones are not dead, but merely elsewhere. Of course, this was easier said than done, and the church in particular had problems with it, ironically enough.

They also had to deal with the losses within their own group. Keth was dead and Galeron was gone, leaving them with noticeable gaps within their abilities. In additions, Sinael had made a decision. While he was happy helping the party so far, he had to admit that he just was not prepared to handle danger at the level that the group was seeing now. After all, he had made a name for himself in the town’s thief’s guild, and he could probably have a very comfortable life just staying here in Methosilang, where the greatest danger he could face were the city guards.

So the group had to find both new allies to assist them in their quest, and then decide what exactly they should do next. The first goal, at least, proved to be fairly easy to complete. The church was still upset at the loss of one of their best priests, and despite Thorrun’s assurances that his former mentor willingly left this world, the church was still suspicious, and decided to have one of their own accompany the group. That cleric was a dwarf worshipper of None named Scythe, who brusquely arrived one day just as the group was meeting to plan their next move. “Now, I know you lot are supposed to be heroes and all,” he began, “but don’t think that I’ll be going soft on you because of that. I want to know what’s really going on, and I’m not going away until I find out what it is.”

Of course, the group, though worried about Dragovigis, Lady Memory, and the other secrets they had, welcomed the healer into the party, hoping that the experience will convince Scythe and the church of the essentially benevolent change Galeron made. Plus, traveling into dangers like they now see on a usual basis without any kind of magical healing was suicide!

The second new recruit was gained through pure luck. Tal had to hire some new staff for his manor now that Tsine couldn’t handle any of the duties, including a new head chef. When an applicant arrived, Tal noticed he looked familiar. Finally, it came to him. “Aren’t you Wong Fe Hong, the traveling adventurer?”

Wong looked embarrassed and nodded, “Well, yes, but I wanted to try something different for a while. I’m also an expert chef, but I never really did it professionally.”

“Well, if you’re interested, we’re looking for powerful warriors like yourself. We’re currently looking for ways to better prepare the country for the upcoming war with Bas, and ultimately we believe the salvation of the world. Would you like to accompany us?”

Wong thought for a moment, and replied, “Can I still be a chef in between missions to save the world?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“I’ll do it!”

Their need for personnel fulfilled, the party’s next objective was finding out how exactly they will help Methosilang prepare for the war, but easily enough, this goal also walked up and knocked on the door. Literally.

Their new guest appeared to be exceedingly plain at first, but Robin recognized him easily enough. “You’re the guardian for TIE, right? I almost didn’t recognize you without your blue skin.”

The nameless figure nodded, and addressed the group, including a confused Scythe and nonchalant Wong. “I was ordered to inform you that TIE, my ruler, has expressed an interest in visiting you again. It wanted to assure you that this time, it had nothing to do with The Lady Memory. TIE personally believes it can provide you with something crucial, though what it is I can not say.”

Remembering the information they got from TIE last time (not to mention the solid block of copper,) they decided to pay it another visit. Scythe, of course, protested when they prepared to leave and wanted to know what was going on.

“We’re going to meet an old friend,” Tal replied. “Don’t worry, only Robin and I remain from the group that first met it.”

“It?” Scythe gasped.

“You’ll understand in time,” Tal simply said, smiling. “You’re not going to back out already are you, after promising that you won’t go away?”

Scythe quickly hushed, and soon the entire group (minus Venym, who was seeking sanctuary in Danae’s guild until they could figure out what to do with her,) had teleported back to the lost continent, and specifically TIE’s mountain home. However, when they arrived, Tie’s room had again changed. This time, it was completely empty, save for a small pillar where a scroll rested. Tal quickly opened it and glanced through it, but noticed most of the writing was magical. With a quick spell, Scythe translated the magical writing into the runes needed to cast various spells of restorations, and Tal continued with the more mundane text in the school. “I’m glad that you decided to take me up on my offer for more information,” the note, apparently from TIE, read. “However, before we can speak, I decided it would be more appropriate if we had a little fun first. I found a slight imbalance in the planes recently, and decided to isolate the problem until it could be corrected. Since you’re here and all, though, I’ll let you take care of this one. Figure out the problem and eliminate it, and we can go from there.”

Tal finished reading it aloud, and then looked up, and was shocked by what he saw. The cave they were in was gone, and they were instead standing outside of what appears to be some elegant manor. It was raining, and so dark that they could barely see more than about fifty feet away from the porch, so they had no idea what was beyond the boundaries of the house. No sooner did Tal and the others arrive, however, than the manor’s front door was thrown open, and a human dressed in formal attire greeted them. “Ah, the masters of the house!” he said. “We were so worried about you, what with the weather and all, especially with you being so late. We’re glad you’re safe. Come in, and warm yourself. I’ll have one of the maids draw a bath.”

The perplexed party entered the manor, and surveyed what they saw. The manor was certainly impressive, but at the same time there was something strange and oveworldly about it, as it didn’t seem to be built in a way that reflected any customs or culture that they heard of. Conversely, the manor’s servants, who were gathered around the front door in a crowd of dozens, were all human, yet didn’t seem to be the slightest bit concerned with the elves, dwarves, half-dragons, and other strange creatures in the party.

Despite their unusual arrival, both Err and Scythe took it in stride fairly quickly. Err began to look for the kitchen and started asking the servants “Me hungry. Make us dinner.” Scythe, meanwhile, was still not used to adventuring again and asked to see one of the bedrooms so he could rest and recover from the headache he got from the apparent dimensional travel.

The others, however, were less willing to accept the situation. “What do you mean the masters of the house?” Tal asked.

“You are the new masters of the house, are you not? We were told you were coming. And if you’re not the masters, what are you doing here?”

Tal and Danae quickly conversed while Robin examined the manor’s decorations and Wong followed Err into the kitchen. Finally, the two decided to just do this the easy way. “Yes, of course we are the masters of the house. Now, I want to know what’s been going on here,” Danae said, getting information the verbal way while Tal and Danae examined the manor itself.

They soon discovered quite a number of strange objects in the house. Paintings of members of a family called Roivas covered the walls, suggesting that they owned the manor. The people generally looked noble in the paintings, but there was something unsettling about them as well, as if each one was disturbed. Tal possibly discovered one reason for this when he found a family tree of the family in the manor’s library. According to it, the family’s history included criminals, mental patients, heretics, scientists of strange and forbidden lore, and even a member who was burned as a witch! Meanwhile, Robin found a strange globe, which gave some clues that the manor truly was from another world. According to the globe, this manor was inside a country called the “United States,” which Robin of course never heard of. He did find it strange, however, that he could even read the globe, since there was no way he knew the language of these people.

Meanwhile, Danae was told about the recent events of the manor just as Tal was doing research on the same subject. Apparently, a few decades ago, the then-current owner of the house, a retired doctor, went mad and killed off all his servants, and was then committed at a local insane asylum until his mercifully quick death. Tal discovered the same doctor’s notes, which consisted mostly of rantings about how all of his servants were really disguised monsters, and some sort of city of demons that resided below the manor and can be accessed from the manor’s basement. This struck Tal as odd, since in his initial investigations of the manor, he didn’t even find a way into the basement! His ruminations were quickly over, when he heard a maid scream, and it was coming from the room he was in!

Fortunately, many of the others heard it as well, and Robin, Danae, and Wong were there to help. Err and Scythe, however, were still absent, with Err wandering around the house in an attempt to get some food while Scythe continued resting. The rest of the party found the maid standing frozen in a state of shock, while a strange line of blood was being pumped from her through the air to a strange creature about five feet away. The creature was built vaguely like a gorilla, but it had massive tusks like an elephant, and razor-sharp claws. None of them knew what it was, but they didn’t really think that was relevant, either. Tal quickly struck the creature with his sword, causing the line to break. As soon as the creature’s attack finished, however, it completely disappeared!

The party tried to figure out what happened, but they soon heard the sounds of heavy footsteps and felt something invisible push past them! The creature was still there, apparently, so except for Tal, who stayed behind to check on the maid and make sure she was okay, the group chased the creature. They followed it up the manor’s stairs to the second floor, and then near the bedrooms, where Scythe finally heard the sounds of combat and awoke to help the group. Danae, however, broke off the chase when she heard Err call out, “Come here guys! Found thing!”

Soon, Robin, Wong, and Scythe had the invisible creature cornered in the bedroom, where Scythe used his magic to purge the area of all invisibility effects, revealing the creature in all of its horrible glory. In fact, as he was preparing to attack it, Robin met the creature’s gaze, and felt some force attacking his very mind and sanity. There was nothing but personified madness behind the creature’s eyes, and though he resisted as best as he could, he nonetheless felt his mind surrendering slightly to the insanity. However, this did nothing but increase his desire to destroy the damned thing, so he, Wong, and Scythe began to wail on the now-invisible thing.

This went on for a few minutes, in fact, even though the creature lost consciousness after only a few attacks. They soon discovered that even after doing enough damage to normally kill such a creature, it was still slowly regenerating. Even after chopping it into little pieces, it was slowly putting itself back together again. Finally, Wong and Scythe quit out of boredom, and left to find Err while Robin continued to hack away at the creature in frustration.

Meanwhile, the group converged on what Err found, which turned out to be a very strange doorway into the attic. It appeared to be made of adamantium, and thus it stood out quite a bit from the rest of the manor’s surroundings. It was also locked, a fact that Err was trying to remedy by smacking the door repeatedly. “Um, sir, please don’t do that,” one of the gathered servants said. “We do have the key for that door, but we strongly recommend you don’t go in there,” he reluctantly admitted.

“Why is that?” Scythe asked suspiciously.

“Nothing important, but the floor up in the attic is very weak. It’s hazardous walking around up there,” the servant replied.

Regardless of the warning, the party opened the lock and investigated the attic. Contrary to what the servant said, the floors looked acceptable, but the inhabitants of the room were far more dangerous. Three of them looked like strange, mantis-like creatures, but they were the size of humans and had vaguely human faces. The other two were as large as an ogre, seemed to be made entirely of muscle, and instead of a head, it had three giant eyes where a neck would normally be. All five appeared to be guarding some strange slab of stone, and charged as soon as the party arrived!

The worst thing about this fight was, just like the invisible creature before, as soon as these creatures got close to the party, they met the looks of a few party members and immediately sucked their sanity away! The ones who suffered the worse from this onslaught were Robin (again,) Wong, who really suffered from the sudden loss of insight, and Tal’s familiar Violet, who’s normally alert nature proved a hindrance this time. Nonetheless, the fight went quickly from this point, after Danae cleared away many of the foes with a simple fireball and the party’s many melee fighters finished the job. Remarkably, after Wong killed one of the creatures with one quick neck-snapping punch, he felt his mind partially stabilizing, as if defeating these creatures helped the brain reconcile their existence with the world. Sadly, by this time, the unaffected Danae and Err wiped out most of the enemies, forcing Scythe to use his spells and the restoration spells on the scroll to heal most of the party members. He decided that Tal’s familiar, however, could wait until the current crisis passed, which proved to be distressing for both Tal and his familiar, who began to get very distressed by the loss of sanity, and spent much of her time in a demented daze. And Robin still wasn’t near 100% effective, either.

After killing the monsters, the party examined the stone they were guarding. It looked fairly simple, except for an unfamiliar rune carved onto it. For now, the group decided not to damage it or affect it until they knew what it was, and while it was too heavy for most of the group to even lift, Err hefted it onto his back with almost no effort. As they left the attic, though, a worried servant ran up to the group and cried, “There’s been another attack! One of the servants is having its life sucked out by a monster!”

Err thought long and hard about this situation, or at least as hard as he could, and he came to one logical conclusion. “Me leaving!” he yelled, as he sprinted towards the door of this crazy place!

As the rest of the party went to deal with the threat, Err ended up outside, with a worried servant tailing him and begging him to come back in and put that rock in a safe place. Err didn’t even pretend to listen, though, until he reached the end of the manor’s lawn…and found nothing. Literally. Beyond the house’s property, the ground ended in an abrupt cliff, and beyond that was oblivion!

After spending a few minutes sitting down and crying, Err got up and spent a few more minutes walking around the manor, making sure that there wasn’t another way out. Meanwhile, the rest of the group had caught up to the fight, which was taking place right next to the manor foyer. Once again, it was one of the life-draining monsters, but this time, it ran as soon as the party arrived. The party tracked it as it moved towards one of the walls of the Foyer, and then abruptly vanished, even though Scythe had again removed its invisibility! Following a gut impulse, Scythe enhanced his magical vision to gain the sight of absolute truth, and then examined the “wall” that the creature escaped, and sure enough, there was an open door there, into what looked like the basement!

“So, do we go in?” Danae asked.

A worried Robin shrugged. “I don’t think we should yet. I don’t think we’re prepared. We should go outside, set up camp, and return to this crazy house tomorrow to finish things off.” This was much more cowardly than Robin normally acted, but then, the rest of the group wasn’t seeing the place through his eyes. From his view of things, the entire house was filled with an eerie red light, everything looked tilted about 15 degrees, the paintings were replaced with gory scenes of violent hellscapes, the statues were all turning their heads to watch him, and he was hearing ghostly laughter and footsteps every few seconds!

The group reluctantly agreed, so they grabbed Err when he finished his circumnavigation of the Roivas rock, and Tal set up one of his new magic items: a portable, instantly-assembled, fortress! Though it took up the entire lawn of the manor (and theoretically threatened to tip the rock over,) it was perfect for giving the entire group the rest it needed. Well, everyone rested except for poor Violet, which spent most of the night suffering from horrible nightmares.

The next day, the group refreshed, healed Robin and Violet’s minds a bit, and ventured into the manor again. They entered, however, to find almost the entire manor staff waiting for them. This time, they were not enthusiastic to meet the party, nor were they, apparently, breathing! In one voice, they said in a monotone, “You abandoned us last night, and the creatures murdered us. But they gave us a chance to get our revenge in the name of our new lord, Ulyaoth!” Again as one, they charged.

However, the party had more important things to do now. Wong reached the door first, but stopped short when he found an invisible barrier where the door should be. Tal was ready for this, however, and quickly fired a green ray of disintegration at the wall, shattering it instantly. He, along with Err, Robin, Danae, and Scythe, ran into the basement, while Wong waited behind to deal with the undead servants, which fortunately didn’t apparently have the same mind-draining ability that the other creatures had.

Meanwhile, the group descended into the basement, where they found a second runic stone, and apparently both the second life-sucking monster and the nearly fully-healed first one that Robin had chopped to bits! Also in the room was a pair of strange, tiny, bug creatures. They seemed oblivious to the group so far, however.

The group charged down the stairs to confront the beasts, but when they got too close, the two bug creatures suddenly noticed the group, and started emitting high-pitched chirping noises to express their awareness. Unafraid, Err and Robin led the group to the basement, and were rewarded when the two bugs released strange pulses of energy, which seemingly caused both Err and Robin to completely vanish! Fortunately, this also apparently killed the bugs, which used up all their energy in the attack.

This just left three party members to deal with the creatures. Fortunately, it appeared that the one that Robin and the others wounded last night suddenly stopped regenerating as soon as Err vanished, so Danae, Tal, and Scythe focused their attacks on him, killing him quickly now that he was no longer able to heal from his wounds.

Meanwhile, Err and Robin found themselves at the end of a series of floating islands. They seemed to be connected by a series of teleportation circles, with a final exit circle at the end of the chain, but since both Err and Robin could fly, it was irrelevant. However, as they flew towards the exit, a number of zombies on the islands noticed them and futilely started walking towards them. Robin shot a few of them out of habit, and except for each one having a strange habit of screaming out the word “Ulyaoth” and exploding shortly before dying, there was nothing unusual about them. However, Robin found that he regained more of his sanity with each one he killed, so he eagerly finished off the entire group. Meanwhile, Err noticed that in addition to the teleportation circles, the islands contained a number of brightly-glowing shafts of light. Finding a blue one pretty and shiny, he flew over to touch it, and immediately found his intelligence had returned. “Ah, a most remarkable development!” the formerly-titled Err said, being grateful to use actual grammar again.

The two eventually flew into the teleportation circle, and out of the strange pocket dimension and back into the basement of the manor, where the rest of the party was finishing off the second life-creature. As soon as he arrived, Err noticed that the first one was killed, and then realized the stone he was carrying had also just crumbled to dust. Eager to give deductive reasoning another try, he realized that the two were related, and it was the stone who was granting the creatures their endless life force. He was about to reveal this to the party, but before he could, Danae fired a ray at the second lifethief, which struck it dead instantly anyway, making its relation to the stone pointless.

After the second monster was dead, its stone also crumbled, revealing a small well in the basement. The party examined the hole, and discovered a ladder leading further downward. Tal and Danae looked at each other with shock and dread. After noticing the curious glances of the others, Danae explained, “Apparently, one of the old owners of the manor thought there was an ancient, evil city under the house. They thought he was crazy, but now I have my doubts. And since we’re still here, I bet that whatever the imbalance is, we can find it there.”

OOC Notes: This adventure introduced Wong, the new character of Sinael’s player, and Scythe, who was a bit more complicated. Keth’s player was absent this game, but one of my players had a friend who was interested in joining, so he made Scythe. However, he only showed up for the first game, but Keth’s player arrived the next game, and we decided that for now, if he was willing to accept it, he could play Scythe until we reached a better point to introduce a new character. Besides, we still needed a cleric in the group!

As for the adventure itself, it was ripped off most thoroughly from the video game Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, for the Gamecube. It’s a typical survival horror game, but it had an innovative feature that caused you to lose sanity every time you saw a monster, and get some back every time you killed one. For this game, I used a template based on these monsters, many of the game’s monsters themselves, the setting for three of the game’s chapters, and even the main plot points for two of those chapters! Of course, translating all those monsters and rules into D&D format took as much time as a regular adventure write-up would take, but I did it for fun months before, so I could relax a bit for this game.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I used your Quill od Destiny dungeon as template, but added challenge branching so you couldn't just walk away from challenge. Also, challenges were different (such as hacking through the jungle or running underwater; for mental side, riddle solving...Dragon was center point for both paths Mental and Physical. Also, I had only one literate character so introduced pictures like those on the start. Entrance to QoD dungeon was a mirror found as treasure in another dungeon quest. One of the players never entered it, exploring outside instead. Others survived by avoiding the dragon, taking alternate paths.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I thank you for the idea. It had much less epic impact in my world, it was never ment as intro, but as part of existing adventure and path to quick power for players.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As for monsters, I find them exciting for reading, but most of the powers would make them too strong for low point GURPS adventure. Chars are 150pts (around 3rd level in D&D terms - but about CR1 for monsters, it doesn't translate well)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
My challenges were as follows:
Strength - Exactly as killing the kobold
Health(Endurance/Constitution) - Running through jungle knee-deep in water(First solved by dice)
Persistence - Rotating walls - I made my player run through five doors round through the house carrying tennis balls :)
Death - Dragon(young) - no body went in
Reasoning(Intelligence) -
Intuition(Wisdom) - I set some riddles and two questions from an IQ test
Dexterity - same as yours

Strength / \ - -Persistance
/ \ / \
Start -- --Death---- ---- Quill
\ / \ /
Dexterity ---Wisdom---
\ /

Orbs had meaning: 10 sec worth of writing (those who were illiterate learned how to, but players had to write in CAPITALISED letters to simulate slowness.


First Post
Heh, I never even considered the literacy thing. Of course, in D&D terms, the only illiterate PC race is the barbarian, but Ka'Drylog was a straight barbarian, so he theoretically might have been challenged by that. I'll have to see if I still have his character sheet around, and see if I gave him the literacy skill, or if I just have to hand-wave it away with a "The gods let you see here" similar to what you did.

I can imagine it would be tough using this setup in a pre-existing campaign. I wouldn't risk using except at the start or end of a campaign, myself, in case someone uses it to become a god or gain complete control over the world or something like that. It could make the Deck of Many Things look balanced by comparison! :)

Anyway, sorry about the lack of updates this week. I planned on getting one out yesterday, but got writer's block/distraction and ran out of time. Expect one today, with any luck! This one will finish up the Eternal Darkness part of the TIE's Trap plotline, but there will still be a few more updates to go before that bit is done.

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